As an aside she asked me if I wanted some pie cherries from her tree. Oh. Gosh. Gee. Groan. Uh. Well . . . You must understand that I love cherries. Bake just about anything with sour cherries in it (especially pie) and I will fight everyone else off with a stick.
But here I am knee-deep in paint and polyurethane with at least six other household-y things that need to be done, including harvesting and processing my own raspberries and blueberries. Do I have time to pit and process cherries? Heck no.
Then B reminds me that these cherries don't have to be pitted. Huh? Oh, that's right! A week or so ago she was telling us about these wonderful cherries she has. If you pick with a little bit of care, the stem and pit stay on the tree and you get the pitted cherry in your pail.
That cinched it. Yes, yes, YES! I would love some of those cherries.

I assured B that we would ALL be having cherry pie made from these cherries. Now I just have to find time to fit in a little baking . . . like soon. I can hardly wait to taste these!
You've got quite a friend there.
May I "borrow" her when you're done? I have quite a few ideas floating in my head...and a serious hankering for some cherries!
Wow! What a coup! I have never heard of this type of cherry, but I am going to research it. That is my kind of cherry harvesting. What time is pie?
A woman carpenter and she brings your favorite fruit. What a find! And my birds are able to pull the cherry off with out the seed too, and they leave me nice stems with seeds hanging from the tree. Who needs a fancy type of tree to do that ;)
oh gosh,I will tell you a little secret-----------------CHERRIES,are my favorite in the whole world,so I just said to anyone who reads your post.take a break now and again
Yum... save me a slice, I'll be right there. You couldn't turn those down at all!
Sue - She is such a gem you wouldn't believe it. She knows we're on a budget (that I hope holds out until we're done here!) and does all she can to help us out in that respect. In her phone call this morning, she wanted to check with me . . . she had some "leftover" wood in her shop that she said she could use in the cabinets where it wouldn't show at all (so didn't have to match anything) but wanted to make sure that was all right with me. Lumber we wouldn't have to pay for? Well, yes, that would be very nice. Then she brings me cherries, too.
Susan - STILL don't have the pie made . . . and I'm sinkin' fast tonight. Maybe first thing tomorrow morning before it gets hot??
Jane - What you do need is to train the birds to drop the pitted cherries in a bucket for you!
judy - We think alike on the cherry preference! Soooo good.
Ruth - Good thing I didn't get the cherry pie made today. We just finished a spaghetti, big salad and garlic cheese bread dinner. I ate too much and fear I may have exploded stuffing a slice of that pie in had it been available!
My mouth is watering! What a great friend. I can tell you were in a dilemma - do I take the fruit when I have so much work to do??? How lovely that they were picked so nicely as to not have any pits.'m with Susan. What time IS pie??
Mama Tea - Pie time? With luck tomorrow right around lunch time. I know I'm a weird duck but I cannot eat warm (ish . . . makes me shudder just to say it) pie. So if I get it in the oven first thing tomorrow morning before it gets too hot, it should be cool enough to cut by noon. With or without vanilla ice cream?
Wow! They look super yummy! You've gotta love a variety that leaves the pit behind. Thanks for sharing!
Oh my gosh - I have to plant one of those self-pitting cherry trees! I LOVE cherries too! Not to mention , pie is my favorite dessert. Enjoy...
Now that's a nice tip on the tree! I keep telling hubby I want to purchase land BEFORE we move just so we can get a few fruit trees established. Ah, the things us homesteaders have to think about LOL!
Oh I love cherry pie! Now aren't you glad you didn't turn that down!?
Get your stick, make a pie and start swatting PapaPea and's all yours!
Patty - You're welcome!
Susan - Depending on how the pie tastes today (I'm thinking it's gonna be wonderful), we are seriously thinking of ordering a couple of these trees.
Erin - Just remember to put on your list of Must Dos to plan on good fencing because the deer will destroy unprotected fruit trees/shrubs in the blink of an eye. Personal experience speaking here! ;o}
APG - Pie is on the counter cooling. Now where's my stick . . .
what a great friend to even PICK them for you! I'm a huge cherry fan too, and the neighbor has been kind enough to let us pick her trees in the past. But this year, the birds picked and ate all her cherries before they were even ripe. I even watched a squirrel have at 'em!
Dmarie - Ya know, nature's critters have got to eat, too, but darn it's hard when you put time and energy into growing a crop and then don't get but a piddling little bit of it!
What variety of cherry picks like that! I need to know!
What a great friend you have...and a carpenter to boot?! Those cherries look delicious...enjoy your pie!
I want a tree that grows PIES and jars of JAM! LOL
My mouth is watering just looking at that. I love cherries.
I bought a box of peaches at the store for my step-mom yesterday (hint hint) :)
Leigh - The cherry tree variety is Evan's Bali.
Lisa - B is a sweetheart. Very loving, giving, honest and quite talented! Oh, and very hard-working!
Jen - I think you'll find that tree right next to the money tree!!
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