It doesn't amount to much more than a run-down of my day, but . . . it's all I've got.
This morning we put in several hours of wood working. (Nothing new about that.) The great news is that we're just a couple of wheelbarrows short of having the first wood shed filled. It's taken us two weeks of working on this project sporadically, whenever we can. We hope to have the other wood shed filled by July 1st. To accomplish that, we may have to work a little (or a lot) harder (or faster). Or hire help. A crew of 12 would be nice. (Note to fantasy crew: Please bring your own chainsaw and a brown bag lunch every day. Thank you.)
This afternoon Papa Pea mowed our small hay field. His goal is always to mow it June 1st, July 1st, and August 1st. Yep, he's a little behind this season, but he's been a busy boy.
I'm not sure where I squeezed it in, but I do remember finally finishing my Monday's ironing sometime today. If I don't get the washing and ironing both done on Monday, the ironing tends to go by the wayside.
While hubby was mowing, I weeded the garden. Got everything shipshaped up with only the raspberry and strawberry patches to do yet. I moved some transplants and put in seeds in a few spots so went out after dinner to water.
I'm so pleased to have gotten such great germination on the corn planted in my little mounded-up rows.
I made a taco salad for dinner and had thoughts of making a rhubarb pie tonight. But I just don't have the oompf to go out to harvest the rhubarb and then make the pie. Maybe tomorrow.
Seems like a good night to get the dishes done, get all ready for bed and perhaps watch a DVD. Or part of one . . . which is probably all I'll manage before conking out!
Christmas Past
24 minutes ago
Mama Pea,
Rhubarb had to mention it :P
I've craved rhubarb pie for years and haven't had a piece since leaving Michigan.
Get some well deserved rest my friend, I look forward to updates on your garden.
Ugh, we've got a huge tree just sitting on the ground, waiting to be cut and split. Firewood; it's a neverending project, isn't it?
firewood, weeding, cutting hay, firewood, weeding, cutting hay, firewood, weeding, ....... I feel like a hamster on a wheel some days LOL
Your gardens look great! You inspire me!
What is it about a TOTALLY neat and organized garden plot that always makes me smile? You patch looks perfect.
Found the culprit on my brassicas----slugs. I could never have imagined that given our DRY conditions here...but I finally found one. I chuckled at the grocery store yesterday---all organic fruits and veggies and one jumbo can of beer. The checker looked at that like we were nuts. I had to tell her it was for the garden, though given the fact they ate ALL my cauliflower, perhaps I should be drinking that beer-ha!
: D
Your corn looks great. I can't wait to see how our popcorn turns out this year.
I feel a little sheepish about commenting, I know you must be thinking "and where the heck have YOU been?!" LOL… I have been in a read only status due to my life being just stupid-crazy lately, but I am trying to get back into a regular morning routine again! Wanted to say that your house looks like it has turned out fantastic from all the photos I have seen on here, the kitchen reno looks great! The garden looks great. I however, am busy ripping OUT my gardens and living in a stack of boxes, a very strange year so far :) Love and hugs to all of you!
I just had to go get another cup o' joe after reading this. I was exhausted for you... What a great feeling it will be to have both wood sheds chock full of wood!
Your garden looks great! I keep thinking there will be a time when we will sit back, relax, and everything will be done. Ha!!!! Instead we get done what we can in a day and start again tomorrow. C'est la vie ☺
Sandy - Yep, you have to live up here near the frozen north to get good rhubarb! Thanks for always being so supportive!
Carolyn - It surely is! Maybe if we'd stop burning it up . . .
Freedom Acres Farm - Summer time, when the livin' is easy. Who the heck wrote those lyrics??
Sue - No, I never would have guessed you'd have a slug problem with your dryness. Geesh, these gardens sure keep us on our toes.
It seems only fair that you divide the beer up equally. One glass for the slugs, one glass for you and Don.
Kristina - Thanks! Here's a question to show my ignorance . . . does popcorn dry on the stalk or do you have to harvest the ears and let them dry for a while before shelling?
Erin - ALWAYS happy to hear from you . . . especially knowing what you're going through right now. It sure would be nice to hear of anything that's currently going on . . . even if you feel a post is disjointed and "stupid-crazy" because of current circumstances. Good to know you're still upright!
Susan - First shed got topped off TODAY and the first row started in the (empty!) other shed. One stick at a time . . .
Kelly - Nope, we'll NEVER get it all done. I guess that's why they say we have to remember to enjoy the journey . . . because the end will never come!
Rhubarb pie sounds so good right now! Ours is ready to pick. Maybe I'll get busy tomorrow. :)
Kim Mills - I'm about ready for another one, too! I just never get tired of anything rhubarb. Hope you find time to make one at your house.
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