I've been AWOL for a while here on my blog. No excuse other than I've felt I've had nothing of interest to share.
Not that life has been devoid of happenings. The past few weeks have been busy as usual. Perhaps even a bit more so than usual. Full of ups and downs as it seems to be for everyone these days.
This is a slow time of year (or as slow as it gets anyway) what with winter winding down, although warm weather is still months in the future for us here in northern Minnesota.
Nonetheless, I woke this morning thinking of garden plans. And Papa Pea and I have begun talking of projects for accomplishment in the coming months of weather suitable for working outside.
My two biggest "jobs" for this spring, summer and fall days are painting the trim on the house and, of course, our garden. One which will be, as always, very enjoyable and satisfying for me. The other? Let's just say I really don't mind painting but will be glad when the task is done.
At the same time, we're also looking forward to many more hours of relaxation and recreation when we don't have to don several layers of clothing and insulated boots before venturing out-of-doors for even the shortest time. There's much to enjoy in this beautiful area in which we live. Even just anticipating sitting on the deck with the sun bathing my currently lily-white appendages sounds enticing.
The sun is in a position in the sky now where it streams into the kitchen south-facing windows in the morning and lays a lovely pattern on our old, scarred kitchen table. I'll miss seeing this in a short time when the sun climbs to a different position.
I've noticed that it's now light enough at 6 a.m. to be able to see clearly if you wanted to be outside at that hour. Of course, that's soon to change this coming weekend when our clocks "spring" ahead one hour.
It is a time in our life when most folks would say we should be "cutting back" on dreams, goals and new challenges, but we both still feel good (as she beats her chest and proclaims, "Me strong as bull!") and haven't reached that chronological age stage yet when we feel like becoming a bit sedentary. I have a really hard time realizing that in 6-7 weeks I will be an octogenarian. And Papa Pea is a year and a half ahead of me. Just think of all the wisdom we must possess at this ripe old age.