Friday, January 30, 2009


It's all a big, fat lie. That thing about winter being the slow time of the year.

We always let our Netflix subscription drop in the summer because there's just no way we find time to sit and watch a movie. This being the slow time of year (yeah, right), I started it up again after the holidays. Economy subscription, one movie at a time, mind you. The latest DVD sits on top of the TV nagging me every time I walk by: "Watch me. Why aren't you watching me? I've been here for a week now.”

And what about those books on my nightstand? How am I ever going to get smart if I don't take the time to gain knowledge by reading and studying them? And my favorite fiction authors are writing faster than I can read.

Time to mitch and boan again about how little time I've spent in my quilt room thus far this winter. In a couple of short months, that seductive siren Spring is going to be calling me, and the bulk of my time will be spent outside. My lovely, comfortable quilt room will once more be without an inhabitant for months.

I laid in bed last night before falling asleep scheming and planning on how I could reorganize my days so I could get time for more of the things I say I want to do. Never mind those niggling everyday chores that must be done. You know, the ones necessary to keep us in healthy meals, clean underwear, and a halfway sanitary (ha!) house. Sure, they are important but what about the wanna-dos that nourish our souls?

Yesterday was a lost day because of an undesired but necessary trip to the big city and a little beyond. A three hour drive one way for an appointment. In today's economy it's unthinkable to spend the time and gas going there without allotting time for whittling away on our ever-present city shopping list. Toilet paper, poultry feed, seeds for the wild birds, vehicle maintenance supplies, groceries, restocking our beer and wine (heavy drinkers that we are), I needed a couple of new bras (we were at red alert stage here, folks), and on and on. That means we left before dawn and returned after dark. Like I said, yesterday was shot to heck.

And yet, it's all in the way you think of it, isn't it? It's not like we didn't accomplish anything yesterday. Lots of stocking up on needed supplies and the business of the appointment was taken care of. It's just that there's always the ever-present longing to find the time to spend in ways that bring real joy and satisfaction to each of us, whatever those ways may be. That's an important and perhaps even vital part of life that continually gets shoved to the background in today's busy world.

Well, I found a way to bring joy and satisfaction into my life tonight. I picked up the phone and ordered a pizza for our dinner. Budget be damned. (I had packed our food for the trip yesterday in an effort to be economically minded . . . so I didn't feel too bad about blowing the $$ saved on a pizza tonight.)

By hook or by crook, I'll get into my quilt room this weekend. 'Cause there was a new little baby boy bundle born to a very special couple this week. He needs a baby quilt from Mama Pea, and his "big" sister needs a doll quilt for her best baby doll, too.


RuthieJ said...

That pizza looks delicious. Was it from Sven & Ole's? (or doesn't that place exist anymore?)

After reading this post I'm wondering how much I'd actually get done if I end up staying home and collecting unemployment for a few months. I'm pretty sure I've got way more projects than time too--especially once spring arrives!

Mama Pea said...

Yupper, a Sven & Ole's pizza it was! And it sure did hit the spot last night.

How much would you get done of a day's time if you stayed home for a while? A heck of a lot more than you could get done by being gone eight hours each day! I've had more than one person tell me I'm a pain in the butt with my complaining . . . and I know I do actually accomplish lots . . . I just have way too many wanna-dos and some day will have to come to terms with the fact that I can't do everything. (Maybe when I hit 90.) And like you, everything else pretty much gets put on hold when nice weather arrives and I hardly spend any time inside. When I come in at night, I'm too pooped to quilt or knit or read or any of the inside stuff I want to do. Such a tough life, huh?

Mama Pea said...

Yupper, a Sven & Ole's pizza it was! And it sure did hit the spot last night.

How much would you get done of a day's time if you stayed home for a while? A heck of a lot more than you could get done by being gone eight hours each day! I've had more than one person tell me I'm a pain in the butt with my complaining . . . and I know I do actually accomplish lots . . . I just have way too many wanna-dos and some day will have to come to terms with the fact that I can't do everything. (Maybe when I hit 90.) And like you, everything else pretty much gets put on hold when nice weather arrives and I hardly spend any time inside. When I come in at night, I'm too pooped to quilt or knit or read or any of the inside stuff I want to do. Such a tough life, huh?