Thursday, May 11, 2017

It's That Time of Year

Yep, it's that time of year when many of us can't possibly come even close to fitting everything that needs doing, or that we want to do, into any 24-hour period.

Our growing season up here is short.  I can start getting my cool weather crops in first whether they be transplants (with some protection) or seeds.  The push to get these out, in, up and growing usually starts around the middle of May.  Then the planting of the transplants and seeds that need warmer weather, along with ship-shaping up the berry patches and fruit trees, usually takes me into mid-June when I finally breathe a big sigh of relief and announce that the garden's ready for the year.

Funny, they looked much bigger inside!

Today I transplanted some of my cauliflower plants grown from seed indoors out into a 4' x 8' raised bed covered with one of our cold frames. 

Also, one of the three planned beds of onions got planted.

Early this morning before leaving for one of her three (or is it four?) jobs, Chicken Mama was a sweetheart and planted a bed of bulbs for me.  Her fella, aka Gilligan, gave me some gladiola and some tiger lily bulbs for my recent birthday, and I also had some pink and white glad bulbs (or I think more accurately "corms") from a kind and thoughtful Internet friend (thank you, thank you, Karen!) in Wisconsin.  Can't wait to see the showy display this planting produces this summer.

Speaking of Gilligan, here he is making a lovely seed bed out of the new patch we plowed up last year, fertilized and had planned on using for a new raspberry patch (and a few other plantings) this year.  Well, it ain't gonna happen.  Just too darn many other projects started or planned that are a bigger priority.  So we asked Chicken Mama and Gilligan if they wanted to use the space as their vegetable gardening area this year.  We were pickled tink to have them eagerly accept the offer.  It will be so much fun to see "another garden" right next to ours.  The space includes an adjoining area behind and to the left in the picture so they should have a good amount of ground to work with.

Alas and alack, I'm not going to have the time I want for the next couple/few weeks to comment on all of your interesting, entertaining, informative, and uplifting posts.  I'll miss doing so but as I started out this post by saying, all of a sudden the days are too short . . . the the list is too long!


coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Well done! You've accomplished so much you can now put your feet up and do nothing ;) -Jenn

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

I won't be planting anything else just yet. But that busy time is a comin'.

Mama Pea said...

Jenn - HAHAhoHOHOHOheeheehahoho . . . (That was hysterical laughter inserted.)

Planning a big day today . . . sun again which is a good omen for me to accomplish a lot. Right? Right. Hope you, too, have a good one! :o]

Mama Pea said...

Kristina - I think you've already got a jump start on the situation!

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

I totally understand! I am chomping at the bit ready to plant but am having to wait just a week longer! I too will be lurking and not likely adding comments as much as I can normally. Happy planting and growing!

Rain said...

I think that most of us are already or very shortly falling into that time of year too! I try to post every day, just for some kind of structure, but you can bet once the weather gets nice, the posts will likely be few and far between! But that's how it should be during gardening season! I used to say to one of my internet friends at the end of May "talk to you in October!" we joked about it, but it's got some ring of truth to it, lol...

The "guest" veggie bed looks so neat and clean! It'll be nice to have them over gardening with you! :) I can't wait to see your tiger lilies!

Mama Pea said...

MrsDM - Same to you, bloggy and Internet friend! Post pictures of your garden if you can find time. I love, love, love seeing what other people are doing!

Mama Pea said...

Rain - You've been SO good about getting up a post nearly every day. And I've looked forward to them! But as you so well realize, it's hard to be on the computer and out playing in the dirt at the same time.

Although I may not have the time for as much commenting as I want, I do use my blog posts in the summer as a record for myself of what I do when, what goes well in the garden and what doesn't. (Those are the "experiments," right??)

Laurie said...

Don't worry about us....just show us the garden every once in awhile. đŸ˜€

Mama Pea said...

Laurie - I'll keep showing you my garden if you keep showing me yours!

Michelle said...

I need mucho help getting the garden ready so I can do all the planting, watering, weeding, picking, and preserving (the prep isn't too much to ask when I do all the rest, no?). Alas, that prep has not been on DH's priority list; I don't know if I'll get to HAVE a garden this year. :-(

Mama Pea said...

Michelle - No, that's not too much to ask of your partner. Seems he doesn't give much of a priority to the garden. Too bad since your efforts provide nutritious, delicious, healthy food for the family. Even if he doesn't think the garden is worth his time, tell him it's something that means a lot to you. If you still get no help, he can go stand in a corner and chew on a carrot grown with poisonous sprays. ;o)