The floor project should happen fairly soon. That seven-foot long kitchen island that is now living in our garage needs to be moved out of there and into the kitchen. But that can't happen until the tile gets laid on the floor. Everything always depends on everything else, doesn't it?
We're also thinking it would be wise to give the ceiling in the kitchen its new coat of paint before laying the new floor. I'm not saying we're messy painters (ahem), but unavoidable drips and drops do happen.
Today I got the last coat of finish on the door jamb and second side of the French door that will go between the kitchen and living room. Thunderstorms are threatening as we speak and I think the door and jamb are dry enough so we'd better skeedaddle and get them hauled into the safety of the garage.
That looks nice and all, but I am pretty sure that is not what was in the box. Your killing me.
looks nice.I don't know what the problem is.I just tried to send you a e-mail and it would not go through . I'LL HAVE BECCA LOOK AT IT BEFORE SHE GOES HOME OK
It's all coming together. Well, all the pieces are getting there, they just have to be assembled. Are you getting excited???? Or are you tooooo exhausted for that?????
boy -there is some sort of problem. it says I'm not even me,I'm anonymous---judy
Jane - You're right! CM just took "the box" home with her tonight so hopefully we will finally have a picture tomorrow!
judy/anonymous - Computers can be a real pain sometimes.
Sue - What's that old saying? Just when it's all coming together, I'm falling apart. Well, okay, not quite but I am getting eager for something BIG to happen. Big as in, "Oh, wow, now I see how great that looks!"
I just love how everything is looking and coming together! Its been fun to see this entire process through "with" you. If I lived a bit closer, I could help you in person...even deliver you some baked yummies...or contribute some muscle. Alas, I've got to watch from the sidelines. I bet you're so ready to be done, you could spit!
Mama Tea - Pah-tooey! You be right on that one! You are so sweet and I know you would do each and every one of the lovely things you offered if we lived close together. That said, I sure do appreciate the support of ALL of you out there in Blogland. I know posting through this remodeling has helped me a lot!
I like the patterned tile....sometimes it's nice for a change in scenery, besides the fact that it will probably be easier to clean.
Carolyn Renee - The tile will be easier to clean and I don't think this pattern will show the dirt or scuffs or scratches.
What IS in the box? After all this hoopla, I have a feeling the reveal is going to be a big, fat letdown!!
Love it, love it! The best part of all of this remodeling is feeling your excitement each step of the way!
I really like that tile! What a difference that will make to your remodeling! Yes, isn't that how it always is? You can't do A without doing B, then C, then D, first. Painting ceilings? Ack.
Oh! Oh! I just guessed it! You haven't given away the secret yet so I can still guess! I bet it's a wine rack, in sections, you just stack them up as you need more storage! Am I right?
Erin - Can you feel my exhaustion tonight? ;o}
Susan - I am so lucky to have a tall husband who uses the paint roller on the ceiling. All I have to do is go around the edges with the brush. By Wednesday, we hope to have the floor tile completely laid and the island moved in. Fingers crossed!
Trailshome - You are getting pretty close! That's not it though. But wouldn't that be a good idea!! I'm currently trying to come up with a design for a wine rack in my pantry so now you've got me thinking!
I think it looks lovely.
The leg bones connected to the...
Sucks, don't it? Sorry to be so frank :o)
Well the tiles will be marvelous!
Lorie and APG - Thanks! And, yes, it's amazing and frustrating how you can't do one thing neat and clean without pulling in three or four more connected jobs!
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