In her post this past Sunday, that cute little farm gal (Amy) over on A Farmish Kind of Life, posed some interesting questions regarding the topic of blogging.
I started to reply in her comments section but quickly realized my thoughts on the subject were getting way too long and more appropriate to a post here.
I know I've made mention recently (probably more than once) that I've seemed to have lost some of my blogging mojo. As Amy related in her post, others are apparently feeling the same way. We are still blogging, but I think on the whole our posts are less frequent. In my own case, it's not that I have nothing to say or am intentionally backing off from blogging.
So why ARE my posts less frequent? Plain and simple, I'm in a period where I'm finding it difficult to fit everything I want to do into a day's time. That means somethin's gotta give. As far as discretionary time I do have, presently I have a real need to pick up my knitting needles and yarn or spend time doing some quilting. I've always found that the creative process handwork affords centers and relaxes me, and when I don't fit it into my life to some extent, I get cranky. So often I have to choose between going into my quilt room or sitting at the computer to write a new post. You may have noticed quilting is winning.
True confession, I'm also feeling a little tired right now and my mind simply doesn't work as well when my wagon is draggin'. Stringing intelligent sentences together is harder when my brain isn't operating on all cylinders. Seems I used to have lots of introspective posts to share, but these don't flow out of me when I'm not feeling like the sharpest knife in the drawer. The tiredness that is causing my lack of brain power can legitimately be traced to hard physical work which seems to be abundant on this little homestead currently. (And was last summer. And the whole year before that. And the . . . oh, never mind. I firmly believe it's better to wear out than to rust out anyway!) But I think there is something else affecting many of us bloggers. I have an intuitive sense that we are becoming a little beaten down by the general state of affairs going on in our country and world. For the more fortunate ones of us the effect may be subtle, but all the same it's still here 24/7.
So why do I keep blogging, why do I want to keep blogging? It provides a journal of our lives. It gives a record that I can look back on for pleasure or to pinpoint some information I would otherwise have lost. And for feedback; I'm always interested in your thoughts and/or opinions. Also, for me, looking back over old posts is like looking through a photo album; the text and pictures of my blog jog memories I may have forgotten.
Being able to communicate with like-minded people through blogging has filled a void in my life. I live in an area that is not farming or gardening or homesteading friendly. There aren't a lot of people interested in living the type of life we do in our very sparsely populated county consisting mostly of wildlife, water, trees, and rocks. There are times when I've felt as if I'm the only one attempting to do what I do. My connection through blogging with people who hold my same interests and values is educational, inspiring, up-lifting, supportive and generally validates my choice to pursue the type of life I do.
I still read my chosen group of blogs and sincerely value the friendships I've made with other bloggers. Admittedly, I don't take the time to comment as much as I used to. That's not because I no longer find the posts interesting and entertaining, but because, once again, there is only so much time each day and right now, I'm making the decision to use it in the best way for me personally.
Whew! See why I didn't leave this ramble as a comment on Amy's post?
what we can do
9 hours ago
Well Mama Pea, I keep thinking that all things come to an end one way or the other. It may just be the time to move on to another season in some peoples lives. At least that is what I am thinking. And blogging has really changed over the years. Now people are hacking your accounts to boost hits to their sites for which they get paid. Posts are being plagiarized. It just is not 'fun' once people start stealing your property for their gain. Nothing is sacred anymore.
Sure do hear you and feel the same way. It is getting harder to find joy for the soul with the economy faltering and the nagging worry of what will be next, too. Funny thing - I was feeling very stressed out this morning and decided to check blogs to relax my mind... It does help to know that I am not alone with my feelings. And I am going to continue to blog and share my corner of the country with any who are interested. It is a great way to expand my mind and learn so much from others, too.
Quit picking on me! LOL! You perfectly described what's been going on with me - just today I worked since 6 am on cleaning closets and tossing unnecessary stuff and trying to get my mind and space uncluttered, wanted to take a 1 hour break before the kids get home and knitting won out over blogging. I still want to blog, just need to do it less frequently and it's been hard to get excited about things around here when nothing is finished, project or chore wise. Compile that with my hormonal "walking dead" midlife issues and there's a recipe for blog posts that ramble and don't make any sense LOL. I am grateful for my blogging friends that stick by me and are still there when I do post!
Jane, funny you mentioned that - just the other day I came across one of my blog posts that someone had "pinned to their wall" in Pinterest, and upon further searching found several more. Some might be flattered, but I admit I was a bit peeved about it. Especially when they don't even credit the photo. Although "I get" that when you put something on the internet it's free game so to speak and I don't mind at all sharing amongst our blogger friend community my ideas and such but it's unnerving sometimes anyways!
Mama Pea, Mama Pea, Mama Pea. There seems to be a lot of self-stress going on in our little corner of the blogosphere, doesn't there? Actually, it ain't so little, as it ecompasses many states - but isn't this symptomatic of how we approach our daily lives? We have a LOT to do. Sometimes we have more to do. Just look back on your year - major remodel/rebuild of your house; moving CM and the stress of all that; you raise your own food, you process and preserve your own food, your heat your home, you maintain your home, good gawd, I'm totally exhausted just listing it and it's not even my life! We love your posts, whether there's one a day or one a week or one every two. You make us feel part of something wonderful and good, and you always make us feel better about ourselves. Now go back into your quilting studio and don't feel guilty about it!
Days are cold now, and shorter, energy level is dwindling, news is depressing and hyped up, think we are all hitting a slump, sometimes the more on your plate the more you accomplish, right now I am in a procrastination mode. Stores have Christmas decorations up already, and it's not even Thanksgiving yet. Before you know it we will have to learn to write 2013 ..... unbelievable weren't we just worried about the Y2K problem few weeks ago. Someone greased the slide sending me into old age at a high rate of speed.
I am finding less and less interest in blogging but know I SHOULD be doing it because, as you said, it is a wonderful way to see what was going on in my life at such and such a time, what progress (if any)I've made in the garden, what my harvests were, ya da ya da. BUT---I'm tired of it. And I just feel it's time to move on. I don't know. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe, as Jane says, things just naturally die out.
I'll always be there to read what the group posts.....and you know I TRY to reply....but if it doesn't take the first time...I move on. I'm just not so patient anymore.
PS Also quite sick of the "spammy" crap, so I understand the word verification. I just have trouble SEEING the letters and it is MADDENING to have to keep trying.
PSS I keep trying on yours, though!
Great post, Mama Pea. And yes I can see why you didn't write all that over as a reply to mine, but I'm sure glad you wrote it over here! You mentioned how we're all a little beaten down over the state of affairs in our country...and I think that has a lot to do with it, too. I also see that Jane mentioned about nothing being sacred anymore, and people hacking into your stuff and YUCK all the stuff that goes on! Bloggin' ain't what it used to be. :( I guess we all have to continue on (or not) as we see fit. I just thought it was an interesting question to bring up...and I guess its been on other people's minds as well!
I'm blogging up here in NE MN with you and one of the things I like best is the ingenuity that folks display on a daily basis. I have learned so much and so I want to share as well.
The Country is in bad shape so it may be even more important than ever share ideas and information, a lot of folks will be reaching out to find different ways to just get by.
I actually still love blogging and would post more but by the time I reread most of the stuff I write I don't post it. My suggestions is to stop watching the news, stop reading the newspapers because the economy and all that crap they talk about is so negative and doesn't really have to affect you. And what I mean by that is the things that are important to you, your family, your values don't change. The earth continues to turn and the seasons change and everything is made new again.
See I should probably delete this too but what the heck, may as well post it and see if I can get the word verification right the first try.
Jane - There's lots about the Internet that is not as "nice" as it once was.
I sincerely hope you continue to blog because we all neeeeed the knowledge you so readily share. Hear that, Janey-Girl? We want you in Blogland for a long, long time!
2 Tramps - See? We all need either other for support, education, encouragement and laughs!
Erin - We'll always be there for you. And don't forget that what may seem mundane to you (or even what you might deem "complaining" regarding anything you're currently going through) is of interest to us because it's not the same old, same old we have in our own lives! (Yours is much more interesting!)
Susan - You are so sweet. Thank you.
(Where do I send the check?)
Tombstone Livestock - Ha! I was just thinking about Y2K recently. It can NOT possibly have happened twelve years ago! No way.
Please don't say your sliding into old age at a high rate of speed . . . 'cause I think I'm older than you are!
Sue - Oh, you simply cannot take your talent and inspirational gardens away from us! Not an option, ya hear? Take a break but don't pull the plug.
P.S. I am sending you a magnifying glass so you might be able to see the word verifications a little easier. (But I gotta admit some of them are TOTALLY illegible. What's with that?
Mama Tea - I thank you for doing your blog post on the subject. I think it HAS been on the minds of a lot of us.
Chai Chai - A very good point you bring up that more folks may be needing all the information we care to share!
Sparkless - I think you're WAY too critical of what you write (which you do very well, by the way) and shouldn't hit the Delete button so much!
In our house we do not watch the news or read the newspapers (are there any left??) or listen to stock market reports (Ha! No stocks!). A couple of months ago one morning I put one of the morning shows on the TV because I hadn't watched one for the longest time. I could hardly believe the terrible, awful, ugliness of story after story they featured. It was totally depressing to have the seamy side of life highlighted. Is this what people want to hear? No matter our society is sick.
Insightful as usual MP, and I agree with most of your observations too.
I myself have had days where the blog was as "job to do" and I don't really want it to become that, so I step away. I'm amazed too that some days the words just flow and other days I'm in the fog and nothing sounds right.
Eh...We're all in the same boat. As the Beatles sang "We All Live In A Yellow Submarine."
Very well said Mama Pea :) I totally get it. Just yesterday I wasn't going to post anything after my two "sad" posts in the last week. But then I remembered the trip Sunday to the museum and wanted to share something happy. I have been spending a LOT of time with documentaries and my crochet hooks. It's soothing for the soul.
A good blogger friend recently said she likes to read my blog because "misery loves company!" She meant this in the nicest way possible and I got a chuckle and warm fuzzies from it. We ARE all in the same boat, yellow submarine that it may be.
Ooops, above comment is in reply to Tami!
Stephanie - I don't know how anyone survives without some kind of handwork to do. I do some of my best thinking while knitting or quilting. Keep those crochet hooks movin'! (And keep on blogging even if you feel you have a couple of "sad" posts now and then.)
I believe this winter we all are gonna have a hitch in our giddy up! I know I got one :)
Annnightflyer - It will be very interesting to see if this general feeling of malaise does really carry over into the blogging world. I do find it quite curious that so many bloggers seem to be feeling the same thing.
Another one here feeling the blahs. Too many irons in the fire and something's gotta give.
Yes, I have to agree. It's been awhile for me, and there's so much I could sit down and say, but other things tend to win out. In the knitting front, I just bought a new pattern booklet, 2 balls of yarn, and a pair of circular needles. I plan on trying two socks at a time on a getaway weekend with my girlfriend. We will celebrate our long (43 year) friendship, and both of us turning 50 this year. Amazing for her, a 6 1/2 year survivor of a double lung transplant, and me, newly widowed. Whew! I leave tomorrow. We will bask in each others company.
Judy - And something tells me that the "too many irons in the fire" thing isn't going to be helped by the holiday season fast approaching! We must learn we can't do everything, but take time for the things that nourish our soul. (Remind me I said this in a week or so.)
Lori - I've yet to try the two socks at a time trick, but it makes so much sense. Once you get one sock done and see what it looks like, there's not a lotta desire to do a repeat!!
Sending wishes for a WONDERFUL getaway weekend for you and your friend. Early November is a great time for such a trip! (Whoops, maybe it's not so much "early November" anymore!)
Well I tried to reply to your comment about age but it would not let me so will have to tell you here, I think I am at least 10+ years older than you.
Tombstone Livestock - I'll bet you're not . . . she says in a sing-songy voice!! (I'm 69-1/2. :o] ) Gosh, remember way back when it was sooo important to add that half year to your age?
Gotcha, I am older .... just not by the number of years I thought, plus I just had a birthday 2 weeks ago so 1/2 doesn't apply .... 73 ............
Tombstone Livestock - Happy, happy belated birthday to you! Okay, you've got a little bit of a running start on me . . . so you can tell me what a great decade the 70s will be for you and me!
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