We finished filling the big wood shed today. Completely full. Now we have two wood sheds full to the brim with wood cut, split, stacked and (hopefully) drying for this winter. It took us about one full month longer to accomplish this task than we had estimated it would. It wasn't that we didn't keep working on it. Too many days of rain interfered with our efforts. But now (whew!) it's done, and we can relax a bit on that count.
Our rainy summer does continue. Today we had only one brief downpour. Just two-tenths of an inch in our rain gauge. Yesterday we had two heavy, hard deluges that lasted only about 10 minutes each, but the first one racked up four-tenths of an inch and the second one seven-tenths of an inch! I thought everything in the garden was going to wash away, but it all withstood the onslaught.
We had another plant damaged by our night time visitor last night. Dear daughter loaned us her trail camera which is in place to capture the identity of the bugger if he/she/it returns tonight. Stay tuned.
Despite the heavy amounts of rain, the garden is (kinda sorta) doing well.
The green cabbages are heading up nicely, and I'm not going to be able to keep from harvesting one of these soon. They're about 6" across now.
The red cabbages are slower per usual. There's something about them that I find very beautiful. In a vegetable sort of way. Don't you think they are lovely to look at? Doesn't affect you that way? Okay.
I'm not holding out much hope for either my winter squash or pumpkins this year. They just haven't had enough warm weather to encourage growth. In the pumpkin patch shown above, the big pumpkins (jack o' lanterns) are on the right, and small ones for eating on the left. The vines haven't even started to trail out yet. Sigh. I don't think there's any way they could form fruit and mature in the days we've got left before a killing frost. Especially if it stays as cool as it has been. Down into the 40s again last night . . . we're still sleeping under our down comforter. This is NOT typical end of July weather!
cold plunge
4 hours ago