I came down with a killer sore throat Friday night but happily got rid of that by Saturday afternoon. Now I just have the other (totally manageable) symptoms of a cold . . . stuffy head, sneezes so explosive I scare the dog, dry, tickling cough and the need to carry a box of Kleenex with me at all times. All that I can handle. I'm just so grateful that the sore throat disappeared as quickly as it did. It kept me from sleeping Friday night and was NO fun!
Took this picture from our deck looking out over the garden area this afternoon. We've had about 300% humidity all day today. It's so thick out there you can feel the moisture in the air. The good thing is that it's finally starting to cool off tonight . . . down to 62° as we speak.
Wonderful day to spend inside quilting which I did all day, and plan to go back into my quilt studio for another hour or so tonight. Gave myself permission to be totally lazy today and ignored all things that would require me to tax my germ-hampered body. Seemed like the thing to do thereby insuring a quick recovery from this little cold-thing that has gotten hold of me.
Hope you all had a good weekend.
P.S. How much humidity do we really have? I have the window over my desk open a bit and my copy paper is curling.
Sorry you are under the weather. The first day of a cold is always the worst.
Your garden, even through the fog, looks very nice. And so neat and tidy! I am coveting your raised beds. What are the large silver things at the other end?
Hi, Jo - Thanks for the kind words. We've got both raised beds and a regular "field" garden. There are certain things (potatoes, peas, beans, pickling cucs, etc.) that are just too large for our 4 x 8' beds. BUT I love the beds for other things.
The things that look silver in the foggy light are the raised plastic covers on some cold frames that we have over beds of sweet peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers. Up here we really struggle with some veggies without some sort of covering in the spring and fall.
Healing blessings to you... and, yes, if I could, I'd bring you some of my overgrown-rooster soup!
4x8 sounds like a nice size for beds. I actually dreamed last night that we had converted our 4x4 beds to 3x3s, and in the dream I was running around fretting about the inefficiencies of the altered bed size. What a silly dream!
Sorry you've caught a bug- You're photo of the humidity was wonderful-for me! This desert dryness is starting to get to me! And 105 degrees isn't so good either. Ugh
MaineCelt - Thang gew for your blessings! Actually, I sound worse this morning, but feel better. I shall overcome! I did have some Chicken Noodle Soup in the freezer which I took out yesterday . . . but it didn't taste good. (Roy assured me it was me and not the soup. He finished it all.)
Regarding your dream? Dr. Freud says you're wanting to "downsize" so you don't have so much work but you're still intent on making things bigger and working too hard. (Pay absolutely no attention to that analysis.)
Erin - We have bright sunshine so far this morning. Maybe our yucky weather has turned for the better. Sure hope so. Have a little painting to do inside and want to be able to open doors and windows and let the breeze blow through.
Nickel has a bad sore throat now. I hope he gets over it as quickly as you got over yours. AND I hope no one else gets it (in your family as well as ours).
Oh, the poor little babe. I was totally surprised with the way my sore throat went away given that it was so painful initially. But it did and all I have left is an old-fashioned cold which I'm not gonna complain (too much) about. I hope your wee one's throat clears up super-quick.
And, yes, let's all the rest of our families stay HEALTHY.
Ruthie - Thanks for the get well wishes. It's amazing how long a simple cold will hang on. Even though I may sound terrible and look like something the cat dragged in, I really don't feel that bad. The very worst of it was when I initially came down with the bad sore throat. If that had hung on, I'd be six feet under by now!
I live with my husband on a small homestead in Northern Minnesota. Our daughter currently lives in a small cabin in the woods not too far from us.
Our place is located outside a small town and a two and a half hour's drive from the nearest big city. Trips to the city are infrequent, well-planned, and exhausting!
We currently raise chickens and have hives of honey bees. Raising some of our meat and most of our fruits and vegetables is a priority for us; so, along with our birds for meat and eggs, we have fruit trees, berry patches and a huge vegetable garden.
Quilting is my passion, and I could happily spend each day in my quilt studio if I weren't happily spending each day out in the garden. Good thing we have winters up here; Mother Nature helps keep my life balanced.
My Occupation(s)
Home and Household Manager (Highly-Skilled Domestic Engineer)
Wife of Retired School Teacher (I Really Enjoy Having Him Home)
Mother of Grown Child (I Am So Proud of Her)
Fanatic Gardener (So Many Seeds, So Little Summer)
Passionate Quilter (I Am Obsessed)
EX-Restaurant Owner (Thank Heavens!)
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Sorry you are under the weather. The first day of a cold is always the worst.
Your garden, even through the fog, looks very nice. And so neat and tidy! I am coveting your raised beds. What are the large silver things at the other end?
Hi, Jo - Thanks for the kind words. We've got both raised beds and a regular "field" garden. There are certain things (potatoes, peas, beans, pickling cucs, etc.) that are just too large for our 4 x 8' beds. BUT I love the beds for other things.
The things that look silver in the foggy light are the raised plastic covers on some cold frames that we have over beds of sweet peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers. Up here we really struggle with some veggies without some sort of covering in the spring and fall.
Healing blessings to you... and, yes, if I could, I'd bring you some of my overgrown-rooster soup!
4x8 sounds like a nice size for beds. I actually dreamed last night that we had converted our 4x4 beds to 3x3s, and in the dream I was running around fretting about the inefficiencies of the altered bed size. What a silly dream!
Sorry you've caught a bug-
You're photo of the humidity was wonderful-for me! This desert dryness is starting to get to me! And 105 degrees isn't so good either. Ugh
300% humidity...too funny! Sorry you have gotten a bug, hope you feel better soon! The pic of the garden is lovely even in the fog!
MaineCelt - Thang gew for your blessings! Actually, I sound worse this morning, but feel better. I shall overcome! I did have some Chicken Noodle Soup in the freezer which I took out yesterday . . . but it didn't taste good. (Roy assured me it was me and not the soup. He finished it all.)
Regarding your dream? Dr. Freud says you're wanting to "downsize" so you don't have so much work but you're still intent on making things bigger and working too hard. (Pay absolutely no attention to that analysis.)
Sue - Guess your travels are proving that no place is perfect, huh? Those temps are just way too high . . . lack of humidity or not!
Erin - We have bright sunshine so far this morning. Maybe our yucky weather has turned for the better. Sure hope so. Have a little painting to do inside and want to be able to open doors and windows and let the breeze blow through.
Nickel has a bad sore throat now. I hope he gets over it as quickly as you got over yours. AND I hope no one else gets it (in your family as well as ours).
Oh, the poor little babe. I was totally surprised with the way my sore throat went away given that it was so painful initially. But it did and all I have left is an old-fashioned cold which I'm not gonna complain (too much) about. I hope your wee one's throat clears up super-quick.
And, yes, let's all the rest of our families stay HEALTHY.
There's a lot of that crud going on down here too -- even with our sweltering summer temps! I'm glad you're feeling better Mama Pea.
Ruthie - Thanks for the get well wishes. It's amazing how long a simple cold will hang on. Even though I may sound terrible and look like something the cat dragged in, I really don't feel that bad. The very worst of it was when I initially came down with the bad sore throat. If that had hung on, I'd be six feet under by now!
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