Wednesday, November 16, 2022

I Think We Can Officially Call It Winter

We've gotten a little over a foot of snow since yesterday, and it's still coming down.  Can't remember a year in the last few that we've gotten more than a smattering of snow before Christmas.

Papa Pea is happy because as soon as there's enough snow (and there is now!) he banks it up all around the perimeter of the house.  He's sure it keeps the house warmer.   And saves on firewood.

My raised beds are quickly going under.  Sure am glad I got the two strawberry patches covered with mulch last week.

The log peanut butter feeder for the birds went up just prior to the snow.  Last night I almost got a picture of one of our resident flying squirrels packing his belly full but shy little creatures they are, as I got close enough for the photo he scampered away.

We hang the feeder where we can both see it when sitting at our kitchen table.  Lots of chickadees, nuthatches and one downy woodpecker have discovered it.
I still need to get a suet ball to hang on the big birch tree right next to the deck.  The made-up balls were getting fairly pricey at the grocery store in town last year so I'm trying to think of what I have to make my own this year.
Yep, I do believe it's time to say, "Hello, Winter!"  


Michelle said...

Yay for a good, covering snowfall!

DFW said...

Looks cold but at the same time cozy to me. Glad you guys are always prepared. I bet it makes getting through the winters so much better.

Mama Pea said...

Michelle - You betcha! :o)

DFW - Oh, yes. If one is not prepared in our climate, it can be down right miserable! We always have a certain number of youngish folks who hitch hike up to this area in the spring thinking they're gonna canoe, fish, harvest wild foods in the woods and live the good life. We call them the Easter Bananas after a friend who named them that. They stick around through the lovely fall season but the minute weather like this hits, they high-tail it back "home" and easier living!

tpals said...

Trying to keep up with feeding the wild ones can be a challenge. Ours seem to be packing it away ahead of the big chill coming.

Leigh said...

Definitely winter! All your photos are like picture postcards - so pretty!

Mama Pea said...

tpals - I agree with you. The animals/birds still seem to have the instinct to know when there's going to be a weather change, don't they? I just looked at the peanut butter feeder a few minutes ago when I got up and it's evident our flying squirrel did a number on it during the night. We got another 6" of snow overnight and I'm pretty sure (18" now) that the bears have finally gone into hibernation now. 'Bout time!

Leigh - Thanks! The Farmer's Almanac predicted a cold, dry winter for us but it's certainly not starting out that way. Temps have been only in the 20s and this early snow can't be called "dry!"

SmartAlex said...

Here in NY we have 6 to 8 inches this morning and its just getting started. Coming down hard. Hubby just bundled up to go plow out the entire neighborhood. I've just gotten my coffee fixed and I'm settled in for a peaceful, cozy day.

Tim B. Inman said...

Here's an idea for you on the bird feeder ball topic: I buy bird feed grain mix in bulk. Then, since I'm a retired professional furniture restorer, I find some hide glue in the shop. I heat up the glue to 'coffee hot' and pour it into a nice bowl of the seeds. Mix it all up so everything is coated with glue, but not too soppy; just glistening so the seeds can stick together. Line a bowl or something with the shape you like with some plastic food wrap. Put a piece of twine or string or wire even into the bowl to act as an attachment point. Pour in the gluey seeds and pat it all down firmly. Let it cool/dry. Pull out the seed ball and go hang it outside. Hide glue is actually just gelatin, so it is just more protein for the birds. You can buy a bottle at most hardware stores. Cheers!

Mama Pea said...

SmartAlex - There's nothing like a snowy day to make a peaceful, cozy time at home. Nope, wouldn't want to be out and about running around on errands or such but having the luxury of staying home? Wonderful! Enjoy your day.

Tim - I was thinking, "Glue on the seeds? What!? I'll poison the birds!" Glad you explained that the hide glue is just gelatin. You're just full of good information on so many topics. Whadda guy! And thanks, Tim.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

You have a bit more than us at the moment. We do have snow squall warnings so that may change. You’ve reminded me to refill my feeders! -Jenn

Tim B. Inman said...

Yes, old fashioned hide glue is just the gelatin from animal bones and hides boiled down into a thick gel - which we cabinetmakers call glue. When I was teaching, I loved to 'pull the chain' and explain that Jello was actually just flavored glue. The looks on faces were priceless. Gelatin is gelatin, by whatever name it goes.

You can do the exact same seed/glue trick with a box of unflavored Jello. I just happen to have buckets of hide glue in my shop. Use what ya got!

Mama Pea said...

Jenn - This is first morning in three that I've gotten up, turned on the lights to see outside and discovered we didn't have any more snow overnight. So unusual for us at this time of year to have the amount we do on the ground. For sure we'll be having a white Thanksgiving let alone white Christmas! (Did I just jinx things and can now expect a weird rain storm that would wash away our lovely covering of deep snow? If so, I am so, so sorry!) ;o)

Tim - Growing up I was told that Jello was made from ground up horse's hooves. Never swayed me from enjoying the sugar-laden stuff though! Thanks for suggesting the unflavored gelatin (which I have) to use in place of the hide glue. I will "use what I got!"

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