Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Mid-Week Jibber-Jabber

Spring and the departure of all our snow is definitely behind that of last year.  It seems we've been watching snow melt (and inches of new snow fall) forever.  But we all know Mother Nature can't be controlled, and we are sincerely happy to be going into the spring/summer season without a drought looming (like last year) so we'll be patient and welcome real spring weather once it arrives.  With our first-of-the-morning temperature today of 26°, it may take a while yet.
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 Holey smoley, do we have flocks of birds at our feeders right now.  The feeding stations are currently needing to be filled sometimes twice a day.  All winter we didn't see as many wild birds as we do now.  Juncos, Purple Finches, Downy Woodpeckers, Chickadees, Nuthatches and even a Flicker who regularly decimates the peanut butter feeder.  Also one lone fella that we think is a Blackburnian Warbler.  And a couple of White-Throated Sparrows.
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Our trail cameras are regularly catching glimpses of deer, wolves, foxes and skunks!  (Plus, frequently two-legged creatures who live here.)
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Even though the ground is still frozen, construction of the berm boxes that will be the home for some new landscaping plants has commenced.  I've waited a long time (and not very patiently) for this landscaping project and am very excited to see the start of it.
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My vegetable and fruit gardens will once again, after being scaled down last year, be back up to their usual "wow-that's-a-lot!" this growing season.  I can hardly wait.  As the price of food continues to go up, up, up, we feel it's absolutely necessary to produce as much as we can right here at home.  I'll also be growing supplemental feed for the poultry, too.
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Today I'm finishing up some lovely beef bone broth made from meaty soup bones purchased from friends who have an organic farm in the southern part of the state.  Right after noon I started roasting a turkey I've had defrosting in the spare refridge.  After taking all the meat off the bones, the carcass will go into my biggest pot and make thick, gelatinous turkey broth to use in soups, sauces and many other dishes.  It'll feel good to have a resupply of both broths available.
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I'm using this time before much can be done outside to make and have ready any and all foods that will be available for quick meals during (actual) spring and summer weather when I'm outside most of the day and not able to spend much time in the kitchen.  Once again, I've hired a maid and a cook to take over my inside duties while I'm outside, but in all probability they won't show up.  Once again.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Humor Is Where It's At

My daughter came upon this image and using her graphic design skills, surrounded it with the perfect frame and made it into a card presented to me in my Easter basket this year.
I got a good belly laugh from it and know all you quilters and sewists will appreciate the humor, too.  You're welcome! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Perfectly Formed But . . .

One of our hens wasn't concentrating on the job at hand when she laid this egg.

Monday, April 18, 2022

The Winter That Wouldn't Quit


We woke to a little bit of snow cover this morning.  About 6" of a little bit.

The weather report says to expect three more inches today.

 (Time for me to stop grousing to my husband
 about not putting away his myriad of snow shovels.)
This weather is probably why not a lot of people live in northern Minnesota.  (Ya think?)

Happy first of the new week to you all!

Sunday, April 10, 2022

It's Been A While . . .

I don't know where to place the blame for my lack of getting up a new blog post these past couple of weeks.  Seems I've had nothing to say.  Watching snow melt is a little more exciting than watching paint dry, but still nothing for any of you to be eager to read.
Yes, our snow has been melting.  And melting.  Unfortunately, we've heard of lots of wet basements and our local library has been closed for a week because of flooding.  As far as I know, the worst of the water coming into their lovely building has been in the offices and under a line of computers for people to use along the back north wall.  No books have been damaged.  When we put the foundation under our own house, Papa Pea was diligent when it came to installing proper drainage around the perimeter and because of that we are, thankfully, dry.

Some of my raised beds are now showing thanks to the snow melt.

The bed of garlic planted last fall is still snuggled under its blanket of mulch.  "How you guys doing under there?  Getting ready to show your little green heads?"

This bed contains horseradish root and chives.  It always surprised me how early the chives will start poking through the soil.  Not quite yet, but I'll keep checking.

Our asparagus bed is a rather sad mess covered with the old dead ferns that got laid down by our heavy snows.  We're still eating frozen asparagus from last year's bounty but can hardly wait for fresh spears.  No comparison between the two.

Can you make out the cross-stitched sampler I have hanging over my kitchen stove?  (I really must invest in some glare-proof glass.)  
Here's a closer look.  Words to live by.  For me at least.  I sometimes waste way too much time and mental/emotional energy agonizing over the same item(s) on my list day after day after day.  If a task isn't one that will take up a large amount of time (and most of them aren't), "doing it now" eliminates all the stress that I put there by avoiding getting it done in a timely manner.  Such a task was on our agenda (we were going to do it all this past week) this morning.  The deck is clear of snow so we've needed to do some measuring for a spring project that may even start tomorrow.  Barring the heavy, wet snow that is forecast for overnight, that is.