I have what I consider to be a flaw. (A flaw? Just one, you say?)
This is it.
It's nearly impossible for me to sit still without having something to occupy my hands. Some kind of handwork to do. Even just manually filling empty capsules with kelp meal fits the bill. (Sick, huh?)
This uncomfortable feeling of being idle (i.e., lazy, slouthful, shiftless, indolent . . . you get my drift) even comes upon me while visiting or having an interesting conversation with someone. It may be that keeping my hands busy settles me, slows down my brain which has a direct correlation in keeping (possibly) unwise thoughts from escaping my mouth.
But this post is not meant to develop into a deep psychological discussion of my psyche. Rather, I simply want to report that the past few evenings cozied up on the couch in front of an open fire, sporadically conversing with that guy sitting in the rocking chair going through his old files, has resulted in my busy hands finally finishing a knitted baby blanket I started . . . oh gosh, how many years ago?
It's fortunate this item was not started with a specific baby or baby-to-be in mind because said child would be starting college by now.
Finished size is 36" x 48". Much bigger than I thought it would be. Hunh. Could be the reason it took me so long to finish.
I used a pattern made up by a good friend who's an expert knitter. My yarn was different than that suggested in the pattern. Another good reason the blanket turned out as big as a cloth ground cover.
It will eventually be gifted to a little boy baby because of the predominantly blue coloration. For now it can be tucked safely away.
Finished. Done. Completed.
Maybe good things do come from my "flaw." You've all heard the expression, "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." Well, we sure don't want no devilish activities around here! How about, "Busy hands are happy hands?" Yeah, I like that. Even better, "Busy hands, happy heart?" Maybe I'm not as flawed as I thought. Hmmm . . .
what we can do
6 hours ago
Now just don't forget where you stash that beautiful blanket while you wait for a baby to be born
I don't think it's a flaw but that blanket is beautiful, as is everything you make. Plus it's made w/my favorite colors, especially the green. Bucket list item ... learn to knit or at least crochet.
Tombstone Livestock - That very thing, my friend, is always the challenge!
Aw shucks, DFW, thank you. If you have a yarn shop near you or a friend that knits or crochets, I think that's the best way to learn. I've heard of too many people getting totally discouraged by trying to teach themselves from a book. Although these days, maybe a YouTube would be helpful. Lots of luck and go for it!
Love the pattern. After several years of not knitting Bettie has a new grand baby coming so I am knitting again. Guess you don't forget how, though arthritic hands make it harder than it used to be. That is a great pattern, your friend must be a really expert knitter. Isn't it nice to get something like that done.
I love the color combination. Some little boy is going to get a lovely gift.
Thanks, Myrna. Keep those fingers moving so they don't stiffen up too much. Does resting after knitting for a while help at all? Finishing any project anymore gives me a real boost! Why is it so much more fun to start a project than to finish it?? :o]
Thanks, De. The yarn is machine washable, too, so I really hope the recipient uses it. That's what it's meant for.
Maybe we can call your "flaw" something like 'Habitually Industriousness Psychosis', 'Idle Adverse Syndrome', 'Productive Fidget Disorder'. You know, something that makes it sound like a nice, formal, respectable condition that someone could surely diagnose as a 'disability' and write you a monthly check. Or maybe I should just sit back in my recliner and enjoy my cough medicine.
Beautiful blanket by the way...
Very cute blanket - and I like the bigger size - lasts the baby longer. I too need to have something in my hands at all times, if I'm not up doing something else, so I have a little stash of hand projects - some day-of-the-week dishtowels to embroider on, some doll clothes to crochet, handwork to finish doll clothes. I used to have a quilt going at all times - but I've not done quilting for over two years (and enjoying every minute of it). I do like the feeling of satisfaction when my "idle" times give me a finished product. The only time I don't have handwork going is when I'm sitting at the beach - then I spend my time day dreaming, restoring my soul and just letting the joy of the waves, birds, kids, kites, boats roll over me in refreshment.
Wow! That is nice. I have not graduated to such a level of expertise yet. Beautiful blanket.
Mark, you've been so funny in your recent writings. Maybe you should start on your Great American Novel before you run out of the cough medicine.
I think I'm going to go with "Productive Fidget Disorder" and start capitalizing on it. :o]
JoAnn - Ahhh, sitting on the beach! Does that ever sound good right now. You are so right . . . the sights and sounds of the water are soooo relaxing!
Kristina - Oh, phsaw! Your level of crocheting is over the moon! This pattern is very simple knitting and one I could do while talking, listening to an audio or watching something on the boob tube. That's why it never should have taken me so long to finish!
I'm going for creative. Because you sound just like me and I am certainly NOT neurotic. Or certifiable. Or....
Mama Pea,
What a beautiful blanket. It will make for a great gift for someone expecting a baby boy.
Susan - As long as we stick together, kid! :o]
Thanks, Sandy. I usually give a baby quilt to newborns, but now I have this knitted one if it's needed.
Oh crap that means I'm the devil!!!!
Sparkless - That's right. And a saucy little devil you are! ;o]
I LOVE this blanket! Did the yarn naturally make up the stripes? And what was the pattern you used?!!!! Knit 6, Purl 2?!! Details..... I need details!!! Seriously, this is a beautiful baby blanket, and your knitting is always perfect. And knitting in front of an open fire sounds wonderful in and of itself. :)
Lisa - I'll send you an e-mail with the basics of the pattern. Yes, it was a variegated yarn that did the self-striping. I have seen the blanket knit with a solid colored yarn and have to admit I liked that better than mine. The pattern showed up much better and was just lovely.
Please post the knitting pattern if you can. It's a beautiful pattern and one I could probably do in front of a fire myself!
I am the exact same way...always have to have something to keep my hands occupied. That blanket is fabulous!
Anonymous - I checked with my friend who created this pattern and she gave me permission to share it. I would be glad to send you a copy via snail mail if you would send me your mailing address. You could go to the Contact box at the top of my right hand sidebar to do that.
Thanks so much, Stephanie!
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