I know I've got a lot of bare spots that I would normally have done some succession planting in but other things are yelling louder for my attention this summer. There's still plenty growing in the beds to keep me hopping with preserving and putting by. (I love that expression "putting by.")

Boy, I'm not sure sitting down to do this post was a good idea. I'm feeling very sleepy and I still have pickles and peas to preserve this afternoon. Better get up and move before rigor mortis sets in.
Love seeing the transformations of your garden. It is truly amazing what can happen in just a couple of months, isn't it! Loved your last comment too... gave me the giggles! :)
Or in my case "putting off"... as I chuck whole jalapenos into ziploc bags and into the freezer :) !
The blog post yesterday was all I could manage this weekend, I have been so busy with the garden. Today it rained all day long and I was so happy about it since I really had quite a few new followers that I felt guilty about not visiting their blogs yet, so I was able to do that and get the (ugh!) grocery shopping done, hate it but I'd rather spend a rainy day at the store than a nice one!
Your garden transformation is amazing! What are the tall red flowers you are growing in one of the beds, are those still the poppies?
Isn't it neat to see the changes!!
I do the same thing-it's amazing, despite the SHORT season, how much of a difference there is in a few months.
Those pictures are especially appreciated in the dead of winter.
What an enjoyable post!
Thank you for the walk through the months. I enjoyed seeing the transformations. Enjoy your harvest.
Sweet Miss Daisy - The thing is if I didn't document the garden progress on the blog here, I'd have no way of "seeing" the transformation from month to month. Cool, huh? :o)
Erin - The tall red flowers are the geraniums that were being choked to death by those awful insipid white/yellow petunias! I yanked out the petunias and the geraniums have spread out and grown up a foot!
Sue - Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the post. I guess with our short season, the plants just know they have to do their growing as fast as they can!
Beth - Oh, thanks, Beth. It's hard to "enjoy" the harvest right now when there is so much to do, but come winter I really do appreciate it so much!
Are you for hire? Your gardens are amazing!
I love that "putting up" and Erin's "putting off". I'm afraid I fall into the latter category more often than not. I have managed to get some hamburger dills canned and am closing in on blueberry/ginger jam. I am saving my strength for what I hope will be a bountiful tomato crop - I didn't get any canned last year and the pantry needs those red jars.
Apple Pie Gal - In another time or age, I could have happily been a hired gardener!
Susan - How the heck are you getting any canning done with one wing broken?
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