You might think I spent the day in the garden by the following pictures but I did not. I spent the bulk of the day polying and am hoping to get one more coat on three pieces yet tonight.
B was here today doing a little fancy work. I had something specific in mind for end finishing pieces for the shelves in the pantry so last week I told B what I was thinking about. She said if I would make the pattern for the scalloped edge, she'd construct them. I've seen one piece in place in the pantry when she was checking it for fit and I couldn't be more pleased. I'll have pictures of the installation tomorrow, I hope. If I can get the rest of the finish on the boards yet tonight.
While I was waiting for applications of poly to dry today, I kept running out into the garden getting bits and pieces of this and that done. I did manage to get the whole blueberry patch weeded. Yahoo and hooray! The raspberry patch? Not yet, but I think I've got the weeds in that area shakin' in their boots.
This is my totally volunteer cherry tomato bed. I've thinned it twice already but as you can see, it needs to be done again, then the plants staked up and pruned. But . . . it may not happen this year. I might have to let them go aunaturel and be grateful for any tomatoes I happen to get.
I had promised Chicken Mama a couple of the tomatoes potted up to take to her house and I finally got that done today. No tomatoes on them yet but there are little yellow blossoms. She'll take them home with her tonight. If she can fit them in her little teeny-tiny red car. She usually has quite a load.
I had Morning Glories planted around this trellis in the field garden last year. I was surprised to see lots of volunteers coming up this spring, so I dragged the trellis back out there and said, "Go for it, guys!" No flowers showing 'cause I snapped this picture in late afternoon after they had closed up for the day. It's amazing the way all the vines have gravitated toward the trellis with no help from me. How do they know it's there for them to climb on?
Last but not least, I had to take a picture of my Sweet Peas. I always plant them on the trellis in a raised bed closest to the house that has a clump of chives on either end. They've reached the top of the trellis and are currently blooming their little hearts out. Do they smell good? Oh my, yes!!
Those morning glories can sniff out something to climb from a hundred miles away. Isn't it amazing? I agree with 2 Tramps. For not having a lot of gardening time, it sure looks good anyway!
The morning glories are just beautiful!! You are such a busy lady it's no wonder you are tired. The volunteers must know this and are trying to help you out!
Now that is a big bed of blueberries to just manage to get weeded between jobs! I'd barely get that whole bed weeded in a day and that would be a good day. Love sweet peas but have never grown them. They are on my list for next year.
There's been quite a lot of people noticing that volunteers seem to grow a lot better and I'm having to agree with that. You should see my volunteer potatoes this year (from ones I must have "missed " during digging last year). And I was so darn proud of myself not being so fanatical with "cleaning up" the aisles this year--I have volunteer Portulacas and alyssum sprouting everywhere and what beautiful colors they are. I swear this fall I'm just gonna SQUISH a bunch of veggies where I want them to grow next year and have a completely "wild" garden. Your tomatoes and morning glories are proof of how stuff really doesn't seem to need us. Well, maybe to weed! :D
Another example of how amazing volunteer plants are! You have been a busy bee, haven't you? I see that you managed to do your non-gardening, but I am with you on the weeding. It just irks me to no end seeing a healthy crop of weeds. And I cannot wait to see the installation - that scalloped edging is very intriguing...
You know, your posts are bringing back memories of remodeling this house. Now I know why I haven't done anything in 12 years;) It is like living in limbo. Where are you making your meals, or can you still reach the stove?
2 Tramps - You give waaay too much praise for the piddling little "gardening" I'm doing this year, m'dear!
Mama Tea - Last night at dinner, looking out on the gardens (as we can now do with our new kitchen/table arrangement!) I did comment to Papa Pea that for the little time we've had to give to it this summer, the yard is looking okay. Not great, but could be worse!
APG - Thank you, thank you to all my little volunteer plants!
Sparkless - I have a heavy mulch of peat moss on the blueberries and the weeds come out of it easily. Do try Sweet Peas . . . they are so colorful and their smell is delightful!
Sue - The volunteers that survive the winter in our frigid areas have got to be tough, right? Maybe we should pay attention and save ourselves some work?
Your portulacas and alyssm volunteers all over the place must be gorgeous. If only all "weeds" had colorful blossoms!
Susan - I wouldn't be happy being anything other than a "busy bee." It's just that all this one-time remodeling stuff is more than this bee is totally comfortable with!! ;o}
Jane - Sounds like we both feel the same way about remodeling. :o\ (Why didn't we hire Erin to come do both of our places?) With the new kitchen design the refrig, stove and sink are staying in the same spot so they aren't pulled out. Well, the sink is being replaced along with the cabinet it's in so at the moment, it's propped up rather precariously but it still is functional. So, thank heavens, we can still eat!!
That blueberry patch is immaculate!! I am in awe of your sweet peas and can't wait until I can grow them. They won't grow at all here, just a couple of leaves, no flowers and they die by the time they are 8 inches tall LOL
Erin - Yep, the Sweet Peas do want cool weather at least during the first part of their growing period. I guess there are a few (well, one or two!) things we can grow up here near the tundra that you can't!
Leigh - Well, thanks, Friend, but I don't have any of the staples that one needs like potatoes, carrots, beets, peas, beans, turnips, etc. Just salad fixings and some volunteers.
I live with my husband on a small homestead in Northern Minnesota. Our daughter currently lives in a small cabin in the woods not too far from us.
Our place is located outside a small town and a two and a half hour's drive from the nearest big city. Trips to the city are infrequent, well-planned, and exhausting!
We currently raise chickens and have hives of honey bees. Raising some of our meat and most of our fruits and vegetables is a priority for us; so, along with our birds for meat and eggs, we have fruit trees, berry patches and a huge vegetable garden.
Quilting is my passion, and I could happily spend each day in my quilt studio if I weren't happily spending each day out in the garden. Good thing we have winters up here; Mother Nature helps keep my life balanced.
My Occupation(s)
Home and Household Manager (Highly-Skilled Domestic Engineer)
Wife of Retired School Teacher (I Really Enjoy Having Him Home)
Mother of Grown Child (I Am So Proud of Her)
Fanatic Gardener (So Many Seeds, So Little Summer)
Passionate Quilter (I Am Obsessed)
EX-Restaurant Owner (Thank Heavens!)
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Have a particular posting or topic in mind? Want to find that post Mama Pea wrote about her blueberry bushes or a recipe? If so . . . .
Oh, Mama Pea, you grow a grand garden without even trying. All the plants seem to love you - weeds included!
Those morning glories can sniff out something to climb from a hundred miles away. Isn't it amazing? I agree with 2 Tramps. For not having a lot of gardening time, it sure looks good anyway!
The morning glories are just beautiful!! You are such a busy lady it's no wonder you are tired. The volunteers must know this and are trying to help you out!
Now that is a big bed of blueberries to just manage to get weeded between jobs! I'd barely get that whole bed weeded in a day and that would be a good day.
Love sweet peas but have never grown them. They are on my list for next year.
Now that is one fine weeding job!
There's been quite a lot of people noticing that volunteers seem to grow a lot better and I'm having to agree with that. You should see my volunteer potatoes this year (from ones I must have "missed " during digging last year). And I was so darn proud of myself not being so fanatical with "cleaning up" the aisles this year--I have volunteer Portulacas and alyssum sprouting everywhere and what beautiful colors they are. I swear this fall I'm just gonna SQUISH a bunch of veggies where I want them to grow next year and have a completely "wild" garden. Your tomatoes and morning glories are proof of how stuff really doesn't seem to need us. Well, maybe to weed!
Another example of how amazing volunteer plants are! You have been a busy bee, haven't you? I see that you managed to do your non-gardening, but I am with you on the weeding. It just irks me to no end seeing a healthy crop of weeds. And I cannot wait to see the installation - that scalloped edging is very intriguing...
You know, your posts are bringing back memories of remodeling this house. Now I know why I haven't done anything in 12 years;) It is like living in limbo. Where are you making your meals, or can you still reach the stove?
2 Tramps - You give waaay too much praise for the piddling little "gardening" I'm doing this year, m'dear!
Mama Tea - Last night at dinner, looking out on the gardens (as we can now do with our new kitchen/table arrangement!) I did comment to Papa Pea that for the little time we've had to give to it this summer, the yard is looking okay. Not great, but could be worse!
APG - Thank you, thank you to all my little volunteer plants!
Sparkless - I have a heavy mulch of peat moss on the blueberries and the weeds come out of it easily. Do try Sweet Peas . . . they are so colorful and their smell is delightful!
Sue - The volunteers that survive the winter in our frigid areas have got to be tough, right? Maybe we should pay attention and save ourselves some work?
Your portulacas and alyssm volunteers all over the place must be gorgeous. If only all "weeds" had colorful blossoms!
Susan - I wouldn't be happy being anything other than a "busy bee." It's just that all this one-time remodeling stuff is more than this bee is totally comfortable with!! ;o}
Jane - Sounds like we both feel the same way about remodeling. :o\ (Why didn't we hire Erin to come do both of our places?) With the new kitchen design the refrig, stove and sink are staying in the same spot so they aren't pulled out. Well, the sink is being replaced along with the cabinet it's in so at the moment, it's propped up rather precariously but it still is functional. So, thank heavens, we can still eat!!
That blueberry patch is immaculate!! I am in awe of your sweet peas and can't wait until I can grow them. They won't grow at all here, just a couple of leaves, no flowers and they die by the time they are 8 inches tall LOL
For somebody who wasn't going to have a garden this year, you sure have a great garden!
Erin - Yep, the Sweet Peas do want cool weather at least during the first part of their growing period. I guess there are a few (well, one or two!) things we can grow up here near the tundra that you can't!
Leigh - Well, thanks, Friend, but I don't have any of the staples that one needs like potatoes, carrots, beets, peas, beans, turnips, etc. Just salad fixings and some volunteers.
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