The weather today, up here near the Arctic Circle, is sunny but there is a nasty little wind picking up snow from all surfaces and recirculating it (with a vengeance) in the air. We've hit a high for the day of 8°. At least that's above zero, so we're thankful for small favors. Because of the wind we do have a wind chill advisory in effect until sometime tomorrow.
It's been a great day for being in my quilt room, listening to an audio book and finishing the top of my new, quilted spring shower curtain.
Here's a picture of the finished top, being held up in my kitchen by a tall man with a wide wing span. The curtain measures 65" wide by 71" top to bottom.
This closer shot gives you a better idea of the outer border print.
Now I need to back it with muslin and machine quilt it. I've put batting in only one of my shower curtains using Thermore (which is a very thin batting) but even that made the curtain heavier than I was comfortable with.
After the quilting is done and the binding is put on, next come the button holes along the top where the shower rod rings will attach to hold it up, and I'll have a new spring shower curtain.
I don't switch to my spring decorations until the winter's snow is well on the way to being gone. This year there's no way I have to panic that I won't be able to get the shower curtain completed in time to welcome the spring time melt and warmer weather!
2 minutes ago
That is the prettiest shower curtain I've every seen. Our snow is almost gone and it's sunny today. That will mean it will be a bit colder tonight but it feels like spring is on her way.
So am I the only one that thinks this is a waste for a bathroom???? I want it on my bed!!! It is absolutely beautiful!! Great job!!
It's just beautiful! Instead of my quilting retreat next year, can I come to your house & have you instruct me to make one of these?
Nice job! I'd use it in another room too, for all to see :)
Sparkless - Thank you! Spring is so far away for us . . . terrible wind chills again with temps below zero at night and not much above during the day. This is turning into the winter that was!
Freedom Acres Farm - Hahaha! Aw, come on . . . who says we can't have pretty bathrooms? :o) In our little bathroom, when seated on the porcelain throne (ahem), the shower curtain is a short couple of feet straight ahead. I guess that's why I have to have something purdy to look at!
DFW - Do you know the Elm Creek Quilts novels by Jennifer Chiaverini? Wouldn't it be WONDERFUL to have a facility like that where we quilters could go for a true "getaway" and learn from experts? Not that I'm an expert by any means, but I would have loved to have had a business like that.
Thanks for your kinds words!
Little Homestead in Boise - Hey, people use my bathroom, too! :o}
I agree with Freedom Acres Farm; I'd need to see it more often than when I'm in the powder room! Either that, or I'd have to bring in a book or something.
Sooooo, was the man with the wide wingspan in his "shower clothes" (i.e birthday suit) when showing off your shower curtain to make it more authentic? Sorry, had to say it.....I blame the lack of sleep.
Beautiful! It's really come together nicely and shows off your clever design.
It's beautiful. You are very talented.
Hehe, wide wing span, that is good! I adore this! I am going to have to get busy learning how to make something like this. You are so talented Mama Pea :)
I'm with DFW - I think we all need to come to your place for a quilt retreat! That is a gorgeous 'shower curtain'.
I love that curtain. You do a very nice job!
You could jump the gun and put it up in hopes of spring. :)
It is GORGEOUS!! I could see that being used on a bed too! :)
Our main bathroom has a shower door or I would certainly think about doing something like that...
Carolyn - Was the man with the wide wing span in his birthday suit? I'll never tell . . .
P.S. With what you've been through lately, I'm surprised you can even sit up and type!
tpals - Thank you, ma'am!
Kristina - Thank you. I just love to quilt!
Stephanie - Talent or no, I really, really enjoy quilting! Thank you.
Lisa - Thanks! I've been mulling over in my mind trying to decide how to quilt it. Now I'm even giving thought to using a thin batting just to give it some definition . . .
Thanks, odiie. Do you think it would entice Mother Nature to at least bring us some warmer temperatures if she saw it hanging in the bathroom?
Candy C. - Thank you! It would make a good design for a bed covering, I agree.
Yep, with a shower door, no need for a curtain.
That is just gorgeous and has me wishing for nice weather even more! Thanks for sharing!
It's beautiful. I make a quilt top shower curtain years ago. I got a heavy plastic shower curtain and sewed it to the back. It lasted for years and I was able to wash it on delicates.
I haven't heart of Chiaverini. I'll have to look it up.
Hi, Sarah! Thank you for commenting and the nice words!
Michelle - I keep a plastic (white) shower curtain on the curtain rod (facing in to the shower) and hand my fabric quilted curtain on the outside . . . that way it doesn't get wet. Both curtains go on the same shower rod rings.
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