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You Can't Always Trust A Map
Just had to share this with all of you. Chicken Mama was here for dinner tonight and over a glass of wine or two (ahem), our conversation led from one thing to another, and we decided to see how far it would be from our location in NE Minnesota to Fiona's homestead (Rowangarth Farm) in Ontario, Canada.
We went to Google to print out a map for us and this is what we got. Remember, we were just trying to get from northeastern Minnesota to Ontario.
We couldn't help but go into fits of laughter when we saw that the map told us to start in Louisiana (somewhere on the gulf coast), travel northeast through North Carolina, drive directly into the ocean for a while, then back to shore and through Maine before turning back into the water again heading straight for . . . where? Greenland??
Fiona? Fiona?? I fear we may never find you by following this map!
P.S. Don't worry, Fiona dear. The wine has now worn off and we are NOT going to appear on your doorstep any time in the near future.
Hahahahaaha!!! The dog is looking at me like I've finally lost that last marble -- yes, I'm laughing that hard! This is freaking brilliant! And I was just telling my mother-in-law how unreliable Google Maps is. Best example e-v-e-r!!
But rest assured, you and Chicken Mama would be welcome here anytime. Just be sure to bring your boat for that cross-Atlantic journey. ;) Tee hee....
What on earth???? How did that happen???? Was it the wine?
I think it was takng you the LONG way....LOL.
This is hilarious. It sure would make for an interesting trip.
Perhaps you had it set for Google bird maps. Easy mistake ;)
Fiona - We've experienced some glitches with Google directions in the past, but this one has got to top them all!
Claire - If there was wine involved, looks to me like it was consumed by the little guy hired by Google to send out the maps!
Dr. Momi - The scenic route maybe??
ThyHand - Pity the poor person who tried to follow it!
Jane - Ya gotta wonder which part of "Minnesota" and "Ontario" they didn't understand.
Hahahahha, that is funny.
Looks like the folks at Google were enjoying a few glasses wine themselves!
meemsnyc - Sure is! 'Cept maybe if you took off trying to follow it.
Susan - Pretty funny to us, no doubt about it. But can you imagine the frustrating scenario if someone had to leave in an emergency and Googled a map to follow on their way out the door??!! Oi vey!!
But you *DO* have to come through Maine, because the Piper and I want you to visit US, too!!! ;-)
MaineCelt - How's this? The next time we travel from here in NE Minnesota to Ontario we'll stop off at your place in Maine 'cause it's right on the way. Right? (You have no idea how long or how much I've wanted to see Maine!!) Thank you for the generous invitation because I know you mean it. :o)
I'm back online! Hey this is FANTASTIC news, where do we all meet for this adventure road trip of a lifetime? Let's get all us YaYa's together in say, MINNESOTA, and we'll get an early start so we can reach our starting point in Louisiana by nightfall... this is too much, laughing so hard! Fiona, we are coming for you... we'll be there in a month and a half :)
LOL...that is hilarious! I've put in my own digits at times and have been told I need to fly from Australia to get to the next province. Silly old Google Maps! Glad you enjoyed some vino! :)
Erin - Where there's a will there's a way, huh? Fiona, you should be warned. You know how Erin gets when she sets her mind to something!
Rain - Australia!? (Now I wouldn't mind seeing Australia!)
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