I thought I'd get our Christmas tree up and decorated today but it didn't quite happen. Hubby helped me get it in after lunch but we decided to wait until after dark to put the lights on thinking it would be easier to see if we were getting them spaced evenly when it was dark.

Chicken Mama stopped here for a dinner of tossed salad, spaghetti with meat sauce and a glass of good red wine with us tonight. She also brought (ta-dah!) a copy of her 2011 photographic calendar for us to see. Speaking purely objectively (ahem), we were very impressed. Besides the fact that her photos are gorgeous, she implemented a little different twist that I've never seen done on a calendar before. I think it's going to be a very saleable item for her. Unless I misunderstood, she's going to put up a video showing a flip-through of the calendar on her blog site.
Cross another week off your calendar on the countdown to Christmas. Only two more weeks to go. Yikes, don't know about you, but I gotta get crackin'!
Beautiful tree. Hope you feel tip-top soon.
The body is not made for flopping around on the ground in the snow. Sorry you're feeling a bit sore, now I feel bad about giggling ...
Your tree looks lovely. I don't do a tree any more, which makes it hard to enjoy all my ornaments. I try to hang garlands so I can show off my treasures, but it doesn't always happen. I think I need some Christmas cheer ...
Ouch, sorry to hear about the fall:( Hope it feels better soon.
Your tree is gorgeous, even with just lights!! We don't put ours up until Christmas Eve, it's a family tradition that started with my grandfather, when he was trying to raise 6 kids during the depression.
Have a good rest!
Oh, a man and his snowplow, (sniff, sniff) brings tears to my eyes!! Sorry to hear you had a little spill. It seems the less we fall, the more they hurt. I remember falling all the time when I was growing up, and not thinking anything about them, but not now! Hope you get the kinks out soon. Red wine and a good nights sleep can't hurt! Your tree is pretty! Ours is going up this weekend, and I will be looking for a small-ish kitchen tree, too.
So, if a person shows up around dinnertime they get fed?????
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I must remember that!
Pretty tree! Glad you were able to get it up. Your husband and the snowplow made me laugh, my hubby seems overly excited about the thought of getting to drive around with a plow blade attached for a good portion of the year... what is it with men? LOL! That and he always says, oooh, we can all get snowmobiles... is he crazy? I don't think he has ever been initiated to the cost involved there, I'll have to remember to take him to a dealer when we are home and let him price out a trailer loaded with snowmachines HA HA... I'll tell him he is free to pick out his own "non-motorized" sled though :)
Can't wait to see the calendar!
Why do men love to plow snow? I have always said if you could drive the floor sweeper around, men would love to do housework. I must invent the drivable sweeper!
The tree looks good so far! I hope your body feels better soon.
A couple of aspirin / tylenol probably wouldn't hurt either!
Lovely tree. I have some lovely new ornaments I bought in German to hang on my tree when I get home. If only I had a pretty tree like yours to do them justice!
Your tree is lovely! Hope you are feeling all rested and less banged up today! It's always the day after flopping like a fish that gets ya!
2 weeks ago my husband skated, (nearly a triple lutz!) off the top step outside the front door of the house. An ice storm had come through the previous day and he was saying, "maybe its not so bad, I'll just run outside and see if the driveway is slippery and if it's not let's go out for breakfast". Geez Louise! He was sore for a week but is fine now. I hope you are feeling A.O.K. today. Time to go shovel now, its a raging blizzard down here in the cities!
Linda - Thanks! Still feelin' the strained muscles, but it's not keepin' me down!
Yvette - Hey, don't feel bad about giggling at my escapades! As long as no broken bones were involved, slip-sliding on the ice like that is always funny.
Hang those beautiful ornaments on your garlands (gotta hand them first?) and enjoy them, girl!
Stephanie - I know a lot of people wait until Christmas Eve, but that seems to shorten the time for the tree to be enjoyed. At least to me. 'Course, maybe that's because come Jan. 1st, I'm taking our down.
Lori - I've always envied people who have a big enough house to have multiple trees. But wait. Then I'd have to decorate (and take down!) all those trees. Enjoy your big one and the little 'un in the kitchen. :o)
Sue - I guess kids always have the option of asking, "What's for dinner? Can I come?" How can you say no? But you would always be welcome, too. Might be peanut butter and jelly . . . but it would be tasty peanut butter and jelly! ;o)
Erin - My husband always says every man wants a dump truck and a small Caterpillar tractor with a bucket on the front! No wonder little boys can play for hours in the sandbox with Tonka toys.
Jane - When hubby was still teaching, I did about 90% of the snowplowing . . . and loved it! I really can get into jobs where I can SEE the progress I've made. (Vacuuming? Not so much.)
Kaytee - Thanks! So far today, not one ornament has magically made its way to the tree. Poor tree. ;o)
Jen - Oh! I'll bet you've found some GORGEOUS ornaments in Germany! Good goin'.
APG - I think I'm gonna live. Thanks for all the sympathy I've garnered here, but I'm truly not that bad off. (Ouch. Oooof. Ugh. Owie. Whimper.)
cmarie - Yay for strong bones, eh? We've been hearing reports of your blizzard-like weather. Send some north!
LOL - my father has this large truck with some sort of lifter on the back which he used while he was building his house. He doesn't use it for much now, and he's had offers on it from others, but he never considers selling it. Apparently it's his toy and it's enough just to *have* it :)
Jen - Yeah. It's definitely a "guy" thing! :o)
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