As I check the world outside the window over my desk, I see snow falling rather rapidly. Current temperature is 34 degrees and one would think the precipitation might be in the form of raindrops, but not so. The forecast is for rain this morning changing to snow this afternoon (hmmm . . .) and an accumulation of 3-6" of snow by dawn tomorrow morning. Possible rain or snow for Monday, depending on the temperature. Anxious as some of us may be for true spring, winter does not easily loosen its grip up here in the north woods.

What does this photo represent other than teeny-tiny 1" tall cherry tomato sprouts? The hope of gardening days to come for this avid gardener. They're the first of my indoor seedlings to pop through and I'm silently giving myself a gold star this morning for being wise enough not to start plants too early (for once!) this year. Considering the calendar tells us we're past the middle of April, the snow and the just-now-started seedlings must seem a little strange to all of you luxuriating in warmer southern climes, but this is what we are used to and have learned to work with in the northern-most states.
Last night we went to a fund raiser held in the old town hall in the end of the county where we first lived when we moved here. It's the area where our daughter and son-in-law have built their home and now reside.
In the past couple of months, three families who live in the "east end" and are all self-employed (which translates to not nearly enough medical insurance coverage) sustained huge medical bills, and the fund raiser was the community's way of helping defray some of these costs. One of our local carpenters fell off a roof, smashed through a deck railing and landed on frozen earth and rock resulting in several broken bones and temporary head injuries. A mother of five had emergency surgery and contracted a horrible infection. I've already detailed the story of our son-in-law and his bicycling accident.
So a potluck dinner (lordy, lordy, don't know when I've seen, smelled or eaten so much wonderful food), silent auction and live music for dancing (a local band donated their time and talent) were organized. Tables and chairs were set up for eating and even though those who couldn't find seating at a table sat on the benches against three walls of the huge room, there still wasn't enough space for everyone to sit while eating.
Donations for the silent auction were made by local artists (of which our area has many extremely talented ones) and businesses from all over our large county, not just the end of the county in which the three families live. Resorts forty miles away (in two different directions) donated vacation packages. A businessman in town donated a $350 grill. People were unbelievably generous. The tables set up with the silent auction items looked much like the displays seen in the same town hall at the annual Arts Festival held in July each year.
Roy and I left the festivities before the winners of the silent auction items were announced but if I won half of the items I bid on, my allowance stash is going to take a big hit!
I saw people there last night that I know had driven over twenty-five miles to attend and lend their support. I wish more of our national news media would focus in on people and events such as this instead of all the doom and gloom that dominates on a daily basis. People helping people. As I've said before, our county is huge but sparsely populated and divided up into small communities. But when push comes to shove, and anyone needs help, the communities not only take care of their own but band together and take care of each other.
You didn't win anything, Mama, sorry! J won the wine, but I think it was more of a goodwill donation since the two bottles were EMPTY within an hour of us all leaving and visiting @ T's for a couple of hours!
Did you have one of the scones? I have to find out who brought those - they were out of this world!!!
Well, darn. Good for my budget, but I bid on a couple of things I wouldn't have minded having.
No, didn't even see the scones. 'Course, with the huge spread of food there, it was kind of hard to not be mind-boggled by the plethora of choices!
I'm sorry to hear it's snowing again up there!
I'm glad you were able to help out at the fundraiser. It must have been fun to see everyone after a long winter again too.
Hi, Ruthie - I just checked outside one more time before cashing in for the night and we have nearly 3" of snow on the deck railing! Also just got off the phone talking with Roy's brother in California and they had a high today of 95° with temps expected to hit 100° tomorrow. Ya know what? I'll take the snow.
Hurrah for tomato sprouts! Which varieties are you growing?
I am setting my peas to soak today. Traditionally in New England, the rule is to "plant your peas on Patriot's Day" which is today, but I've been too busy with house-finishing to give the peas their three-day soak prior to planting.
I *do* plan to get some carrots in the ground today, though--"mokum" is my favourite early variety, and this year I bought all the different colours of carrots in individual packets so I can make up balanced bundles for the farmers' market. Now, if only I had a load or two of composted manure to work in to all my beds! I'll have to settle for wood-ash and half-composted poultry bedding for now, with a few old cowpies' worth of manure tea.
Glad the fundraiser was so well-attended and garnered such a great range of donations!
Because of my money, time, and energy fiasco with tomatoes last year, the only ones I'm putting in this year are Washington Cherry. They never fail me. (Knock on wood, quick!)
Be sure to post a picture of your multi-colored bunches of carrots . . . they'll be beautiful and I would think good sellers.
I'll be thinking of you getting your fingers into the dirt and planting today . . . sigh.
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