I grew up hearing the old farmers' saying, "Snow is poor man's fertilizer."
Well, Mother Nature is delivering another load of poor man's fertilizer to us again today.
We've got comin' up on two inches of the stuff so far and it's still coming down.
This is our driveway as it comes into the back of the house. Sure hope we don't get enough that we have to think about plowing again.
This picture taken from hubby's second floor office window shows most of our twenty-six raised garden beds, a corner of the pumpkin patch and most of the field garden. (Whaddaya mean it looks like Antarctica?)
Excuse me. I must go now and plant my peas. (Insert hysterical laughter.)
Don't worry the melt is coming soon. You'll be planting peas and gardening before you know it and it will happen all at once and you'll wish it were still snowing cause your back will ache from all that gardening.
Susan - Oh, you'd make it. You're one tough lady who doesn't give up. But I won't wish snow on you considering what you've gone through this past (it is past, isn't it?) winter. And in this dampness we've currently got going, I'M the one who needs the snuggies!
Jane - Oh, Janie m'dear, you do have a way with the words!
Sparkless - How did you know that's exactly the way it happens around here?? We go directly from winter into summer weather with no spring to speak of. I'm often planting peas and beans at the same time. Why, why, WHY do we garden up here????
We had some heavy wet snow today too. It snows, melts, snows ... etc. I'm so ready for some continued sunshine and warmth. There's a little peek of that orb just before it goes behind the mountain but no peeks of it during the day.
I'm starting to look forward to camping season ... 2 1/2 to 3 months from now ... ... I can't wait!!! Yvette
You all have some real gusto up there in the far north... Even down here in Cleveland, I go stir crazy with the snow finishing melting in March... I don't think I could handle it if snowed again... Stay warm!
Yvette - I know what you mean about wanting warmth. It was so cold (lotsa dampness) here yesterday . . . and no sun. But the encouraging thing is that this time of year when the sun does come out, it is starting to have enough power you can feel it!
Tiny Gardener - Ha! I commented to my hubby yesterday that if it had been a day in November, we would have been excited about the snow coming down all day. Somehow in March it feels differently! :o)
I'm with Jane. I think we're supposed to get rain today. Almost half our yard is melted, I think, and I'd sit down and bawl if we got more snow at this point. We've switched to mud boots, even. :( Poor MamaPea.
You can open that window and just start throwing or shooting pea seeds through a straw aiming them as best you can - see how long it takes Papa Pea to talk you "down off your ledge" LOL!
Oh dear...March....we're getting a snowfall tomorrow too. But the sunny days make up for it! When I saw your title it made me think of a joke...a farmer is out in the field pondering why his crop isn't growing, so his wife says "Well, honey, maybe it needs more fertilizer." And the farmer says, "I'm only ONE man my dear." Hee hee! :)
I live with my husband on a small homestead in Northern Minnesota. Our daughter currently lives in a small cabin in the woods not too far from us.
Our place is located outside a small town and a two and a half hour's drive from the nearest big city. Trips to the city are infrequent, well-planned, and exhausting!
We currently raise chickens and have hives of honey bees. Raising some of our meat and most of our fruits and vegetables is a priority for us; so, along with our birds for meat and eggs, we have fruit trees, berry patches and a huge vegetable garden.
Quilting is my passion, and I could happily spend each day in my quilt studio if I weren't happily spending each day out in the garden. Good thing we have winters up here; Mother Nature helps keep my life balanced.
My Occupation(s)
Home and Household Manager (Highly-Skilled Domestic Engineer)
Wife of Retired School Teacher (I Really Enjoy Having Him Home)
Mother of Grown Child (I Am So Proud of Her)
Fanatic Gardener (So Many Seeds, So Little Summer)
Passionate Quilter (I Am Obsessed)
EX-Restaurant Owner (Thank Heavens!)
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I don't know what I'd do if it snowed again. Better knit up some snuggies for those peas....
Is the name of this post just another way to say your getting sh$t on? ;)
Don't worry the melt is coming soon. You'll be planting peas and gardening before you know it and it will happen all at once and you'll wish it were still snowing cause your back will ache from all that gardening.
Susan - Oh, you'd make it. You're one tough lady who doesn't give up. But I won't wish snow on you considering what you've gone through this past (it is past, isn't it?) winter. And in this dampness we've currently got going, I'M the one who needs the snuggies!
Jane - Oh, Janie m'dear, you do have a way with the words!
Sparkless - How did you know that's exactly the way it happens around here?? We go directly from winter into summer weather with no spring to speak of. I'm often planting peas and beans at the same time. Why, why, WHY do we garden up here????
We had some heavy wet snow today too. It snows, melts, snows ... etc. I'm so ready for some continued sunshine and warmth. There's a little peek of that orb just before it goes behind the mountain but no peeks of it during the day.
I'm starting to look forward to camping season ... 2 1/2 to 3 months from now ... ... I can't wait!!!
You all have some real gusto up there in the far north... Even down here in Cleveland, I go stir crazy with the snow finishing melting in March... I don't think I could handle it if snowed again... Stay warm!
Yvette - I know what you mean about wanting warmth. It was so cold (lotsa dampness) here yesterday . . . and no sun. But the encouraging thing is that this time of year when the sun does come out, it is starting to have enough power you can feel it!
Tiny Gardener - Ha! I commented to my hubby yesterday that if it had been a day in November, we would have been excited about the snow coming down all day. Somehow in March it feels differently! :o)
I'm with Jane. I think we're supposed to get rain today. Almost half our yard is melted, I think, and I'd sit down and bawl if we got more snow at this point. We've switched to mud boots, even. :( Poor MamaPea.
Mama Tea - Thanks for your sympathies but when you still have as much snow on the ground as we do, a little more doesn't amount to a hill of beans!
You can open that window and just start throwing or shooting pea seeds through a straw aiming them as best you can - see how long it takes Papa Pea to talk you "down off your ledge" LOL!
Oh dear...March....we're getting a snowfall tomorrow too. But the sunny days make up for it! When I saw your title it made me think of a joke...a farmer is out in the field pondering why his crop isn't growing, so his wife says "Well, honey, maybe it needs more fertilizer." And the farmer says, "I'm only ONE man my dear." Hee hee! :)
Erin - I got a good giggle of the picture you painted of me "on the ledge!"
Rain - Nitrogen-rich urine has been used for fertilizer before!
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