Whew, we've had a couple of really nice days (not always sunny, but if there's no rain, I label them nice) lately, and I've been able to get a lot done in the garden.
Rain was forecast for all day today, but when we got up and there was no evidence of moisture, I didn't even stop for breakfast but headed right out to the garden. I did have to stop for lunch around 11:30 (much to my also hungry husband's delight) because I was so hungry I was starting to feel nauseated. But then right back out again and all was well until 3 p.m. when the intermittent raindrops became more steady than intermittent, and I had to call it a day.
Our asparagus continues to be bountiful . . . and we're succeeding in eating all of it fresh. I haven't frozen any at all yet, and you would think we'd be tired of it as it appears on our table at least once and sometimes twice a day. But, nope, we're both still exclaiming how wonderful it tastes. (Can you break out in hives from eating too much asparagus as some people do when eating too many strawberries? If so, we're in trouble.)
I took the first cutting of rhubarb today. Seems the stems shot up from 6" long to a foot long nearly overnight. Soon as I finish with this post, I'm mixing up a favorite rhubarb cake recipe for tomorrow.
Another milestone today . . . Papa Pea decided it was time to integrate Mama Duck and her brood into the big poultry yard and pond. I was nervous as to how the geese would react, but any fears turned out to be unwarranted. The big, ol', clumsy geese exhibited a little curiosity which then quickly turned into boredom and by afternoon all the poultry was co-mingling without any problem. Mama Duck continues to be a good mother and is keeping the little ones close. They have all gone down to the pond several times and although Mama Duck goes right in, her offspring have (so far) stayed near the shore with short (very short) forays into the water. You can almost hear them saying, "Wow, this is one BIG water pan!"
I'll try to get some pictures to post soon.
The chicks we ordered from the hatchery several weeks ago are still corralled in their chicken tractor with an additional small pen attached to it. They'll be let in with the rest of the whole feathered flock probably sometime this coming week.
We're spending the Memorial Day Weekend at home which to my mind is not a bad thing. I went into town yesterday and the traffic on the roads was heavy. Cars and trucks and trailers and campers and boats, oh my. Papa Pea never fails to reminisce about when we were still living in Illinois and decided to go to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky over a Memorial Day Weekend. Coming home it was bumper to bumper the whole way home, and we didn't pull into our driveway until the wee hours of the morning. Nope, we're not fighting traffic anymore in this phase of our lives. We're happy, happy, happy celebrating most holidays right here at home.
Hope you're all having a lovely weekend in whatever way you choose to spend it!
16 minutes ago
I always enjoy your blog. Have a wonderful weekend
Sherry - What a nice thing for you to say! Thank you very much and I hope your weekend is a lovely one.
I agree-the best holidays are spent at home!
I love asparagus, too. I just used some rhubarb for the first time this year. I mixed up the filling I would use for rhubarb strawberry custard pie, but just baked it in a dish, no crust. Traffic on a long weekend is always crazy. Best avoided. -Jenn
Its bank holiday week end in the UK which in turns means bumper to bumper traffic, we havent ventured out, Asparagus is plentiful here and we are just coming to the end of the Rhubarb season as strawberries are now coming along.
Hi Mama Pea :) Enjoy the holiday at HOME. We feel the same way, I don't have fond memories of being in dangerous impatient traffic. Honestly, if I never had to drive again, I'd be happy as a clam! Alex and I joke that we are the happiest shut-ins that exist. :)
I love that you are harvesting already! I can't wait for that day myself, actually my lettuce is coming nicely, maybe next week I can harvest some! I'm glad you got out in the garden! And congrats on the duck integration!
Hi Mama Pea, happy Memorial Day to you! My rhubarb went from little to giant in what seems like overnight as well. I have harvested 10 bags already and more is ready for the picking. I would love to read your recipe for the rhubarb cake!
Jan - Especially with loved ones around!
Jenn - Hope you liked your rhubarb/strawberry (non) pie! Making it into a custard pie sounds delish to me. I have a recipe for rhubarb custard pie but I haven't made it in a long time. Thanks for the reminder!
Dawn - Strawberries just coming in for you now? That means you're a little over a month ahead of us for that season. I've seen only one blossom on our berries so far.
Rain - Wow, you're going to have lettuce already next week? That first home grown salad will taste wonderful!
I like the label happy shut-ins. Sometimes I think Papa Pea and I could be hermits. With lots of time (ha!) to pursue all our interests!
MrsDM - I thought (brain is getting frazzled . . . and unreliable!) I had posted the recipe for my rhubarb cake, but I sure can't bring it up. So, for you (and thank you for asking) I will post it within the next couple of days. Promise!
Happy Memorial Day! It looks like you had a very productive weekend holiday. Sounds like you got quite a bit done. So did I and I've got the very sore muscles to prove it. Finally got some dry days to work in the garden, and I worked like a fiend not knowing when the next raindrops will fall.
Theresa - Yes! With these frequent rains (we ALL seem to be having) when we get a sunny day, we do, indeed, push ourselves like crazy to take advantage of the opportunity. I've been doing just that and my body has been telling me I need to take it easy. :o/ (Wonder if I'll listen.)
Mama Pea,
I can totally understand your wanting to get outside and work in your garden right away with the beautiful weather.
Sorry to hear you were feeling nauseated, maybe too much sun with nothing on your stomach?
There is nothing better than fresh asparagus directly from your garden. It's good to hear your garden is producing all kinds of asparagus.
The holiday weekend was really nice. We honored the Veteran's, watched our grand daughter graduate from high school, and found out our older son is expecting his first baby.
Sandy - You had a Memorial Day Weekend well worth of celebration! Will your son's baby be your first grandchild?
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