Saturday, October 9, 2021

You're All Smart and I Am Not

Okay, all you clever, astute people who correctly identified the patch of asparagus ferns pictured in my previous post.  I had no luck pulling this one over on you.
Plus, as my daughter reminded me, I've probably posted almost identical pictures of the asparagus ferns a couple of times in the past.  And, of course, identified them as to what they were.  I guess I can't stop myself.  Aren't they lovely when covered with droplets of rain?
If you, Anonymous who was the first one to comment, will send me your name and mailing address, I'll get the set of potholders in the mail to you.
And I promise not to post any more pictures of asparagus ferns again within the next couple of years.  Maybe. 


Rosalea said...

Darn!! I missed out!

JustGail said...

If you need a couple of "what is it?" photos, I can help you out. I'll be of no help to declare a winner because I have no idea what the answer is. A couple of weeds (or native plants?), a couple of bugs...

Your garden (few posts back) looks so nice - raised beds, no weeds, trellises... How far apart are your beds? I'm thinking something has to be done differently for my garden - the bending over just isn't going so good any more.