Can I possibly make it through this gardening season with these shoes?
They've become like old friends. I can't work in the garden without them. I have defective feet. I have to wear tie shoes. Crocs or flip-flops won't do it for me.
Problem is I'm experiencing serious leakage in the right foot toe area. On a dewy morning my whole right foot quickly becomes wet and squishy.
On a dry day dust and dirt filter in leaving my once white socks . . . well, not so white anymore. When stripping in the evening before showering, my bare foot doesn't look so good either.
I've considered a liberal application of duct tape but that might hamper the flexibility of these super-comfy foot coverings.
What's a girl to do?
Eeeeek, I can't wear these!
The glare from these will scramble signals from satellites.
Beneficial garden insects will flee the premises.
These are still serviceable. I've only got a couple/few more months to go in the season. My good ol' garden shoes and I will make it. Some way. Or not.
If they fit well and you love them, I say do the tape! It's not like you are going to wear them to town to go dancing, or are you ????? :0) Comfy shoes are hard to part with.
Omigosh! Such support! And here I fully expected everyone to say, "Oh fer Pete's sake, toss those sorry looking shoes and get on with it!"
Duct tape (and maybe a little hot glue gun) scores again. When we had the firewood delivery business, I would go through my gloves so fast that in no time I had all fingers, thumbs, and palms wrapped with duct tape so that you couldn't tell that I wasn't wearing gloves MADE out of duct tape!
Duct tape wins again! What a versatile product-half my tools have it on their handles(splinters). You could also try a bread wrapper over your sock-saves em from the dirt and wet. Just trim it down so you don't look like the neighborhood weirdo (ahem-yes, I am) It's soooo hard to give up a favorite pair, isn't it? Best to you!
Is Shoe Goo a thing of the past? Maybe it is only for the sole of the shoe, but that would be something I might look into IF it is still in production.
Yikes, that is a big hole that probably should have had some attention a few centimeters ago, but who has time for that in high summer?
Heck yes! Duct tape is the new fashion, dontcha know? Don't wear those new shoes out there! And don't even utter the word "Crocs"...yuck I hate those! There's a whole "I hate Crocs" world out there, google that phrase in all your spare time, funny stuff and pics of really bad Croc fashion LOL. Pretty soon you'll be in mukluks again and you can put off the shoe thing until next year :)
Love it! Some shoes are just hard to let go of. I've been looking for some new gardening shoes, but nothing seems to suit. Maybe wet feet aren't so bad after all (???)
How have I managed to survive so long without all the helpful suggestions from all of you duct tape pushing, enterprising bread wrapper wearing, Shoe Goo using, dedicated gardening shoe sympathizers? (You're all a little crazy . . . but that may come from too many hours in the garden under a broiling sun.) Thanks all!!!
I live with my husband on a small homestead in Northern Minnesota. Our daughter currently lives in a small cabin in the woods not too far from us.
Our place is located outside a small town and a two and a half hour's drive from the nearest big city. Trips to the city are infrequent, well-planned, and exhausting!
We currently raise chickens and have hives of honey bees. Raising some of our meat and most of our fruits and vegetables is a priority for us; so, along with our birds for meat and eggs, we have fruit trees, berry patches and a huge vegetable garden.
Quilting is my passion, and I could happily spend each day in my quilt studio if I weren't happily spending each day out in the garden. Good thing we have winters up here; Mother Nature helps keep my life balanced.
My Occupation(s)
Home and Household Manager (Highly-Skilled Domestic Engineer)
Wife of Retired School Teacher (I Really Enjoy Having Him Home)
Mother of Grown Child (I Am So Proud of Her)
Fanatic Gardener (So Many Seeds, So Little Summer)
Passionate Quilter (I Am Obsessed)
EX-Restaurant Owner (Thank Heavens!)
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I would give duct tape a go. Jamey has duct taped several shoes and claims they are good as new.
I get very attached to shoes as well. I can feel your anxiety. It will all be okay:-).
Try a hot glue gun to glue some of the holes shut. Hope you make it to the end of the summer.
If they fit well and you love them, I say do the tape! It's not like you are going to wear them to town to go dancing, or are you ????? :0)
Comfy shoes are hard to part with. them up and carry on! Wear what you love to do what you love!
Omigosh! Such support! And here I fully expected everyone to say, "Oh fer Pete's sake, toss those sorry looking shoes and get on with it!"
Duct tape (and maybe a little hot glue gun) scores again. When we had the firewood delivery business, I would go through my gloves so fast that in no time I had all fingers, thumbs, and palms wrapped with duct tape so that you couldn't tell that I wasn't wearing gloves MADE out of duct tape!
Duct tape wins again! What a versatile product-half my tools have it on their handles(splinters).
You could also try a bread wrapper over your sock-saves em from the dirt and wet. Just trim it down so you don't look like the neighborhood weirdo (ahem-yes, I am)
It's soooo hard to give up a favorite pair, isn't it?
Best to you!
Another vote for taping - a careful application shouldn't hamper your flexibility. What would we do without duct tape?
Is Shoe Goo a thing of the past? Maybe it is only for the sole of the shoe, but that would be something I might look into IF it is still in production.
Yikes, that is a big hole that probably should have had some attention a few centimeters ago, but who has time for that in high summer?
Heck yes! Duct tape is the new fashion, dontcha know? Don't wear those new shoes out there! And don't even utter the word "Crocs"...yuck I hate those! There's a whole "I hate Crocs" world out there, google that phrase in all your spare time, funny stuff and pics of really bad Croc fashion LOL. Pretty soon you'll be in mukluks again and you can put off the shoe thing until next year :)
Love it! Some shoes are just hard to let go of. I've been looking for some new gardening shoes, but nothing seems to suit. Maybe wet feet aren't so bad after all (???)
How have I managed to survive so long without all the helpful suggestions from all of you duct tape pushing, enterprising bread wrapper wearing, Shoe Goo using, dedicated gardening shoe sympathizers? (You're all a little crazy . . . but that may come from too many hours in the garden under a broiling sun.) Thanks all!!!
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