I think lupines are near the top of my list of favorite wild flowers that grow in our area.
They cover a small hillside slope back near our wood cutting area.
I can't resist cutting and bringing a bouquet of them inside a couple of times while they're blooming.
Unfortunately, they don't hold up well after being cut and make a real mess as their gorgeous purple petals fall off the stems. They sure are impressive while they last though.
Domestic Goddess - They are lovely, aren't they? We even have one "red" (they're actually more pinkish) plant which I understand is rare on our hillside.
My Journey - Thank you! I'm still in the first year of my newly remodeled kitchen and discovered that on the top of this little cook book cabinet is the perfect place to keep cut flowers. Now I'm eager for my zinnias to start blooming as they last a long time as a cut flower and will give me a lot of colorful blooms all summer long in a vase in this spot.
Jen - If they are, I sure hope the powers that be don't start spraying to get rid of them. They are gorgeous making huge swaths of color along the roadsides in many places!
They twist all over the place too don't they! Ugh! I lived in Maine and rarely picked them because they went all funky. They were so pretty in the field!
Fearless Farmgirl - Yes! Isn't that the strangest thing about them? For the first . . . what? About 12 hours after you cut and bring them in . . . they twist and turn like they're in agony. Then they settle down and go back to a normal spike again. I'm sure somebody could tell us why they do that! After cleaning up this last mess they made, maybe I should wise up and enjoy them ala naturel, too!
I love to have flowers in the house. But I never seem to do that. Lupines don't grow here but I loved them in Texas as Bluebonnets. Absolutely gorgeous to see a whole field of them.
Leigh - I'll even pick "weeds" that are blooming and bring them in the house. Or put dandelions in a small glass or vase! (Which don't last but a couple of hours.)
I once picked what I thought was a beautiful bouquet for a relative (we shan't name names!) and put them on her table as a surprise. She informed me she didn't like flowers in the house . . . that they should be left outside where they were "natural!"
We're all different, aren't we? If I were rich I'd have fresh flowers in a couple of places in the house every day year round!
I honestly don't think I've ever seen a lupine; they are beautiful! Be damned the mess, they look wonderful.....just think of the fallen petals as a crafty way of decorating the table.
LindaCO - No we don't burn the area, but the lupines are covering more and more of it each year.
There is a gal in the area who has taken it on herself to propagate the "red" lupines. She gathers seeds each fall from the few she knows the location of and scatters them about and claims to be seeing more and more of the red variety. I'm no biologist . . . does that sound feasible to you?
Hey Mama Pea! When I saw your post and beautiful flowers, I immediately thought of the delightful children's book "Miss Rumphius" by Barbara Cooney about a lady who scattered lupine seed everywhere in the hopes of making the world a little bit more beautiful. From reading your reply above, sounds like you have a 'Miss Rumphius' nearby! Just lovely! Your kitchen is gorgeous and makes a great backdrop for your beautiful flowers :)
Lisa - I had almost forgotten about that children's book! I should try to get a picture of the "red" lupine. I haven't been back there to the hillside since all our rain . . . I wonder how the lupines fared??
I live with my husband on a small homestead in Northern Minnesota. Our daughter currently lives in a small cabin in the woods not too far from us.
Our place is located outside a small town and a two and a half hour's drive from the nearest big city. Trips to the city are infrequent, well-planned, and exhausting!
We currently raise chickens and have hives of honey bees. Raising some of our meat and most of our fruits and vegetables is a priority for us; so, along with our birds for meat and eggs, we have fruit trees, berry patches and a huge vegetable garden.
Quilting is my passion, and I could happily spend each day in my quilt studio if I weren't happily spending each day out in the garden. Good thing we have winters up here; Mother Nature helps keep my life balanced.
My Occupation(s)
Home and Household Manager (Highly-Skilled Domestic Engineer)
Wife of Retired School Teacher (I Really Enjoy Having Him Home)
Mother of Grown Child (I Am So Proud of Her)
Fanatic Gardener (So Many Seeds, So Little Summer)
Passionate Quilter (I Am Obsessed)
EX-Restaurant Owner (Thank Heavens!)
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Such beautiful flowers! I can see why you'd like to display them. It's too bad they don't hold up well after being cut.
Well, for the short time before they wilt, they are beautiful. Looks like you have the perfect spot for them in your kitchen.
I love them too, but aren't they considered an invasive species? I'd love to start some in my yard but wouldn't want the MI DNR to show up...
I spy with my little eye a really fancy kitchen in the back! You must be thrilled that THAT part is all done and looks fabulous.
Domestic Goddess - They are lovely, aren't they? We even have one "red" (they're actually more pinkish) plant which I understand is rare on our hillside.
My Journey - Thank you! I'm still in the first year of my newly remodeled kitchen and discovered that on the top of this little cook book cabinet is the perfect place to keep cut flowers. Now I'm eager for my zinnias to start blooming as they last a long time as a cut flower and will give me a lot of colorful blooms all summer long in a vase in this spot.
Jen - If they are, I sure hope the powers that be don't start spraying to get rid of them. They are gorgeous making huge swaths of color along the roadsides in many places!
Jane - You tricky little looker you! Am I happy the kitchen is done? YES, YES, YES, YES!!!!! And thank you.
They twist all over the place too don't they! Ugh! I lived in Maine and rarely picked them because they went all funky. They were so pretty in the field!
Fearless Farmgirl - Yes! Isn't that the strangest thing about them? For the first . . . what? About 12 hours after you cut and bring them in . . . they twist and turn like they're in agony. Then they settle down and go back to a normal spike again. I'm sure somebody could tell us why they do that! After cleaning up this last mess they made, maybe I should wise up and enjoy them ala naturel, too!
I love to have flowers in the house. But I never seem to do that. Lupines don't grow here but I loved them in Texas as Bluebonnets. Absolutely gorgeous to see a whole field of them.
Leigh - I'll even pick "weeds" that are blooming and bring them in the house. Or put dandelions in a small glass or vase! (Which don't last but a couple of hours.)
I once picked what I thought was a beautiful bouquet for a relative (we shan't name names!) and put them on her table as a surprise. She informed me she didn't like flowers in the house . . . that they should be left outside where they were "natural!"
We're all different, aren't we? If I were rich I'd have fresh flowers in a couple of places in the house every day year round!
They are gorgeous and in my opinion are the best color to show off the buttery yellow kitchen, those colors go so well together!
I honestly don't think I've ever seen a lupine; they are beautiful! Be damned the mess, they look wonderful.....just think of the fallen petals as a crafty way of decorating the table.
just toss them petals all over the bed,maybe hubby will get a hint,vacuum off the bed deary--hahaha and yes I've completely lost m,y mind
I love lupines too but they don't do well here. I think we are too hot and humid.
Same for delphiniums....I tried for years and spent a lot of money before I gave up.
I like that yellow kitchen in the background....I have a very yellow bedroom.
Lovely!! The plant biologist in me wonders what the seeds from the pink flower would grow up to be. Do you burn that area?
Erin - Well, thank you very much!
CR - I really like your spin on the fallen petals!
judy - Do ya think lupine petals would have the same effect as rose petals? (Much cheaper, at any rate!)
gld - I think they do need the "cooler" weather. Delphiniums must be the same because they do well for me, also.
I may be prejudiced but I like yellow in any room!
LindaCO - No we don't burn the area, but the lupines are covering more and more of it each year.
There is a gal in the area who has taken it on herself to propagate the "red" lupines. She gathers seeds each fall from the few she knows the location of and scatters them about and claims to be seeing more and more of the red variety. I'm no biologist . . . does that sound feasible to you?
Hey Mama Pea! When I saw your post and beautiful flowers, I immediately thought of the delightful children's book "Miss Rumphius" by Barbara Cooney about a lady who scattered lupine seed everywhere in the hopes of making the world a little bit more beautiful. From reading your reply above, sounds like you have a 'Miss Rumphius' nearby! Just lovely! Your kitchen is gorgeous and makes a great backdrop for your beautiful flowers :)
Lisa - I had almost forgotten about that children's book! I should try to get a picture of the "red" lupine. I haven't been back there to the hillside since all our rain . . . I wonder how the lupines fared??
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