Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Chickens, Compost and Asparagus

Our chickens seem thrilled to be outside and able to roam their yard and pasture in this good weather.  They're already finding bugs, worms and the first of the green grass.

While Mr. Rooster watches his happy flock, several hens gleefully take a communal dust bath. (I'd be gleeful, too, if I hadn't had a bath in months.)

Papa Pea is spreading beautiful black compost on the field garden.

While he was doing that, I worked on prepping the asparagus patch for the season.  Old dead ferns removed, the first of the early weeds dug out by their roots, compost applied to the top of each ridge and mulch laid down between the rows.  All set for the first little green spears to appear.  Asparagus has many beneficial qualities.  It's loaded with antioxidants that promote detoxification (no wonder some people feel it's a spring tonic) and is great for your gut health.  And we all know good gut health is instrumental in promoting health throughout our whole body.  So bring it on! 


Michelle said...

Some friends gave us a bucket of fresh-picked asparagus last weekend and it is SO GOOD. I used half for asparagus rarebit over toast, and will use the other half tonight to make some fancy pasta.

Mama Pea said...

Michelle - I know your season is way ahead of ours so I'm salivating thinking of that first fresh asparagus of ours! I can make a meal out of fresh asparagus cooked just until it's warm, with butter and salt. Mmmm, good. (Now you and your guys are detoxed!)

SmartAlex said...

When I was a kid we had a wonderful, gentle rooster. I remember how he watched over his ladies, finding tidbits for them and calling them over for the special goodies. He was such a nice guy.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

We are already picking asparagus here, but mine is not weed free like your garden bed. I am hoping to be back to gardening in a few weeks.

Rosalea said...

Happy chickens! Good to see that things are starting to progress in your neck of the woods.
No asparagus here yet either. Still waiting to remove the protecting ferns from last year. Arctic front is coming down...ground is white this morning. It is a bit nippy....

Mama Pea said...

SmartAlex - A year or so ago when we had to replace our old, geriatic rooster we kept two newly hatched roosters to check out their personalities. One kept beating the stuffings out of the other so we got rid of the "mean guy" and kept the other hoping he would turn into a good one if given a chance. And that's our current one you saw in the picture. He's a kind soul and does his job taking care of his girls as he should.

Pioneer Woman at Heart - I know you're doing all you can right now. The weeds will wait!

Rosalea - You're still getting snows? Arrrgh. I won't complain about our cool temps then. At least no snow here.

Tim B. Inman said...

My gut must be super healthy! I've eaten so much asparagus that I now have a cold sore breaking out on my lip though. It's always something, isn't it?

Some years ago I had a rooster named 'Rocky.' He was a gorgeous barred rock guy. He got so mean I had to glue epoxy boxing gloves (little balls) onto the ends of his spurs to keep him from sticking me. He was mean, but he was funny. So he got to hang around Oakdale Farm awhile...until one day his gloves came off and he actually sank his spur into my shin bone. Soup! I made 'Spur Rings' out his stickers for my sister's Christmas present.


Mama Pea said...

Tim - I think everyone who keeps (or has kept) chickens has a rooster story. I guess occasionally ornery animals (including poultry) appear just the same as ornery people. Rocky strutting around the chicken yard with those "boxing gloves" attached to his spurs must have provided a conversation piece!

Anonymous said...

So glad you're posting again! You were missed and we're so glad you're OK! We were worried. OH, glorious SPRING!

Mama Pea said...

Anonymous - Thank you! All is well here and I think the coming of spring (we're slow up here, ya know) has given me a posting boost. Hope so, anyway. No planting yet but feels good to be getting the soil ready.