The past couple of days have been filled with sunshine and warm temps. I'm sure it must have gotten at least up into the upper 70s today. My time has been happily spent outside playing in the berry patches and vegetable gardens.
It's been sunny and warm enough that even my tan lines have begun to appear. (Why don't my legs ever tan as easily as my arms?) In typical northern Minnesota fashion, we seem to have gone from cold, wet, damp, foggy "spring" weather to full blown summer. (Still no sign of biting bugs though. Shhhh!)
The pumpkin patch is waiting to be weeded and tilled up. This picture makes it look as though it has more weeds than it actually does. Dear husband mowed the lawn today and lots of grass clippings got blown onto the patch.
My time has been spent getting the raspberries, blueberries and our three (experimental) haskcap berry bushes totally weeded. Papa Pea will put some compost around each bush tomorrow, and then I'll mulch the raspberries and put some peat moss around the blueberries and haskcap berries.
Nothing (other than the strawberry patch) has been done in the field garden yet, and I'm feeling bad about not having the shell peas already planted in there. But having it done earlier just wasn't in the cards this year.
I've also been planting in the raised beds. They're coming along faster than I had even hoped. So far I've gotten in:
~ An experimental planting of two teeny-tiny cherry tomato plants under hot caps
~ Three beds of onions, two of yellow and one of red
~ A bed of lettuce, spinach, mizuna mustard, arugula and kale
~ Sixteen feet of carrots (which has proven to be just right for us)
~ Morning Glories around the tepee trellis
~ The first four rows of radishes (more to come in succession planting)
~ Two four foot trellises of sugar snap peas
~ My usual planting of Sweet Peas
Geesh, now that I list it, it doesn't sound like that much. I'd better step it up tomorrow!
There are also two raised beds of garlic I planted last fall. One of a softneck variety and one of a hardneck variety.
The rhubarb is in the middle of a bed with comfrey planted on either end. I'm thinking some rhubarb stalks will be big enough for harvesting this coming week. Yum!
All in all, a very productive last couple/few days in the garden. It really feels so good to be out there playing in the dirt. We're taking a little time off tomorrow, and there is the chance of some rain so that may curtail our progress in the garden a bit. (And give a little rest to our bodies which might not be a bad thing!)
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4 hours ago
Looks like you have a good start on the garden and your tan.
Your raised beds look terrific already. How quickly you got moving with nice weather and good health!
Ow, time fr some sunscreen! I love your huge beds!!!
You have done a huge amount of work in a very short time! Enjoy your rest and buy some sunscreen will ya!
I can't believe you're wearing sleeveless shirts. I'm still in long sleeves and jeans so no tan lines here. It does feel good to get some sunshine though, doesn't it?
Sounds like you got a lot planted. I keep debating starting. I know we ALWAYS have a frost around June 7 so I hesitate getting "fooled again".
Wow! You are kicking some serious butt! I expect by the end of the day, it's kicking yours too @;)
Your garden posts always make me happy. I love how your raised beds have turned out and they really make the garden look trim and neat. Hopefully, you'll have good gardening weather this summer!
Tombstone Livestock - Yep, it's a start!
tpals - I am feeling really good, but dang and drat, had to leave the bed and go out to the couch last night because of continued coughing. That (for both of us) just doesn't seem to want to go away. Guess it will just take time.
Nancy po - The beds are 4' x 8' and are just the right size for me. The picture of my arm may look more "red" than it is. I am lucky to have skin that rarely burns before turning brown.
Sparkless - It is going quickly this year. Maybe 'cause I'm working double-time since feeling so far behind??
Sue - Aren't each of our particular climates so weird? You had warm weather way ahead of us this year with all kinds of your flowers budding out and blossoming while (it seems) we still had snow. Not that we haven't had frosts in June (and July and August!) but since we don't have a full moon again until June 13th, I think we're safe this year. (May *I* not get "fooled again!")
Tami - I said to hubby yesterday (a couple of times), it's THE BACK that kills me working in the garden! If only that old back didn't insist on aching so much, I could go on forever! I'm lucky that once I stop, it feels fine so I shouldn't complain so much.
Leigh - My gardening posts make you happy?? I am tickled to hear that because I do them in large part for my own records and always wonder if I'm boring everyone else to tears! I have a feeling we are going to have good gardening weather this year . . . it took long enough to start to be nice!
Your space always makes me pea green with envy!
Wow! You got so much done! I can't wait to hear how the haskaps work out for you. Have you tasted a haskap berry? If so, what is it like? I read that it's a blueberry-raspberry kind of flavor. That sounds delicious! -M
Wow woman!!!! Last time I checked you were all curled up on the couch sick and wasn't it still Winter? Now your bustin' your butt and sunburnt :)
I'm with ya on the white legs dark arms thing. I don't get it. Little kids get tan all over and don't stay outside as long. It's weird :/
The Weekend Homesteader - Aw, no reason to be envious! You are doing fantastic things at your place.
M - This is the third year for our haskap berries. Last year we had one (yep, ONE) berry and we tried to split it so we could each have a taste. How was it? Rather tasteless . . . but we have our fingers crossed for better things to come!
Kelly - Yep, I finally decided all my muscles were all gonna atrophy if I didn't start moving again. (Actually, I finally - after three weeks! - started to feel a little better so got up and got going!)
As far as why our legs don't tan very well, maybe we have too many "curves" to block the sun!!
Nothing like a day (or three) of sun and warmth to get those muscles moving. SO glad you are feeling better and not overdoing it (cough, cough). I love watching your garden(s) come to life - it's so good to finally get out and moving, isn't it?
Your garden is further along than ours it seems - and we don't have the weather to blame!! Sure sounds like you've done a lot to me! You sound so happy to finally be getting your hands dirty. I'm so glad you two are feeling better.
Susan - Yes, yes, yes! I really can't imagine what else I'd rather be doing right now. Well, having a full-time cook would be nice. And a maid to handle the house cleaning and . . . :o)
Lisa - Thanks for the kind words. And, yes, my hands are dirty! And also VERY dry. Have you ever noticed how soil dries out your hands? Wonder why that is?
How's about some pictures of YOUR garden?
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