Tee-hee, ha-ha-ha, hohohoho! I'm just foolin' with ya. This is what my knees have looked like for the past couple of weeks every time I use my blue foam kneeling pad that is in the final stages of self-destruction.
I must admit I've gotten several double takes and jaws dropping open when people get a look at my knees after I've been using the pad. I have to quickly tell them, "No, no! I didn't fall off an eight-food ladder and land on my knees!" They aren't bruised at all, I've had to explain . . . just colored up from a combination of disintegrating blue foam and dirt.
Did I fool any of you? (My slightly whacky daughter with the warped sense of humor made me do this post.)
Should have kept quite -I was ready to send flowers he-he--BUT I ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO HAVE A WACKY DAUGHTER
Oh, Mama Pea, you really had me going! I'm sitting here with a bum foot (and the farthest my man has let me walk today is the bathroom). I was almost ready to feel totally guilty for feeling slightly sorry for myself. I'm trying to be thankful for the rest and book/blog reading time. I'm glad you're okey-dokey!
judy - Daughters . . . they're good to keep us on our toes, aren't they?
Patty - Okay, first the tick bite and now this? What in the world did you do you do to your foot?? Please tell.
The Piper had major knee surgery about 10 days ago, and I've been run ragged trying to manage the farm and be a good post-op nurse...
When she's fully recovered, I wanna borrow that kneeling pad and get me some sympathy, 'cause that LOOKS like a bruisey-doozey! :-)
You fooled me. I thought, oh no first the eye, now this. It is not Mama Peas month.
Very best wishes to The Piper for a speedy, easy recovery. And to you for all the extras I know you're having to manage.
P.S. The kneeling pad is in the mail. ;o}
Jane - Don't tell anyone as I am too embarrassed by my own klutziness, but up until a couple of days ago I had a (real) bruise just like that on the back of my left arm. Bad things can happen when you fall backwards off a ladder. Just shows again how thankful I continue to be for my strong German bones!
You totally got me. In fact, I felt a little sick to my stomach with sympathy. Plus, knee injuries make me queasy.
Should have known the INSTANT you asked for sympathy...cuz you never do that!
Dirty Rats!!! dirty i tell ya
I thought Papa Pea pushed you off a ladder or something. You kidder , you!!
I have a bike seat that does that.
Not good.
Read the title, saw the picture and thought "I'd better go get another cup of coffee for this one." Glad you're doing okay, (cept the part about falling off the ladder?).
My 12 year old wants to be a make up artist and is always painting bruises and wounds on her legs to practice. Want me to send her over?
You had me fooled, too! Oh my, I was ready with the 1-800-Flowers number...
Maybe you deserve some flowers just for all your hard work!!
JJ - Oh, so sorry about bringing on the kneesy-queasy thing. Apologies!
APG - Gotta do something every now and then to keep you on your toes. ;o}
Sue - A bike seat that does that too? A piece of advice? Don't go ridin' nekked. ;o}
odiie - How 'bout if I send my disintegrating kneeling pad to her? She could do creative things with it!!
Mama Tea - I'm thinking I may need something more than flowers for all the work my fried brain is having to do! I don't make easy decisions and, believe you me, there are waaaay too many choices out there for every little thing. Since I am never (I'd type NEVER in red if I could) doing this again, I'd kinda sorta like to get it right the first time.
Thanks for the sweet words!
You had me too! I think it's time for a new and improved kneeling pad; you can't keep scaring us with pictures like this.
No sympathy, but lots of hugs ... LOL
Well, you got me as well. I woulda waited until I got a couple of boxes of chocolates and some flowers before I came clean (so to speak)!
I admit, I cringed!!
Yvette - You're right. Time to spring for a new pad. Took me 15 minutes to scrub my knees clean last night!
Susan - Shee-oot! Why didn't I think of that??!
Erin - Sorry 'bout that. I'll never do something like that again! ;o}
glad to know your "bruise" is the washable kind!!
Dmarie - It never would have occurred to me that my knees looked as if they had huge bruises on them if a neighbor stopping by hadn't looked horrified when seeing them. From my view (looking down on them), they just looked really dirty. And, of course, I knew it was from my old kneeling pad. If only all bruises were so washable, huh?
You fooled me, a supposed professional!
Claire - You ARE a professional, m'dear. And I am a bad, bad person for pulling this hoax. I'm going to go stand in the corner for 20 minutes now and think about my evilness. ;o} (Hee-hee-hee!)
Ha, ha, I believed ya! Glad it isn't as bad as it looks. :)
I believe you too! That looks like one nasty bruise. Glad to hear it isn't a bruise at all.
You know this means some of us will have to get back at you for this with our own jokes? Yup, I suspect a few are plotting right now!
Leigh - Time to toss that pad, wouldn't you say? (I have trouble letting go of anything that is still the least little bit useful. Send help.)
Sparkless - Uh-oh! I hadn't thought of that . . . going to put my blog in the Blogness Protection Program now. ;o}
Ya' fooled me too! You are so funny! It's amazing how your humor comes through your 'writings' real well! Your posts brighten my days.
Ha ha!!! Love your daughter's sense of humor. I can just see having a day to post owies, sort of like Harvest Monday. You could call it Owie Tuesday! Ha! That would be a kick. Glad it's not real, and that you're ok. Right now I'm looking at my hubby's stitches he got on Thursday. He had surgery. Now THAT'S an owie!!
Love your posts, keep them coming!
Lisa - You are such a sweetheart! You brighten MY days and encourage me to keep up my drivel blogging.
Lori - My thanks to you, too, bloggy friend. Sending best wishes for a quick recovery for your hubby from his surgery. THAT is a real owie!
You fooled me. It certainly looked for real. I was going to ask if you are healing nicely. Does it wash off easily?
Lorie - Ha-ha! It does take a bit of scrubbing to bring my knees back to looking socially acceptable! You'll be glad to know I've stopped using the old blue pad. Now I'm using an old yellow pad. But so far, no noticeable discoloration from it!
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