Yesterday I had an errand to run and Papa Pea suggested he go along and afterward, we would go on a short leaf-looking tour as it seems as though the autumnal colors may have reached their peak in our neck o' the woods.
When we're in a vehicle together, he does about 99% of the driving because 1) I have never enjoyed driving, and 2) he says he's more comfortable driving than being a passenger. Good deal, right?
Yesterday I was feeling generous and offered to drive so he could sit back and enjoy the scenery. Surprisingly, he readily agreed to the arrangement.
Off we went, made our necessary stop on one of the back roads and then headed off for our color tour. We did see some lovely scenery.
However, there came a point when I didn't know where we were. I hadn't passed any of the landmarks I thought we should be passing. I couldn't figure out when and where I got on the road we were on and off the road I thought we should have been on.
Papa Pea was enjoying being chauffeured around and assumed I knew where I was going. (Ha.)
As I was about to expose my ignorance (and once again admit my total lack of directional sense), we came out onto the main road. Arrrgh.
No biggie as we were then in familiar territory, and I was no longer lost. (Of course, my husband knew where we were all the time.) But for me, it was oh-so-frustrating as it again proved I truly have no sense of direction.
If I ever had to make a cross-country trip driving by myself, I have no doubt that I know exactly what would happen. I would be lost forever.