Sitting down during the day to put my feet up and read isn't something I do. If I do sit down, it's in front of the computer here.
What I need is for someone to make me go sit in a "time out" corner for a half hour each day. (I can take my reading stack with me, of course.) I would then be forced to whittle down the accumulation of miscellaneous reading that collects on the corner of my desk.
So. Any volunteers? All you have to say is, "Okay, Mama Pea. I've had it with you. Take that stack of magazines and catalogs, go sit in that chair by the bookcase, and I don't want to hear a peep out of you for one half hour." 'Course, you may have to wake me up when the half hour is over because I tend to fall asleep whenever I stop moving.
Amen, sista! Me too - my stack keeps growing, and I don't even subscribe to many - Mother Earth News is actually the only one LOL, and I have a gift subscription to BWJ from my parents, so just what the heck is all that stuff? I swear they reproduce. When you find that time-out corner, let me know the address and I'll send you my stack, too :)
LOL! My sisters and mom and I share magazines so I always have some sitting waiting to get read.
So Mamma Pea you get in that time out corner with a nice cup of tea and read those magazines so they don't clutter up your home!
My husband is like you. Every time he sits down he nods off. He goes to bed early and gets up early so he's getting enough sleep. I think he's having a coffee crash cause he drinks a ton of coffee.
Erin - They do reproduce! The longer you let them sit, the more there are of 'em.
Sparkless - Thanks for stepping up to the plate and giving me my orders. I shall try to be a good little girl and obey. :o)
Well, you can always take them next to the 'bookshelf' by the toliet. Unless you happen to fall asleep there too! And if you do, well heck I don't know what to tell ya!
Sorry, I cannot help you. I've got my own darn stack. And wait .... do I see a Connecting Threads catalog on the top of that pile? That's a keeper, at least for a while anyway. Got to have something to drool over. I mark pages and go back and mark more then unmark some and then mark more ...... Love that catalog!!!
I right there with you. Plus I bought all kinds of books this winter that have gone unread. But they do make a nice place to set your tea cups so you dont put rings on the end tables. So they are getting some use.
okay, young lady, you take those mags and march right over there and I don't want to even hear a peep out of you for half an hour! (time to think about donating them to your public library when you're finished!)
APG - We DO have a bookshelf right next to the . . . ah . . . um . . . toilette!
Karen L. - I know! Isn't that just a luscious want and wish book?! I fantasize about having like $500 to just blow on each new issue. (Not happenin', but a gal can dream.)
Jane - Books. The best coasters ever made!
Dmarie - Yes, ma'am. Right away, ma'am. (And our library has a special box in the lobby where people drop off magazines and others are welcome to take any they want. So I do do that!)
Nice! We had to get all Nazi on our reading pile here, and now its dwindled to basically two magazines - Backwoods Home and Countryside. Now, the reading pile of BOOKS by my bed, that's another story. :)
Perhaps we all need a little time out, eh?
I keep mine in a basket by the "throne" in the bathroom and sit til my legs go numb. LOL Is that too much info? Hubby always asks if I'm ok because I'm in there so long. And, I justify keeping my subscriptions (I subscribe to about 5 bi-monthly mags) by selling them on e-bay when I am done with them. They usually sell pretty well.
Reading them before bed is a great suggestion. Otherwise, if sitting down and reading them feels too much like another chore why do it? Just let them go - you can't miss what you don't pay attention to :)
Well, this certainly explains why I have trouble getting everything done that I want to get done....
After the lunch dishes are done, I take an hour and plop down on the couch with the days' newspaper and whatever else interesting that came in the mail. Hubby knows when I go in the living room, I'm "busy" reading. Leave me alone.
Oh, it gets worse......we also take an hour siesta later in the afternoon. The neighbors know--leave us alone! (Took awhile to train them!-LOL)
Lazy? Maybe. I figure life is short. Enjoy! Besides-LIKE SOMEONE TOLD ME (!!!!)-the busy time of the year is coming up. THIS is the time to relax. So-get thine booty to the corner and read. Dammit!!
Awe, is it any wonder Mama Pea needs a nap and not a "tine out"? Lol. Go read. NOW!
Once again, that old bugaboo - down time is "bad" - raises it's impish little head. You just go ahead and read a magazine a day. Do it with breakfast - unless that's the time for scintilating conversation with Papa Pea...
I have cut way back on my subscriptions, but the darn catalogs still keep coming! I usually find their web address and send them notice that I'm no longer interested. It takes some time, but the catalogs do stop coming. There are a few I love and will continue to get, but TONS of them just pile up - I don't even read them anymore.
Go to your corner and get done with that pile so you can gear up for gardening season!! Do it NOW!!
Mama Tea - Well, I think we all DO need a little time out for catching up on our reading. But where do we find it??
Ruth - Gosh, I never thought about selling current copies of magazines on EBay. Hmmm . . .
Jen - Ah, you are so wise. (Why do I always feel I'm missing something IMPORTANT if I don't read them??)
Sue - I LIKE your schedule! (How's your painting coming? Hee-hee.)
Kelly - If I would just start sleeping better at night, I wouldn't NEED a nap during the day! I think I need to learn how to relax. You think?
Susan - Ha! My attention span is so fragile that I've never been able to eat and read at the same time. Maybe that's a skill I should work on.
Yvette - You mean to say that you think this winter will actually end one of these days? We can only hope. It may just happen. It's not even noon here today and our temp has hit 36 which the highest we've seen in a looong time!
Oh Mama Pea - - - it is, right now, 56 deg in the shade of my carport!!! I'm having trouble believing it. I did go out this morning without my coat - goodness that feels good. It's been so long that I know my coat feels neglected! LOL
Yvette - You went out this morning without your coat? Good grief, you must have felt almost . . . nekked!!
Our high today was 37 and it felt great 'cause we had sunshine all day. Lots of snow melted, too.
Yay, spring is a'comin'!
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