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What A Difference Doors Make
I've been living with no doors on my kitchen cabinets for so long that I was beginning to like the convenience of it. But now that the doors have finally been hung, I'm thrilled with the look of them and will put up with the "hassle" of opening a door every time I need to get in a cabinet!
Our carpenter friend, B, called yesterday morning saying her scheduled job for the day was cancelled because of the rain so she would come hang the cabinet doors if we wanted. Did we want? For sure!
I am totally, absolutely delighted with the way they look. Could not be more pleased.
The empty space you see in the picture above to the left of the stove is where I previously had room for only a narrow 9" wide cabinet both up and down. In the remodel, we've moved the refrigerator over to the left which leaves room for 12" (inside measurement) cabinets which will be much more usable. So when B left yesterday, she took both cabinets to re-use what materials she can, add some new materials, bring them back, take down the upper cabinet above the refrigerator, and fasten the two uppers together. Then I can paint the whole unit plus the lower enlarged cabinet, they can be put in place and the doors (which are all set and ready) can be hung on those final three cabinets and that part of the kitchen remodel can be crossed off the list. Whew!
Absolutely beautiful! Have a grand time in that lovely new kitchen!
Oh, wow! What a difference is right. Your kitchen looks like something out of a design magazine! It must be a total joy to work in.
Just gorgeous, gorgeous!! I would love to work in a kitchen like that. My little old trailer house kitchen functions great but looks terrible. I will paint it to lighten it up!! After seeing what you have done, yup, paint it is.
I forgot to tell you how much I love your new header photograph!
They look very nice. Very well made too.
Oh wow! Now that was worth all that hard work. It looks fabulous!
Just when you inspired me to go doorless. I was ready to take them off the cabinets, house, barn, etc. We would be free! But your right, I can see the virtue of doors now;) They look beautiful!
Fantastic--looks like a really great space to cook in all day. I'll be up for cookies!!!
(Hint--I eat a LOT of cookies!)
You know, I was kind'a liking the door-less cabinet look, but now seeing the finished kitchen, I'm not sure now. Those look ab-so-lutely beautiful!
Your fall birch tree picture is beautiful!.....and your kitchen is super beautiful! I love how it turned out. The floor is NOT too busy! Everything blends perfect and looks so cheery. Love it, love it, love it.
now that dr,momi mentioned it your birch looks prettier than mine-with all that red-mines mostly yellow, now those cabinets -wo-ho tons and tons of space to fill,looks like a spanking new kichen
Wow, that is one heck of a good looking and workable kitchen. You must feel like you are in some other person's home. Let's see how long it takes you to remember where everything is now.
Patty - I plan on it!
Susan - Don't know if I'd go that far . . . but I am really, really enjoying being in there.
Yvette - Do go with a new coat of paint! I've always said that works wonders.
Susan - Thank you! Sorry to say the leaves all gone now and that tree is looking purdy darn nekkid!
Nancy - I know you know something about wood working so I consider that a real compliment!
Sparkless - You mean all those poly fumes that have make me wonkier than usual were worth it?! ;o]
Jane - I have to confess the doors definitely make the kitchen look smaller! Who would have known? But I also did notice the shelves and my dishes getting dusty without the doors to protect them.
Sue - I am so eager for winter to come (read: have all outside chores done) so I can, indeed, spend whole days in there. I can already tell it has a really good feel to it.
Carolyn Renee - Thank you, ma'am!
dr momi - The floor still draws my eye to it, but I do like it. Thanks for saying you think it's okay. The birch tree was really a sight against that Minnesota blue sky!
judy - It FEELS like a new kitchen! And I even have one drawer with nothing in it yet. Can you imagine?
Beyond beautiful! You guys and B have done a marvelous job!!
momma pea-does any one know a pot holder lady in .......and her name is .......all I know thats its in mn.your konect me doesn't work from my end but my cheeks are rosy and I have a grin from hear to the moon,appreciation abound,I got the surprise of my life today and I'm happy. my house now looks complete-Halloweeny style :)
Karen L. - Even though I really, really, REALLY like my new kitchen, I do admit it doesn't feel quite like "mine" yet! And I now know where NOTHING is! Hubby will ask me where such and such is and I give him a blank look and say, "You think *I* know??" It's a challenge . . . but a good one!
Freedom Acres - Thank you, thank you, thank you! Very much.
judy - You are very welcome, m'dear! :o}
Oh, I love the look. I would never do well with the doorless kitchen- my cabinets aren't neat enough!!
I love it. Nicely done!
Judy - The "open look" does make a kitchen look more cluttered, I think. Also, the contents do get dusty I've found out! (Who knew there was so much dust flying around in my kitchen!?)
I'll Call You Jane - Thank you very much! :o}
Oh Mama Pea, it is so beautiful!! Great job to all of you!!
I really like your new kitchen and yellow is my favorite color. It looks terrific.
It looks so light and airy! Enjoy! You so deserve it!
Stephanie, odiie and Ruth - Your kind words are much appreciated! A couple/few people didn't think the yellow cabinets and pine doors would work but once they saw it, they changed their minds. (Even our carpenter, B, was skeptical!!)
Wow, I bet you are excited! Do you find yourself just standing there staring at the kitchen? I would, it's beautiful! Enjoy!
Erin - Yes, it's still very "new" to me. And, of course, I feel like I really haven't had time to be in it/work in it enough yet. But that time should come this winter. I hope!
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