This is the most uncovered of my garden beds.

Looking across the vast, snow-covered wasteland of my field garden.

The pumpkin patch is still about two-thirds covered with snow. You can see the brown yard grass beyond.

And lastly, here is one of our plum trees doing a good imitation of "Plum Tree in Winter.”
What will these same shots look like a month from now? Probably pretty muddy and wet (and not yet workable) but hopefully with no snow in evidence!
UGH! I can't believe how much snow you still have on the ground yet! And now you're going to get more? I'm so sorry!
Hi, Ruthie - No snow yet at 7 a.m. but they still say it's coming. The best thing we can say now is that no matter how much snow we get, at this time of year it can't last too long. Can it???
Ha! I'll bet your garden beds look a little different now, 3 1/2 hours later!
We're gettin' dumped on up here!
I just look at it as good moisture, though, for going into spring. There's not much worse than a dry spring!
Chicken Mama - It's about 10:45 a.m. on Tuesday morning as I write this and we have a good 3" blanketing everything . . . a sticky, wet snow. And it's coming down so heavy I can just barely make out the woods line across the garden area. The old farmers used to call snow 'poor man's fertilizer' . . . so you're right, it's good for the soil.
Chicken Mama's right... you must have pulled the fluffy comforters back over those garden beds, eh? Lovely weather for going back to sleep and dreaming of Spring! (We had a day warm enough to dry up a bit of mud, so we spend the afternoon moving and scrubbing and re-assembling the fridge in the new house!
MaineCelt - I can't even SEE my garden beds right now. It's just a solid blanket of new white covering everything. 5:30 p.m. and we have about 9". Still really coming down.
Wow, what's next? You're gettin' pretty fancy with the refrig operational in the new kitchen! Pretty nice, huh?
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