Saturday, April 13, 2013

Two New Wall Hangings

I've been working on two new spring/summer season wall hangings to use in our living room.  (Although with the weather we've been having, there may not be any rush to get them done!)

This one is about half quilted and should be finished within the next couple of days.  If nothing unforeseen comes up, I plan on spending a bit of time this weekend quilting.

This one is all set with the backing and batting, but I haven't gotten the three layers sandwiched yet.

When I do a scalloped edging, I normally don't cut the scallops until I've gotten all the quilting done on the piece.  But I wasn't feeling really confident that I could get the scallops to come out satisfactorily so I decided to cut them before I did all the hand quilting and then ruined the piece by botching the scallops.  (No, no, not that I've ever done anything like that.  Nuh-uh, not me.)

Papa Pea and I were getting close to attacking the wood pile in the back as it was just about free of snow . . . and then our April showers in the form of snowflakes came.  I may squeak in more quilting time than I thought I'd be able to because more snow (oh yes, 'tis true) is forecast for us over the weekend and through Monday.

Rather than being concerned with getting new spring decorations out and about through the house . . . 

. . . perhaps I should just pull out this five foot long quilted piece I made for Papa Pea's classroom years ago and hang it for the indefinite future.  (Or maybe that would be tempting fate and just encourage more snow?)

But the snow is a good thing.  We need the moisture in any form . . . and it gives me more quilting time.  Hooray! 


  1. I especially love the yellows---so springlike-unlike here. Heavy snow all day. Blech. I'm potting up Dahlias. The laundry room, the library, the breakfast area---all pots with a sprinkling of potting soil over everything. Don sure has a LOT of patience with me-LOL!

    1. Sue - Don loves you and would tolerate a lot more than potting soil in his breakfast! (Should such a thing ever happen!) Papa Pea is at this moment setting up my seedling starting area in the garage so we, too, will be lightly dusted with potting soil soon. You have the snow today, and we're supposed to get it tomorrow and Monday. So how's your lettuce in the garden holding up?

    2. Lettuce/radishes doing well. Spinach-not so well. Will be replanting that today. What is life without spinach??!

  2. Looks like you are going to have a short gardening season, or maybe, it will be just a long and later. Hope you at least have a chance for a garden this year. Maybe you should put on some Beach Boys, Surfin' Safari, and blast it loud enough for Mother Nature to hear that it is time for warmer weather.

    1. Tombstone Livestock - I know it probably seems strange to you but even in years when we don't get so much snow in the month of April, it's still so cold that I don't dare plant seeds outside even under cold frames until the first of May. Tomatoes and pepper seedlings can't be set out until the second week in June so this weather won't really put us that far behind. Unless, of course, it's still snowing in the second week of June! Would you think we're absolutely nuts for living here if I tell you we've had snowflakes in every single month of the year at one time or another?

      Wait! Wait! I think I hear the Beach Boys comin' on strong now . . . ;o]

  3. They are both beautiful. Can't wait to see them finished and hanging up. I hope your weather warms up soon. Usually you are way ahead of me in planting and gardening stuff and help me get going.

    1. Sparkless - Thanks, Bloggy Friend! Looks as though you're going to have to lead the way on the gardening front this year. We're still shoveling the white stuff!

  4. I adore the colors in the first one:)

  5. Stephanie - Thank you! That one is DONE. Pictures of it hanging soon!

  6. I especially love that scalloped edge wall hanging! Beautiful! You are very talented, but we all knew that already! :)

    1. Patty - I just now finished the binding on the scalloped edging. Oooof, what a challenge. Maybe pictures of both of the wall hangings tomorrow. Or Tuesday. :o)

  7. that snow needs to go! Pretty wall hangings!

    1. Erin - Thank you, ma'am! Hope to show them both on the wall tomorrow. Finished and on the wall!
