The man I live with is very close to being healed up completely. Seems as though it was a long slog up until about a week ago which put him into his seventh week of recuperation, and kinda proves what they say about bones healing or severely stressed muscles, ligaments and nerves recovering around the six week mark.
This past Tuesday, we even made a trip to the big city. I thought the five hour trip there and back plus making several stops while there would be too taxing, but he wanted to go, he knows his own body pretty darn well and was fairly sure he would be fine.
We took the Suburban, I figured if push came to shove, I could give him a pain pill, make him lie down in the back, take over the driving and head home immediately and we would not be too bad off.
Well, he sailed through the whole day without any pain (nor pain pill in his system) and upon arriving home at 5 p.m. saw that the high winds we had felt on the highway had toppled the two lengths of insulated chimney pipe (for the main wood heating stove) on the roof. Good grief.
Papa Pea didn't miss a beat, put on his insulated coveralls (yes, that wind whipping around was making it nasty), climbed up on the roof (and down and back up again . . . and finally down) and made the repairs. I guess it goes to prove you can't keep a good man down. Or, as our daughter's oldest friend (and our "second daughter"), who is a Physician's Assistant says, the old goat is just gonna do what he wants to do. (Okay, she didn't say that in so many words, but during this past accident/injury of his she did call him "an Old Goat." Once. Or maybe twice. Which was warranted.)
This is him going around the corner of the house on his way to do afternoon chores today. He's still following the super and sensible advice of a very wise friend (thanks, again, Karen) who said it would be much less strain on his body to pull the buckets of water and feed behind him rather than carrying them. This has also proven out to be a much safer way to transport heavy loads on the ice and snow we have to navigate at this time of year. Much, much easier to keep ones balance and avoid slipping! (Let alone chance dumping a bucket of water down your front at near zero degrees.)
Thanks to all of you very, very much for your kind wishes for his speedy recovery. We're definitely in the home stretch now and ready to put all of this behind us. (Just wait until he sees the long list I've made for him to do now that he's nearly back to 100%!) Hee-hee.
No News
4 hours ago
Ohhhh this is wonderful news!!!!!! And he even jumped right into fixing that chimney pipe, proving he is getting fit!
Just wonderful!!!!!!!
Hugs to you and to the old goat too. >,-)
wisps of words - Thank you, thank you! (Big grin!!!)
GREAT NEWS, with a few laughs thrown in!
So glad to hear that Papa Pea is continuing to recover. Maybe a pain pill on the ride back wouldn't have been so bad ....
Michelle - We have to keep laughing through it all, don't we? ;o) Thanks, Michelle!
M - Yes, and you bet! Thank you and J so much for the card received today! Hugs.
Thanks so much, DFW. Since the pain pills make him a teensy bit dopey, I was glad he hadn't taken one all day since he climbed up on the roof right after arriving home!
Well, that is good news as long as he can stay safe and follow the rules, ha! I'm sure glad that he is healing prior to the busy spring. I'm sure he is too.
Phil - As long as he can follow the rules . . . that's a really good way to put it! We've often said that even though we both wish he hadn't fallen in the first place and had to put just about everything on hold for a good six weeks, doing so during January and February turned out to be oh-so-much-less frustrating than it would have been in June and July! Or August and September. Or almost any other time of the year than this!
Yup, six weeks. That's very good news. He must be so happy to be moving again. And good for you, too. -Jenn
Mama Pea great news mending to the finish line! Good thing he didn't have that pain pill may have given him super human strength and he may have felt compelled to do something, er, ah silly. Like tap dancing on the rain gutters or something of the like.
Big sigh for you also. I could cut your worry with a knife all the way from Nor. Cal What a lesson learned and lucky save that life can go back to normal. I am so happy for both of you!
Great news! So glad he is on the mend, and sounds like he's back to almost normal.
Jenn - Thanks for the support, Jenn. His whole persona has changed now that he's feeling good again. Whew!
Goatldi - Believe me, he really has learned a couple of lessons during this whole incident! (All good ones.)
The next hurdle is to cut his pain pill at night. When he sleeps (stops moving as he does during the day) he gets very ouchy and achy, but that will come soon, I'm thinking.
Kristina - Yep, he was able to sleep the WHOLE night last night IN OUR BED rather than on the couch. More progress! Yay!
Great News for you both!!
Such great news!!! Am so very glad he is back to normal! You've been a wonderful caregiver and am sure that has played a big part in his return to good health. :)
That is excellent news. So glad to see the improvement.
I have a little red wagon (says so right on the side) I use in the summer and a sled in the winter for much the same reason. One in awhile I 'gut it out' just to prove to myself I still can - well, usually its really because I don't want to take the time to figure out where I left the sled or wagon after the last time I used it. 😄
Mark I am laughing here. Men are different in so many ways from women.
I do things because if I don't it won't get done and learned a plenty along the way.
But after careful observation I have seen more than one man (usually my husband) who leave my head shaking and wondering if there will be permanent damage as a result.
Oh this IS fantastic news!!! So happy for Papa Pea and his goat ways! :) Happy for you as well - no more burdens of worry and wondering! Slow and steady wins the race!! Happy news! :)
Mama Pea,
Fabulous news on Papa Pea's status! Driving into the city, and sitting for this long trip is a telling story on his recovery. Using the ice as a tool to navigate feed and water for your birds is beneficial and less back breaking.
Have an amazing weekend!
Sending hugs, and love.
Thanks for sharing the great news!
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