After several days of rain (2" measured during one overnight period), we are finally seeing the sun this morning Yippee!
I found plenty to occupy my time indoors (imagine that) while waiting out this wet period. Now my outside list is so long I keep tripping over it, but I know I won't be able to actually get in the garden without giving it some time to dry out. (Days?) There are still many tasks (imagine that) I can work on around the yard (squish, squish, squish) and will get going on them today.
My chives have finally grown high enough to cut and process for my annual stash in the freezer.
The lawn is knee-high. (Not quite.) (But almost.)
We've never been able to get more than that first coat of tong oil on the new raised bed frames which are still spread out in our back parking area. And which need to be finished and put in place BEFORE I can plant in them this year. The frames are definitely on the list for another (possibly two?) coating today.
Our wrought iron deck furniture which we stored under a big pine tree all winter was hauled out more than a week ago. It was plastered with bird poop and needed a good scrubbing (or sandblasting). Now after several days of hard rain, much of the wild bird fertilizer has disappeared. I will wash it though, I promise.
I could truly go on and on with the list of fourteen (there are indeedy-do fourteen things listed) items on paper in front of me, but I'll bore you no longer.
Yep, plenty to do today out in the sunshine. So what am I doing sitting here?
See ya!
A Dusk Meeting
23 hours ago
Well, I'm still inside. Bah! Third day of rain. And a list --though not QUITE as long, that is still is screaming at me to pay attention to it. I'm so glad you have some sunshine. Enjoy the day!
We are under frost warnings the next two nights. So, I'll be spending my days hauling flats in/hauling flats out. Planting time is gonna be a relief!
Ah, well, I guess it's better than snow. We've had tons of rain (inches?) and are in our third day of forecast severe storms. I don't mind living life on the edge, but geezloueeze. You, tripping over your lengthy list? Imagine that! :)
Enjoy your day ... whatever you do.
ONLY fourteen items on your daily list?!?
You're slacking, woman! :)
Mama Pea,
Can you please re-post on how you store your chives? Thank you.
Sue - We DID have a forecast for a low of 29° tonight -- yikes! -- but now they've changed it to mid-30s. Thank heavens! We sure enjoyed our sunny day today. Hope to get another one tomorrow. I'm leaving my seedlings in our unheated "greenhouse" area tonight. They've got to harden off sometime!
Susan - Geesh! We can't get "easy" weather fer nuthin', can we? Well, as you say, at least it's stopped snowing!
Tombstone Livestock - I had a goodie-good day. Might have over-done it just a teensy bit though. Hauling around pots full of that luscious black dirt again. (Keep your fingers crossed I can get out of bed tomorrow!)
Carolyn - That was my outside list. I just ignored my inside list today. :o]
DFW - You can use this link: or if it's easier, scroll way down on my right hand side bar to the Search button and enter "freezing chives." Then click on the May 18, 2009, post. That will show you exactly what I was doing today!
Well, at least your moisture is not white right? We've had rain off and on for 2 days now. Just enough for squishy feet.
My chives are looong over due for a hair cut.
Funny - I just wrote a post about my own never ending to-do list! It just never stops, does it?
Katidids - Got about half the chives I wanted in the freezer last night. Then hit that wall that looms up after dinner when you've worked hard outside all day. (Or maybe it was the bottle of Mike's Hard I had while doing the chives.)
Jen - Well, I guess that's why they say we have to enjoy the moment . . . because we'll NEVER get it all done. ;o]
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