I'm calling this my first real day in the garden for the season. Yippee! The weather started out cool (barely 40 degrees) but climbed to feeling very warm in the sun by midday. 'Course, then by 5 o'clock it started to feel very cool again. So goes spring time in our neck of the woods.
Chicken Mama and Gilligan were here giving us a hand with various projects all day. At break time in the afternoon, I made a special treat using the new "soda fountain" glasses I got for my birthday. (Thanks for the idea, Rain!)
I made strawberry shakes for us all using berries I had in the freezer from last season. I don't think the shakes could have tasted any better with fresh strawberries. But just for the sake of comparison (ahem), we'll have to try a repeat with fresh ones as soon as they come in this year.
Speaking of strawberries, Chicken Mama and I took the mulch off the strawberry patch.
When Papa Pea and I put the straw on the berries last fall, it was a windy day so we laid cattle panels on top of the mulch to keep it from blowing into Canada.
Aaaaand, uncovered. The green leaves you see are the old ones from when we put the mulch on. I'll let the soil dry for a few days, then rake up what's left of the straw. Then a week or so (depending on good drying days) the old green leaves will turn brown and wither. Going up and down each row on my hands and knees, clipping off the old foliage will be the next task. Then I'll mulch around the plants with wood shavings and put some of the old straw on the ground between the rows. If all goes well, by July 4th, we'll have all the berries we want. Nuthin' to it!
I finished off the day by putting up the trellis in one of my raised beds where I'll plant my Sweet Peas this year. If the weather stays decent, the seeds will go in the ground within the week.
I'm tired tonight, but it sure felt good to be out working in the garden again.
Thank You
3 hours ago
You are so funny!
Nuthin' to it!
I agree with DDD: "Nuthin' to it!" I only have 1/4 acre & my everything is sore, swollen, scratched, bitten, and a bunch of garbage bags of weeks have gone to the landfill. I love it. Now I can start planting. Yup, nuthin' to it. Sandy
I just love that "good tired" feeling too!
We were down in Indiana for a couple of days of warmth and sunshine---oh, the blooms were magnificent. Hard to come home....to snow showers and a high of 39. Ugh.
What Sue said, nothing like that "good tired feeling." Glad you got so much done.
Those strawberry shakes look good! I love the glasses. -Jenn
Is it not just the best feeling to finally get out into the garden?!? I promise if any of your straw blows our way I will send it back! :)
DDD - I'm sure you can relate!
Sandy - But isn't that "tired" you have at night after a day in the garden a good one? I love it.
Maybe all of us gardeners should list all of our different body parts that hurt (especially at the start of the season) each day. I.e., my right wrist hurts more than your right wrist. ;o)
Sue - Our good neighbors just returned yesterday from a long weekend in Iowa to visit with one of their sons and they said they about froze! Temperature of 40F, rain and lots of wind. Glad you found warmth and sunshine on your journey! 34 degrees here this morning. Dang.
Kristina - Even though we've started the day on the cool side (!), it looks like we'll have sunshine and I can be out there again. (As soon as I get those slightly stiff muscles to start moving.)
Thanks, Jenn. My husband is a BIG fan of strawberry shakes. Me, not so much. But that one yesterday was yummy! Must have been my new glasses.
MrsDM - Your direction is probably where it would go!! Today, I'm going to clean all the old dead ferns out of the asparagus patch. I know others have been eating asparagus already, but up here near the tundra . . . well, we're a little slow, ya know!
Hi Mama Pea :) Congrats on the glasses! And the shakes!! You should try just vanilla or chocolate too. I think LOTS of experimentation with shakes is necessary all summer long. ;)
Wow, is your strawberry patch ever big! Nuthin' to it huh? I wish I could plant that many here...but I'm being patient. I'll be happy if mine from last year grows a little!
I'm so glad you got out into the garden. It's such a nice feeling! :)
That must have felt so wonderful! And how great to have help!!! My strawberries are up (although still over-planted - want some? heehee) and I am hoping that the last of the frost/freezing is over so I don't have to worry about their flowers seizing up!
Rain - My husband is a strawberry nut so the last time I put in new plants he made me order more than we really need! I had another great day in the garden, but -- ooof -- do I feel it tonight. It's remarkable the muscles you use gardening that you don't seem to use at any other time!
Susan - Your strawberries are flowering already? No fair!
Mama Pea,
~ A ....HA~ time to really get out and plant. See your snow is going....going, gone :-)
Time for a little rest this evening from crawling around on the ground cleaning up your strawberry plants. By the way Happy Belated Birthday, love the glasses.
Oh Happy Days! Now be careful not to overdo in your first few days....I don't want to see you sprawled out between rows like that picture of you from last year. Strawberries are looking good! I bet we've been through 4 buckets of them from one of our local farms. Love 'em in my oatmeal.
Sandy - Thanks for the belated birthday greetings! No snow to see around ye ol' homestead anymore but hubby was on a short jaunt out in the woods about 10 miles from here today and he did see piles of snow here and there.
Laurie - Ha! I feel like that picture at the beginning of the season . . . and then again about harvesting time! At least it's a healthy tired! :o)
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