After a perfectly gorgeous day yesterday working outside in shirt sleeves, the temperature dropped last night and winter came back. We even had snowflakes for a couple of hours early this morning.
Our pond which has been open water this past week reverted back to sporting heavy chunks of ice.
Some of the slabs/chunks are several inches thick. But with the afternoon sun shining on them, they became forms of beauty worthy of images to share.
And it is still only a smidge past mid-March after all. Most years we'd still be thigh-deep in snow up here at this time of year. So we'll relish any "pretend" spring days we get and appreciate the beauty Mother Nature gives while reminding us that we can still have some mighty cold weather to get through before spring comes to stay.
what we can do
3 hours ago
Mornin', Erin - Thank you! Our little pond which is nothing to write home about as far as looks, really appealed to me with the broken up chunks of ice in it.
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