Monday, April 15, 2013

This Should Be Our Last Snowfall . . . Right?

Mother Nature gave us this overnight.

Then she remembered it's supposed to be spring.

So she bumped the temperature up to 32.0 degrees.

Now it's raining.

And the wind is gusting up to 40 mph.

This may be an interesting day.


  1. That is so crazy. I cannot even imagine what snow in April is like. I am in N. Ga. and my garden is already started. And apple trees budding. Grapes budding. I wouldn't know what to do if it snowed here right now. But it will be warm up there soon enough, I hope. Stay warm and think spring!

    1. Kris - Welcome from N. Georgia! We ambled through your lovely area years ago and I can still recall the "feel" of the area which I found so attractive.

      When you consider the different climates we all live in, and yet we're all in the same country, it kinda boggles the mind, doesn't it? We just came back in from walking the 1/4 mile out to get the mail and 1/4 mile back in and I tell ya it was like walking through wet cement. You know how hard it is to walk in soft sand? Well, triple that and you have this heavy, wet snow on our ground right now. It's crazy.

  2. Oh my gosh, again! 32 must feel like a heat wave. Hard to believe you would normally be prepping the garden right now

    1. Katidids - Even in an early spring year, we wouldn't quite be prepping the garden yet. But by the end of the month we definitely would. Wonder if our snow will be gone by then this year?

  3. It sure it beautiful but I know you would rather have gentle spring rain & much warmer temperatures. Saw on the news that this may be a record breaking years for floods for the Dakotas. Hope it isn't that way in Minnesota.

    1. DFW - No, we've been in enough of a drought that we'll take all of this moisture to avoid the danger of spring forest fires. Up until the last month, we didn't have enough snow over the winter to give us adequate moisture for spring so this is actually all welcome. (But, boy, is it heavy to shovel!)

  4. Your weather even made our local news here in CA ...... Maybe I should name that little white Pygora Billy Snow in your honor. Go hunker down in you quilting room, snow has to end soon ..... right??????

    1. Tombstone Livestock - It must have been a slow news day in CA! Yes, do name that little Pygora billy Snow. Or Blizzard? Or Frosty (the Snowman)? Or Flaky? (I'd better stop now.)

      I stick pretty close to my "Monday is laundry day" so I've not made it into my quilt room yet. I have only one more quilting line to do on the yellow iris wall hanging, put a hanging sleeve on it, get it up and I can take a picture of both the new wall hangings. Maybe tomorrow?

  5. You poor, poor gal. I'd be outside just screaming at the sky like a crazywoman.

    1. Carolyn - Nah. As I said above, we really need the moisture. Even if we didn't have the snow, our temps would be too cold yet to do much outside.

      'Bout the only time I scream like a crazy woman is when we have a too dry spring with too little moisture and some nimrod flips a lit cigarette out the car window and starts a forest fire. At least I would scream (and maybe do worse)at him if I got my hands on the idiot.

  6. I so hope spring is coming soon to you! Boo...snow! ;)

    1. Pam - Thanks for the encouraging words and the comment!

  7. Seems as if Ma Nature is standing on her head this year. We had 60 degree weather Monday and Tuesday, then a half inch of sleet and high, cold winds on Friday. Enough already! I bet you're ready for the REAL spring by now...

    1. Susan - So do you think we're all gonna have another topsy-turvy, wonky summer growing season, too? Noooooo, please, no!

  8. Hang in there! We're having the same weather in Denver. We need the moisture so I can't complain. My seeds are sprouting inside, so I'm content.
    I'm starting on a t-shirt quilt today. Should be fun as I watch it snow.

    Spring will be here soon! Check out me blog and see my little greenhouse to start veggies.

    1. Jody Botelho - Welcome and thanks for commenting! I've heard you folks are getting snow, too.

      I've never attempted a t-shirt quilt but know many gals who have. Good luck with yours.

      Wouldn't you LOVE to have a full-sized greenhouse someday? I would!

  9. Boy--it's like Hawaii here compared to you !!!

    Hit 78 yesterday. Today is cooler and raining, but it's still 63 or something. I'm looking out the window at the flowers on the peach trees and everything is all green, green, green. AND--the sun keeps coming out randomly, so that helps a LOT.

    1. Akannie - Since our last frost date is sometime in the last part of May, it's a good thing we don't have flowers and blossoms out yet! But it sure would be nice to see a little green in the yard somewhere. Our chickens think that would be good, too!

      We've not seen the sun today although the temp is up to 35 and everything is melting. Actually, it's been getting darker and darker all afternoon so I'm wondering if we're going to get more snow. Rain? Sleet? Oh, no ice, please!

  10. Oh, yuck! Just enjoy that wood stove and dream about spring!

    1. Erin - That's all we can do! It's still too early to get anything in in the garden anyway so I'm not feeling behind . . . yet. If it's still snowing like this end of May, I may turn into a crazy person.

  11. Spring is coming, I promise. It will just be an abbreviated version. I can't believe how much snow you guys are getting. I'd say enjoy it while it lasts but I think it has overstayed it's welcome.
    It may be time to do your naked sun dance out on the deck to get spring to come.

    1. Sparkless - I'm stripping off my clothes as we speak! (Oh, wait. First I'll have to shovel the deck.)

  12. I'm with Erin! Your landscape sure is awful pretty though. Like a winter picture postcard?! Maybe, with the way things are going, you'll be in the 70's in a few days. We went from the 40s to the 80s overnight. Weird.

    1. Lisa - Yep, it can truly change over night for us in the spring time. (We'll just ignore the forecast that says this weather is going to be with us for two more weeks!) I just hope this isn't signaling a really weird weather summer for all of us.

  13. It's been sunny but cold today, rain/snow tonite. But it's so GREEN!

    1. Nancy - Green? What's green? Been a long time since we've seen green up here! ;o)

  14. I feel your pain on this one - it's been snowing (finally!) since this morning and is supposed to go through tomorrow night. We need it, though, so we're actually a little giddy.

    1. LindaCO - Yes, it takes drought-like conditions for us to appreciate getting moisture in any form . . . rain or snow in April!

  15. Great pictures! Hope this is the last snow also.

    1. Michelle - Hang on to your snow hats . . . a fella told my hubby this morning that we're supposed to get about 9" more tomorrow/tomorrow night! Ugh. I don't know where this guy got his information but he was worried about the heavy, heavy snow load already on his roof and said he didn't think it could take 9" more. Double ugh.
