I spent most of the day today making valances for the big south facing windows in the living room and a valance and half curtain for one of the doors.
Valances and a simple half curtain are truly easy to make, but require miles and miles of straight stitching which always seems as if it should go faster than it does. (And don't cha just hate it when you sew for nine feet . . . with no bobbin thread?)
It's amazing how a simple valance can soften up not only the windows but the whole room.
We also have blinds for this expanse of windows. They had to be taken down for the remodeling in the living room when that was started over a year ago. When we went to put them back up yesterday, uh-oh! Do you think we could find the mounting brackets for them anywhere? We looked and looked and looked to no avail. Soooo frustrating! They should have been in a baggie taped to the blinds. Should have. Weren't.
This is Papa Pea working on installing the hangers for rods for the valance and half curtain on this metal outside door. Boy-oh-boy-oh-boy, was that a challenge. We got it done, but I'll just say it involved more tools than you would have thought possible and some super-strength glue to install four little hangers. Hubby decreed that I should not even think about touching the hanging hardware until tomorrow morning. Yessir! Far be it from me to mess things up at this point!
seed crackers
4 hours ago
I'd cry when I find out I'd been sewing without bobbin thread. Why can't they make a machine with a bobbin that holds sixteen miles of thread????
The valances look very nice, although I honestly can't stop looking at your above-the-window bookshelves, those things are AWESOME!!
So MamaPea is now the wrong time to tell you that you can buy magnetic cutting holders for metal/ steel doors? I love my new sewing machine. It has a clear window that shows bobbin and even cooler it has a seperate motor so I can refill the bobbin w/o unthreading the machine. Unless the sun shines too brightly into a window I like to keep the view unobstructed but maybe just a valance to soften the lines is a good choice. Isn't nice to be able to sew up curtains just like you want? It's ashamed more folks aren't self sufficient like you are.
You should be able to fill bobbins with as much thread as spool holds ... that way it would come out even .... now there is a thought, let's go figure a way to do it and get rich. As a matter of fact let's design a sewing machine where you just insert whole spool like you do for top thread .............. eliminate the need to fill bobbins.
I think someone needs to invent a sewing machine that gives you an audible signal when the bobbin thread runs out. I can't even count the number of times I've sewed a long time without any bobbin thread.
But I agree with Carolyn Renee- LOVE those bookshelves above the windows!
CR - Or a machine that give an audible signal when your bobbin thread is low?!
We got so darn many books (hubby promises to sort and get rid of ones we no longer want this winter) that we had to figure out ways to find storage for them all! And we've been very happy with the way this idea turned out.
Lisa - Magnetic holders for metal doors? Well, NOW ya tell me! Guess I've been in the woods too long; I had no idea there was such a thing.
My bobbin shows through a clear window, too, but do I ever look at it? Nope. And what a clever idea . . . to be able to refill the bobbin without unthreading the machine! That's the part of it I hate.
I would be happy without the blinds on the windows, but hubby says the house stays cooler in the summer with them closed and on cold winter nights, he thinks they insulate a bit. He's probably right, but I hate to clean the darn things!
I don't feel very self-sufficient compared to what all you and other bloggers do, but I do think it's a shame more young gals aren't learning how to sew these days. It comes in handy throughout life.
Tombstone Livestock - Seriously, why don't you think machines could be designed to hold a spool of thread for the bobbin thread? That sure sounds like it would make sense to me. I don't mind the process of filling bobbins, it's just that you have to stop making progress on your sewing to do it!
Judy - Ha! Two minds that think alike! Yes, an audible signal would sure be appreciated. When an empty bobbin really want to make me tear my hair is when I'm sewing two rows of a complicated quilt pattern together trying to match points and seams only to finally get to the end . . . and find out I ran out of bobbin thread about 2" into the seam. ARRRRGGGHHHH!
Judy - And thanks re the bookshelves!
I am always amazed how something that seems like a simple fast chore can take forever and be a major pain in the rear to accomplish. Your valance does soften up things very nicely, good job.
Your valances look lovely... and they are simple, huh? I made one about 3 feet long for over our shower... it's one of those showers with a "frosted" glass door and I thought it looked horrible, so I bought a cloth shower curtain, made it into a valance and hung it. Simple things that look so amazing. Both my oldest and youngest daughters have expressed a desire to do some sewing, so I am slowly teaching them. I keep asking my mom to teach 'em as I don't have the patience. It's a lost skill.
I love those valances Mama Pea, and have to agree with everyone else, the bookshelves above are brilliant. You have given me one more thing to add to my "to do" list for when I get my own place :)
Oh, I wish you'd tell my Don how nice things like valances and blinds are! He won't let me put up ANYTHING. He loves the "openess" of no curtains. I feel like I'm on display.
Love those valances, just enough to 'dress' up a room.
I see someone already told you about the magnetic curtain rods. So sorry you did not already know about them. I have used these for years and even have one on my current back door. We take them wherever we move as most doors to the outside world seem to be metal now. I really love them because if I don't like the exact spot I have put the curtain, I can just move it up, down, or side to side to get it where I like it. Well, maybe next time for you ..... or when the new rod falls off! (Don't tell PP I said that.)
I know what you mean about sewing curtains. I hate working with long yardage. It's too easy for me to end up crooked as my mine wanders while sewing the yardage. Also, I think all of us who have sewn have had that experience where the bobbin runs out but we have sewn on for yards and yards without a clue. So, I hesitate to tell you that I have a Pfaff that signals when the bobbin is getting low. OUCH! You didn't have to hit me for telling you that!!! hehehe I bought it from a friend who was downsizing and because it came with a cabinet too, I couldn't pass it up. It also has the built in "dual feed" or "walking foot" as it is called for most other machines. That's the real reason I bought it. Love that!!!
Why, running out of bobbin thread has NEVER happened to me... I love the valance look and am with everyone else in loving that overhead bookcase design! Plus that view!!! So, have you hung your door valance/curtain yet?
Sparkless - We have come to realize that there is NOTHING that gets done, finished, completed as quickly as you think it should!
Thanks for the nice words on the valances.
Ruth - My mom did sew (mostly alterations to her own store bought clothes) but I learned in school starting with a sewing class in 7th grade. I took as many classes in high school as I could and I've always been very glad I did!
Stephanie - Credit goes to Papa Pea for coming up with the idea for the bookshelves. (I think he figured if he could find a place to put all the books, I wouldn't make him get rid of any!)
P.S. We still don't have all of the books out and displayed. Sigh. Need for shelves. Double sigh.
Sue - Do you think if you could sneak a laid-back little valance up somewhere and he saw how warm and cozy it made the room feel he would waver?? (Maybe do it and don't even point it out to him. I know my husband wouldn't notice it for a couple of weeks!!)
DFW - I thought the windows looked so "warehouse-y" without them! Thanks.
Karen L. - Next trip to the big city I have got to check out those magnetic curtain rods. I had no idea! (See how useful and informative blogging is?)
So there IS a machine that has an audible warning when your bobbin is running low! Geesh, I feel so out of it. I've never had or sewn on a Pfaff but know several people who really like them.
Susan - Liar, liar, pants on fire!
Short post with picture(!) of door valance/curtain coming up. Can you hardly wait?
PS--I did mean to write that those are totally adorable valances---short--the way I LOVE them. Great job. They look fantastic!
Oooops--am I making your head swell?
Well, they are PERFECT!
Sue - Nononono, certainly not perfect! I could list the things I wish I'd done differently, but maybe if I keep my mouth shut no one will ever know!
The valence looks great. Saw your more recent post about the door's curtains holding - phew! Home decorating can be such an adventure!
LindaCO - Not only an adventure, but dangerous, too! We have to stay strong. ;o]
LOL, that's something I would do, no bobbin thread! The big difference is that you finished, whereas I would have gotten frustrated and decided I didn't need the curtain anyway bahahahaha!
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