Much as I hate to do it (I'm feeling twinges of withdrawal symptoms already), I'm taking a leave of absence from Blogland. In truth, I'm considering not even turning on my computer for a couple/few weeks.
Somewhere, somehow, someway I need to gain extra hours in my day. I've considered sleeping less (which makes Mama Pea a cranky girl), eliminating food preparation and eating (which would make not only me but that guy I live with VERY bad tempered let alone weak and unable to do what needs to be done) and a couple of other totally ridiculous ideas in order to have more time to be spent on gardening and the preparation of our winter fire wood supply. And other things. Like trying to find a balance in our lives.
Much outside work that would normally have been completed in the month of April simply didn't get done because of our crazy, late, heavy snowfalls.
We have yet to enter into warm weather that is conducive to encouraging green and growing things. The continued cold weather has created unneeded complications for started seedlings and food production in general. The last two nights we've dipped down dangerously close to freezing. Highs during the day are only in the 50s. On our warmer days.
Here we are at Memorial Day Weekend and the only thing I have planted in the garden is one bed of onions and the shivering cold frame-covered bed of transplanted salad fixings.
There is much to be done out there, Folks, and my highly-skilled crew of six has, so far, failed to arrive.
Although I will miss reading and commenting on all of your posts this late spring/early summer, backing away from the computer is necessary until I feel I've gained some control of the chaos swirling around me right now.
I may feel a need to turn the machine on and check e-mails every day or so, but I'm not even sure I will do that. We'll have to see if I even remember how to function in LBC (life before computers).
Sending best wishes to you all in the next couple of weeks and hoping the remainder of your holiday weekend is spent just exactly as you wish.
See you . . . when? Who knows. Perhaps sooner than I think. Perhaps not. It all depends on that crew that seems to have gotten lost on the way to our place.
A Dusk Meeting
1 day ago
While I'll miss reading your posts, I completely understand. Enjoy your time away.
Hi MP! It's been ages since I've been able to read anyone's blog because this is the season where everything needs doing at once-and it needed to be done yesterday. I don't blame you one bit for taking a "vacation" from the computer world. We all need to get away from time to time.
Please don't leave completely though. The last time I took a break from the blogworld, I came back to discover that one of my most favorite blogs-besides yours, of course-was gone, done for! (I truly miss you, Jane, of hardworkhomestead!) It is amazing how a few good, choice bloggers become our morning cup of tea with neighborly conversation that makes us feel like we are not the only ones dealing with the vagaries of life (like this "Little Ice Age" weather we are experiencing). Thanks MP for being there for all of us. Now go take that electronic rest!-M
Spring and Fall is always chaos in the garden. I hope you get all the work you need to done and the weather starts to cooperate. I hope to see you back in blog land soon and posting pictures of your beautiful garden.
I hope you miss out on the week of probably rain we are forecast. If the wind dries things out and the rain holds off until later tomorrow (unlikely) maybe I could do some planting too.
Wishing you many productive days!
I'll miss your posts, but I totally understand. As in I should be doing the exact same thing. I applaud you for unplugging for a while.
See ya when it slows down! Ha!
I hear you. Sometimes you just need to cut out the less-needed things in life to focus more on the important ones... Get some rest! Hope the weather normalizes....
I will miss you ..... but I know if you don't get your garden going you won't be eating this summer, fall or next winter since you have eaten all your berries, peas, and chives. Hope your weather co-operates and you get enough sunshine you can get your planting done and then you can come back to us while you are watching your garden grow. Take care.
Blessings to you, Mama Pea. And I must say, I'm a bit envious. I always enjoy my little hiatuses when I take them. Enjoy yours!
Good luck I hope you get everything done in record time! We just got our garden in and it dropped down into the 40s last night. Spring where are you! Enjoy :)
I also COMPLETELY understand, though know your posts and photos will be missed. Hope you get much accomplished and old-man-winter finally leaves you alone. Hugs to you.
Totally understand. With springs delay everything will need to be done NOW to have a proper growing season. Will miss your posts as they serve as back up reminders of what else I need to do LOL! Pop in when you can Hugs to you both
I totally understand MP. My own blog posts have been less than inspiring because who has the time to be witty and creatively write while I have WEEDS taking over the garden, strawberries rotting as we speak and filthy dogs running around a filthy house.
Catch up Sister and we'll see you soon!
Hope you can squeeze some fun in besides work!
Having just crammed in three days' work into one, I so totally know where you're coming from. All that said, it won't be the same without you. Even if it's just for a week. Sending warm thoughts (for warm weather) up your way. As soon as I'm finished with my crew of six (hahahahaha) I'll send them to Minnie Soda.
Hugs and totally understand :)
Enjoy your blogcation, Mama Pea. I have been gone from it for awhile and just returned to hear that you were leaving the scene. (You know how that Sue in Michigan has nothing better to do this time of year than to email me about your departure!) Yes, you are disrupting lives from the west to the east! Time for chores and life takes precedence - see you soon!
Miss you already. Hope you're getting a lot done.
Well...that's just crazy. CRAZY, I SAY !!!!!!
lol. I will miss you, but surely understand. Last weekend the Irishman and I were looking at each other over rakes and hoes, and saying--good grief, it's Memorial Day weekend and we're just getting our garden in !!!!!!
It was dry today, and hot and humid, but the rain is coming back tomorrow.
sigh....but the garden is in. I'll await your return with baited breath. xoxoxoxo
Mama Pea,
Totally understand. I'll miss your blogs, but look forward to hearing from you again. Let's get those gardens planted.
I understand completely! I am thinking about giving it up too. So much to do this time of year and I don't need any excuses to not get busy.
Your book arrived. Thank you so much. Can't wait to get started on a project.
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