Here's a gem of a book that I'd like to send to a new home. No way would I be letting go of it if I hadn't discovered that I've somehow acquired two copies of it. (You say I need a little more organization in my quilt room?)
The book?
The book is Happy Endings - Finishing the Edges of Your Quilt by Mimi Dietrich. I can attest it's a very helpful book with clear illustrations. It covers finishing your quilt without binding, using mitered corners, rounded corners, bias binding, scalloped edges, prairie points, and ruffled edgings. That's just a sampling of what you'll find in this book.
If you think you may like to add this book to your collection, just say so in the comments. To make things interesting, please also tell all of us if you make time to quilt and/or sew year round or do you find you only have time for such during the more inclement months of winter. (And if you do quilt year round, I want to know your secret!)
Let's make this short and sweet. I'll close comments tomorrow night, Wednesday, June 26th, and post a winner drawn from names entered sometime Thursday.
Happy Endings to you all!
the best focaccia in the whole damn world
4 hours ago
I quilt once a whole week...up at my vacation cabin...with my BFFS!
I quilt mostly during the fall and winter. No time during the summer planting months! Wish i could all yr long.
Ok, you darned well know how my ONLY quilting fiasco went. BUT, my Mom does quilting and I know she is always having problems with the edges, so if it's Ok, I'd like to put my name for her. She usually gets quilting around late summer or early fall because most of her quilts and banners (or whatever you call them) end up as Christmas gifts.
I would love this book. I mainly quilt in the fall and winter. My time is pretty full with animals and gardens in the summer. I do still go to my quilt meeting and shows during the summer. If we have a group project of course I join in on it. We try to keep them small.
One of the fiber members just mentioned on Sunday she had to go on YouTube to look for how to mitre a quilt corner ..... I haven't quilted in years, too many other projects. I even have a quilting book and I have no idea where it came from.
Mama pea, don't add me to the give away. I have this book and am just adding another testimony as to how good it is. I even think I have 2 copies as one is a newer addition so don't beat yourself up too much.
Lynda - Oooh, sounds absolutely lover-ly. What do you do if you end the week with some unfinished project(s)?
Dawn B. - I hear ya! That's just about exactly what I would have said.
Carolyn - Oh, you're such a nice daughter! I think your mom would find this book useful. I'd love to be organized enough to make quilted items for Christmas gifts.
Michelle - Yep, I think the majority of quilt shows are held during the summer 'cause it's so much easier to travel then. In the summertime, animal and garden chores seem to dictate we spend A LOT of time out of doors, don't they?
Tombstone Livestock - Well, if your name is drawn for this book, we know of a friend of yours that would probably get a lot of good use from it!
Tina H. - Thanks for the good review of the book. I know how I got my two copies . . . I had purchased one for myself and then for Christmas a few years ago a quilt shop owner I was working for gave me a lovely package of several quilting books as a gift. Lucky me!
OHHHHHLove a chance to enter this one! Thanks for hosting!
I found out I couldn't sew a straight line for nothing but I love quilts !lol. Funny I can sew leather very good but not material.So I just buy my quilts.Your garden is looking good and the greens are so pretty.
I too would love to be entered. I only seem to quilt in the fall/winter time. I tend to make quilts for gifts for the holidays. This year my son needs a new quilt. His current one has seen better days.
I try to quilt in the summer but lately that's not working out for me. Usually I just take a day off and sew all day, who needs clean dishes and clothes anyway LOL.
Katidids - You're welcome. Your name is in the hat!
Amanda Pope - Gosh, sewing leather sounds much trickier than sewing fabric. You've definitely got talent!
Thanks for the kind words regarding my garden. I'm workin' at it!
Heather Duncan - I love it when quilts show wear. It means they've been used and loved. You know your son will be so happy to get his very own NEW quilt!
Denise - Boy howdy, if I EVER get the last of the planting done in my garden, taking a day off and sewing all day sounds like a darn good idea. Clean dishes, clean clothes, clean house . . . yeah, they're all over rated!
Please don't enter me, but it looks like a great giveaway. Good luck to someone!
I'd like to be entered please! Love to sew and am learning to quilt. When I sew.... hmmm... lately I've tried to time it in the hotter parts of the day. Get outside in the garden early, sew after lunch.... but my 'schedule' always seems to be a work in progress itself:) Thank you Mama Pea for your giveaway.
Leigh - You're such a talented fiber artist that we've just got to find time for you to get back into it! I know, easy to say, but I do realize there are times in our lives when there's no way to fit it in! :o(
Lisa - I keep thinking I should be able to make a schedule for myself and stick to it. But life keeps happening! ;o) Sounds to me as if you're making the best use of your time during this terribly hot, hot, hot weather you're having.
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