There's a new state park not far from us that is about two years old, but we'd never set foot in it so decided today was the day.

It felt mighty good to be hiking and breathing the wonderful fresh air of the forest. Tomorrow we still get to breathe fresh air, but we'll be back to working around the homestead. And that's fine, 'cause it's what we both enjoy . . . especially after we took a little break for a recreation day as we did today.
What a wonderful hiking trail. Beautiful waterfall and I especially liked the other side of the river, it looks spectacular ;)
Glad you took a day off to enjoy, you deserve it!
We love all the state parks along the north shore! But we haven't visited on our Sabbath's yet this spring. We were waiting for the tics to be mostly done. Every time we hike in the spring we bring home lots of "companions". Fall works better for hiking for us :-)
It looks so beautiful. I am glad you took the time to get away.
Beautiful place. Glad you took a YOU day. That's important. Now back to work!
Breathtaking ♥
Such a beautiful place! And you both deserve a play day after all the hard work you have been doing :)
We've been there with the children a number of times. They like to stand on the MN side and throw rocks at Canada :)
What a great day. And I never knew there were 'new' state parks. Our state just closes them up claiming financial hardship even thought the state is making billions on fracking leases on state land. Have I even told you I hate my state?
Sparkless - The only disadvantage to taking a day off is that once you step off the treadmill and start to relax, every muscle in your body that has been held up with push and stress collapses and we both were wet noodles by the end of the day!
Freedom Acres Farm - Do you know that up until a few years ago we never had ticks up here? Then the "warm" winters arrived bringing a climate that the %&^*! buggers could survive in. Rats. I hate them. Just hate them!
Nancy - It was such a gorgeous day and we're glad we got out and enjoyed it.
Sue - Yupper, back to work indeed! Looks as if we have another (one more before more rain) sunny day so I'm outa here and playing in the dirt just as soon as I finish up paying some bills.
judy - Even though the leaves weren't showing much color down by the river, it was still pretty in a barren sort of way.
Stephanie - We're gonna try hard to take one day of recreation away from the homestead every other week. Wish us luck! Yesterday was our first.
Jen - Very close to your stomping grounds when you're here!
Jane - We'd welcome you to Minnie-soda with open arms! (You'd just have to figure out how to move your whole farm including land and buildings, that's all.) ;o}
Wow. What a beautiful spot. It is so good for you to take a break. Glad you got to enjoy your day without lists!
What a gorgeous waterfall! Glad you got to take a well-deserved break.
Beautiful! I'm glad you took the day to enjoy, I'm sure it was even more special since you have been working so hard!
Susan - Yep, it did feel good!
Judy - Thanks! We had such a beautiful day for it, too.
Erin - The boardwalks made me think of the pictures you've posted of your recreation areas.
What gorgeous scenery, and I love waterfalls. It that were a few miles from my house, nothing would ever get done. My husband would have to come get me everyday to come home.
The Weekend Homesteader - Do you supposed there are people somewhere who actually live right by a waterfall like that? On second thought, the continuous sound might drive you batty!
You live in an absolutely beautiful area! Your waterfall picture is awesome and presented well the power emanating from the falls. It looks like a very well-done user-friendly state park. Wow... to stand on one side of the river and look into another 'country'! I'm so glad you two took a little time off to just enjoy yourselves. Thank you for sharing your hiking day with us.
Lisa - I guess we all need to appreciate more fully the area we do live in. When I look at the pictures of your place and surrounding area I always think it's so much more beautiful than ours! (The grass is always greener . . . ?)
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