B is coming by for a short time tomorrow to get the cabinets installed (without doors), then Papa Pea and I will work on getting the shelves mounted on the pantry walls.
Whew, another day jam-packed with fun and excitement. Now I have to go work at getting all this polyurethane off my hands . . .
Looking great. I can't wait to see the cabinets up.
Beautiful job! I remember doing just those things you are. The pride and satisfaction is priceless. Pace yourself now.
Had to delete my last post because I can't type. I wanted to say that your floor looks great.
You two are like energizer bunnies, you just keep on going and going!
Wow... hard workers! When you're done at your house, I have some interior painting I'd like to do. Thanks!
Yea for Mama Pea-it's moving along at a good clip. You'll have that project behind you in no time.
It looks great, and you know what, not only do I see no pink in the floor but the walls no longer look pink! Your moving right along.
Everything looks so awesome! Those peel and stick tiles have been a favorite around this place as well. They look so nice and go on easily! Can't wait to see everything when its all finished!!
Never saw the before pictures but your floor looks great.
I don’t have a pantry — you are very lucky to have one.
Judy - Cabinets should happen today!
Nancy - Pace ourselves? GOOD IDEA!
Sparkless - Ha! Tired energizer bunnies, but we know we can rest when it's done!!
Ruth - I'd love to come paint for you. Really.
Sue - It's so good to actually be doing something we can SEE!
Jane - Oh, you are such a dear . . . not seeing any more pink. Keep it up and I may start to believe you!
Mama Tea - Yup, we were so impressed with the tiles on this floor, we may use them elsewhere.
cindy - This is my first pantry, too, and I'm so excited about it!
I still say it's more of a dusky rosy mauvy color. Besides, between the shelving and cabinets, you won't see more than an inch. It is going to be so amazing! You and Papa Pea don't do anything half-baked, do you? I may want to come and live in your pantry!
That floor looks great! I can't wait for you to get those cabinets in, I know you will have so much fun filling them up and organizing, what a great feeling it will be to have that room all ready to rock!
Susan - You can come live in our pantry, but remember to bring your best sleeping bag and insulated jeans 'cause my dill pickles want to be kept in a cool environment! ;o}
Erin - As soon as we get the cabinets done and some shelves up, the pantry will be a catch-all for all of the stuff I have to empty out of our current kitchen area as that's what we'll tear into next. (Are we actually moving ahead or just making more messes??)
It looks wonderful! No wonder sleep is hard to come by for you these days with so much going on. Hopefully the weather cooperates and the rest gets a good coat with out the high that goes along with it. P-U! I don't envy you that job.
APG - I don't mind the polying itself but always do it outside if at all possible. The odor hangs around in the house forever otherwise!
have you finished it? It looks great!
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