In the mail yesterday, Papa Pea received a new (used) parka to use for winter camping. It appears to be extremely well made and brand new, but it did have a bit of an "aroma" about it from being packed away somewhere for a long period of time.
I suggested he hang it out on the deck to give it a good airing out.
This morning as the light got bright enough, I looked out and noticed that we had forgotten all about the parka last night, and it was still gently rotating on its hanger in the breeze.
I told him, "Don't look now, but I think your new parka went on its first overnight winter camping trip without you."
Bet it smells nice and fresh now though.
the best focaccia in the whole damn world
5 hours ago
If there were any unwanted vermin in there, they are gone now. I have an old jacket that is too worn even for me to wear and it spent the night wrapped around our out door faucet.
Sunnybrook Farm - If only we could hang all our ticks and bad garden bugs out like that and have them meet their demise by freezing!
Hope your old well-worn jacket did the job of keeping your outdoor faucet safe and sound last night.
Mama Pea,
I bet his coat smells wonderful now.
You may have to warm it up before he wears it, lol :-)
Lucky you didn't forget about Papa Pea out there!!!
Sandy - I did notice how much c-o-l-d air came off of it when it was brought in! 'Course, with the outside temp being only 0.9° . . . and a strong wind blowing . . . again!
Carolyn - In this weather, he woulda been bangin' on the door . . . "Lemme in, lemme in!" ;o}
Funny! I love the smell of my laundry after it's been outside.
Ooops! That reminds me that the sheets are still on the line! LOL!!
hate to tell ya but temps outside right now are 68 degrees, low last night was 36 .... my blog is down til I find someone that can deal with the error message I am getting. Had to do internet search to be able to come read your blog, Thinking of you in all that cold, only place there is global warming is in CA ..... no rain at all since a few sprinkles Dec. 7th and none predicted for the rest of this month .... do have new Dorper baby lambs .... headcount is now at 12.
Kristina - Oh, I know! Especially the sheets!
Candy C. - Bet they won't be cold when you bring them in though! ;o}
Tombstone Livestock - Well, I wondered what had happened to you! I didn't know if it was computer problems (*^&%!#) or if you were just overwhelmed with new babies popping out on your place.
We sure are having the cold! It's 0.4° now at 4 p.m., it's snowing and blowing like h-e-double-hockey-stick. How much better can it get than that?
I bet it smells wonderful! Plus, now you know it can hold up to exteme weather...
Susan - At least it sheds snow pretty well!
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