~ I have been using the computer to procrastinate. My daily list of Things To Do is long and (often seems) endless. In the past, I've found that when I look at said list, and perhaps even after managing to cross one item off, the rest of the list looks so daunting that I don't have the oompf or enthusiasm or impetus to start another project. So, in a moment (several times a day) of out-and-out avoidance, I tritz on back to my computer here in the bedroom "just to check" my e-mail or read someone's new blog post or look something up before starting another task of the day. (Yeah, right.)
~ And as far as "looking something up" on the computer, during the past ten days when I've been computerless, I've been amazed at how often I do use the computer to check on a gardening question, find a recipe, look up info on a particular author, etc., etc. Not at all a bad tool to have at one's fingertips.
~ These past mornings when I've not had my computer available, I have no desire for my morning latte. Nope, don't miss it and don't desire it at all. Also, it's become quite evident that trying to "wake up" first thing in the morning in front of the computer with a cup of caffeine is not good for my system. It keeps me in a state of semi-consciousness and encourages lethargy. I'm much better off and have a better start to my day if I get up, move (!) and begin my day in a more active way.
~ I've missed documenting (keeping track of) our everyday activities, happenings, and events because of not being able to blog.
~ Because I couldn't download them into my computer, I've not taken pictures I now wish I had taken. (Not sure that makes much sense, but it is what it is.)
~ I have missed the encouraging and supportive connection to other like-minded folks out there in the world. There aren't a lot of people living our type life or doing what we're doing in our area.
~ I have missed the convenience and simplicity of placing orders on the Internet. I currently have a list here on my desk of "Things I Need to Order When I Have My Computer Back."
~ Perhaps most of all, I've found I really, really, really miss communicating with and reading blog postings of all you dear people who have become friends because of having a computer.
frog and toad temptations
16 hours ago
well said Mama Pea. I too have been absentee again not due to computer failure but once again I have been launched into a flurry of stuff. Beginning with a beautiful grandgirl's HS graduation and wrapping with a week of judging at a local fair. I miss my blog friends and more than that feel I have to an extent deserted them. Odd how when we are isolated geographically from like minded our internet friends are our daily dose of front porch talking.
Yep, yep, yep . . . okay, except for my morning mocha (99% caffeine free), which I love with or without a computer. In fact, I'm having one now, since the coast breeze is cooling things off nicely. My husband does NOT get blogging, and the community and friends it adds to my life; too bad!
...... ditto..... I am the same with my computer....off and on it all day, sometimes productively, sometimes not!
It's part of my morning routine! I use no other form of social media, but I would really miss reading "my" blogs. -Jenn
I am so relieved. I was afraid that you decided that life without blogging was better. Well, it IS true that there is a whole lotta extra time without the temptation of the internet, but what a marvelous community we have. PLUS, I feel deflated when I do not know what you and Papa Pea are up to. xoxoxoxoxoxo
Welcome back! I am finding more and more than I want to be off the computer. Weekends usually find me computer free, unless I am checking a recipe. But then I chide myself and tell myself to go look in the hundreds of recipe books I have in my cupboard. Its the things like that that find me more productive. But on the flip side, I miss catching up on everyone's blog, "chatting" etc. Its one of those can't live with and can't live without sort of things!
Hi Mama Pea! :)
I hope your computer is working swimmingly :)
I think that overall, I agree with a lot of your points. I used to use my computer too much, out of either boredom or procrastination. Alex too. It makes you get into a rut of laziness at times, at least we realized that so we use the computers much less. Winter though, that's a different story, I don't mind being online more than usual because we don't have too much to do in the winters around here, being homebodies and not quite settled down. I use the computer A LOT for recipes and general information, for that I find it a wonderful tool!
But in the age of technology that we are in, and the fact that most of us live away from society, a lot of our friendly communication IS though computers, and for me blogging. I do miss the contact with my blogging friends when I'm busy out in the yard and garden. I'm not too interested in "real life" friends and acquaintances, but my blogging community is full of support, friendliness, fun and lots of opportunities to learn, so I'm hooked even though it's a little less these days!!
Goatldi - Ah, yes, I can relate to feeling I've "deserted" blogging friends! I so want to maintain that special connection.
When our lives are busy and then we add in special occasions (graduations, responsibilities at local fairs, a huge garden, computer malfunctions, new animals, etc.) and all seems to go to pot. And not necessarily into a good pot! (How long until the long, slow winter??)
Michelle - I'm learning we are all lucky to have each other in this blogging world . . . and that we all need each other in a lot of ways. Let's keep doing it, even if we're a little more sporadic than we want to be at times. Deal?
Vera - This is really my first full day when I've had the chance to try to catch up and it's kinda driving me crazy that I'm spending so much time sitting here with my eyeballs glued to the screen. Is it a bad thing or not? Verdict is still out.
Jenn - Me, too. I don't do Facebook or Twitter or whatever the heck else is out there. I love, love, love the interactions received from blogging, reading others' blogs and the occasional e-mail regarding some things that aren't shared publicly. I know the interaction is good for me.
Susan - Deflate thee not. It's just gonna take a while for me to find the time to catch up and then keep up again. And we DO have a marvelous community going here, don't we?
MrsDM - I think one of the reasons our blogging community means so much to me is the support and confirmation that there are other like-minded souls out there. I don't know how to maintain (and possibly even increase this wonderful connection) it all if I choose to restrict my time on the computer. Most of my time here IS spent reading blogs, commenting on blogs and writing my own posts.
Rain - All you say is true as far as I'm concerned. I just have to find that happy medium where I can accomplish more of everything what I want to do in a day's time. Hahahahohoheeheee! (I'm thinking of giving up sleeping at night. Any bets on how that will work?)
Yeah, it's a part of my wake up moment too. I grab my coffee, starting reading and writing, and check lists. However, I use it too, to look up information, order library books, etc. Glad you are back to blog land.
Glad you're back. My goal is to have 2 full days without touching my keyboard but like you, it's just too convenient to go to it to 'look something up'. Gotta be a happy medium somewhere, I'm sure we'll all find it.
Thanks, Kristina! Now to continue catching up!
DFW - Don't know if hubby and I are particularly slow or have too many projects or what, but we've been chasing that "happy medium" in our lives forever! :o)
Be sure to look at some older post of mine. Guess what came down?
apparently no soon enough ;-)
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