Although we had a few days of "sweatshirt weather" a couple of weeks ago (I love sweatshirt weather), Mother Nature is fooling with us and giving us days in the high 60s and low 70s when we have sunshine. I know this must seem absolutely frigid to those of you still experiencing thermometers showing 90+ degrees, but for this time of year it's warm for us.
The humidity has also been high which makes it hard to figure out which coverings in bed at night are comfortable. (Frankly, nothing has seemed the right combination or has been comfortable.)
The word is that we might have an elongated fall season here because of all the moisture we've been getting.
While we don't have many deciduous trees close by in our immediate area, we celebrate whatever color we do have. The golds of the poplar and birch trees can be lovely and if we take a color tour drive a short way from here, we can see the flaming reds of the maple trees.
Here are a couple of shots I took driving out of our driveway this past week.
I think I enjoy seeing the fallen leaves on the ground almost as much as any color.
The foliage with the reddish coloring is what we call a moose maple or striped maple. It's a small Northern American species of the maple tree (more of a shrub really) and does give us a bit of red/rust color amid the gold leaves of the birch and poplar.
My taste buds are definitely yearning for a different kind of cooking now that we're saying good-bye to the garden and the lighter fare of summer eating. I baked a turkey this last Thursday which, of course, was one of our warmer days in the past several.
Yesterday and today I've had the turkey carcass, skin and other miscellaneous parts and pieces simmering in my biggest stock pot and am looking forward to having lots of nutritional bone broth to use in soups, stews, gravies and casseroles soon.
I'm ready to switch the clothes in my closet and dresser drawers from tank tops and short to turtlenecks, jeans and corduroy pants. And, of course, my cozy, comfy sweatshirts.
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Hi Mama Pea :) I was one of those who refused to welcome fall, but I have to say that I'm also yearning for fall food and sweaters! We have a lot of deciduous trees here and they are starting to turn, it's so beautiful. We had FROST last night, brrr...and then high humidity today so I know that feeling of not knowing how to blanket yourself for a good night's sleep!
Mother Nature is playing with us, too! We are having a couple of really warm days. But low humidity, thankfully. Just-plain-gorgeous weather. If we had had a frost, it could be called Indian Summer. But.... No frost yet.
I love to be able to keep the patio door open, in the evening. Which hasn't been possible. But now is. It's just another perk, of this funny weather.
Color is popping up... In the vines on the pool fence... And at the edge of the woods, across the street. So, so, so lovely.
Your moose maples reminds me of our vine maples. The other bright red fall color here is poison oak; ugh.
It's been awfully warm and humid here the last few days. It's been especially hard to take after a stretch of glorious cool and humidity-free weeks.
Weather front is on it's way and that should bring us back to normal for September.
Teeny, tiny bits of color are beginning to show up around here. The birches have a ting of yellow to them and the sumac is showing some red. Sure signs of autumn. We could use some rain, it's been weeks since we've had a storm. Lawns are beginning to suffer and the rivers are looking very low for this time of year.
Cooling off here, first mtn snow forecast for the weekend...
What an interesting post. To me, it points to your seasonal lifestyle. You are in tune with the seasons and the changes they bring, not only in weather, but to yourselves, including the foods associated with the seasons! That's a wonderful way to live.
I have definitely been enjoying our fall weather in central MN as well! I just made stuffed squash and doesn't that just scream fall weather?!
Rain - A frost already for you? Our first frost seems to be getting later and later. Can't complain for the garden's sake, but I'm so done with this humid weather!
wisps of words - We've been keeping the doors and windows open, too. And it does feel great to have outside air wafting through the rooms. Won't be able to do that for long!
Michelle - Well, obviously, you won't be gathering any of those vibrant colored leaves (the poison oak) for decorations!
Elizabeth - We could share some of our frequent rains with you . . . if only, eh? Our lawn (just mowed weeds really!) just keeps growing and growing. Unfortunately, lawn mowing is not a task either of us enjoys so we're ready to be done with that for the year!
Nancy - Snow? Well, I suppose so in the mountains. During a rain shower today, Papa Pea looked out and commented that the rain drops looked like snow. Love that first snow, but just not quite yet, please!
Leigh - We do love living where we have the four distinct seasons. (Although winter sometimes hangs on so long that spring gets short changed!) And how can you not feel, act, dress and eat (!) differently in our cold, snowy winters compared to our hot, humid summers? :o)
Leah - I have a HUGE acorn squash sitting on my kitchen counter as we speak. Can't wait to bake it, add lots of butter, salt and pepper and dig in!! Squash says fall weather, for sure.
Yes, I can only dream of what "sweatshirt weather" is like. The trees are lovely too. Enjoy and I can't wait now until October 5th when we might see some Fall temps in the 70's. 60's is what I really like for working outside. I am getting hungry for some Fall meals too! The turkey and broth sound yummy especially cooking on the stove all day....cozy!
Sam I Am - I do remember living in Illinois when it would be too warm for "autumn" kind of comfort until October. Our September up here in Minnesota this year has been warmer than usual so now I'm looking forward to having our real fall weather in October! Hang in there and you'll have your fall weather soon.
Re: your comment on my blog....
So happy you enjoy the photos I find, on the Net. :-)
I give a LINK, to where I find them.
Being in "Elderhood," I have the time to search for them.
Speaking of "Elderhood," I have had a library reserve on a new book, with this title, for ages! "Someday", I hope, I will be able to read it. :-)
When Fall comes I am always amused by the folks who drive all over the state to see the "Fall color." It's right here where we live, if we only look. Thanks for the post. I look forward to the slow season. Phil
Oh, I do love fall! Your pictures are just lovely. I like making soups this time of year too. :) And I'm always sure to make plenty of extra so I can have it again and again!
Back again.... To ask you to please read my latest post...
Please and thank you...
Tis' that time of year for getting things in order for the colder months!! Can't believe there is less than 100 days til Christmas! once it starts it seems to go so fast.
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