Saturday, January 12, 2019

Bits of Handwork

I spent some time in the weeks before Christmas happily creating some cross-stitch ornaments that I was thinking of hanging on our tree.  Turns out when I finished a couple of them, I felt they were too big for our little tree and ended up hanging them on various drawer pulls and knobs around the house.

This was the first I made and really liked the clean simplicity of it.

I think this is meant to be a basket of Christmas greenery with red flower accents.  (Or a Christmas tree in a basket?)  The pattern was harder to do than it looks.

Not happy the way this Santa turned out.  His white beard doesn't show up well at all on the beige Aida cloth I used.  When I shared a picture of it with a friend, she wisely suggested outlining the beard would make it show up.  Yep, that's what I should have done.  (You can tell I'm not an expert cross-stitcher.)  Too late, though, as I had it already put together with a light batting, fabric on the backside and binding.

The cross-stitching on this one wasn't completed when I snapped the picture.  Outlining still needed to be done.  (The pattern did call for outlining so I knew to do it.)

I also did one for my daughter that I put in her Christmas stocking.  (The tree kinda looks as though it should be in a Dr. Seuss book, doesn't it?)  When I first looked through my cross-stitching books for patterns, I saw that this particular pattern had a note on it saying she liked the design.  The note was from twenty-two years ago.  (I may be slow, but eventually I deliver!) 

Mama Brag Time:  Each year our daughter makes Advent Calendars to give as gifts to many on her list.

We're the lucky recipients of one of them and ours goes on the refrigerator door where, most days, we remember to open a little door to see what is hidden behind.  I know the kids in the families that she gives them to really enjoy them as do the adults.  She even chooses specific pictures to use for each individual calendar.  And hand cuts all those little door flaps.  I think this year she made eleven Advent Calendars. 

That's all the holiday-ish crafting I did this year.  However, as I was sitting using my needle and threads, I had a lot of thinking time and sure did get a lot of ideas for next year!


  1. I remain inspired by your Christmas crafting activities. I know I have said this before, but I do hope to make an effort at making things for our home for next Christmas. I did rescue a little woolly being from out of the bunce box at our local supermarket and did intend for him to be our fairy once I had made him a dress, but he still resides on my kitchen cabinet waiting to be saved from his nudity. I am not sure why he is a 'he', and if he would have changed sex once a dress was made for him!

  2. Vera - Sometimes it's just not the right time to do something. (Huh?) He/she will be there in the kitchen cabinet patiently waiting when it's the proper time for him/her to become your holiday fairy. (No pressure, of course, but do remember to show him/her off on your blog in his/her finery when he/she decides to get dressed!) :o)

  3. Being your blog, of course I read the post title as... "Bits of HARDwork" ,-)

    Ahhh handwork, to make we non crafty people jealous!!! -grin-

    Cross stitch! How do you have the patience???? They are delightful.

    And your daughter, doing all those Advent Calendars!!!! Oh mercy, I can imagine how much work that is. Tell her they are wonderful.

    'Tis a very cold weekend here in our neck of the woods. Clear, sunny days and clear frigid nights. Lows of 7, 2, and 4 degrees, are frigid for us!


  4. wisps of words - That cold for us, too! You need a good snow cover when it's that cold to protect your plants. Better get out there by the light of the moon tonight and do a snow dance. I will pass your compliments of her Advent Calendars on to our daughter. They are always works of art!

  5. Your Christmas handiwork is beautiful! We also got a dump of Minnesota snow just after the holidays! Stay warm sounds like January weather heading our way.

  6. That's one handiwork I haven't done in a long, long time. Beautiful work!

  7. Leah - Thank you! (Not nearly as well done as those who know what they're doing!) I thought we were going to have a stretch of cold weather but the thermometer is at 30 degrees this morning. That's too close to more wet snow or (shhhhh) rain. :o)

    Kristina - Thanks! I never got on the cross-stitch band wagon when it was popular, but find I'm really liking it now.

  8. The advent calendar gift idea is brilliant! And I love your cross-stitch ornaments too. My step-mom made me a bunch one year and "framed" them with Christmas cookie cutters. Always a favorite for the tree.

  9. Leigh - Isn't the calendar idea a good one? She's nade them for several years now and the recipients look forward to them. How clever of your step-mom to think of "framing" the small cross-stitched pieces with cookie cutters! That's what I love about all our communication via the good ol' Internet . . . ideas I'd never think of on my own!

  10. Ah cross stitching....I have dabbled in it. My biggest challenge was a Christmas table runner that I completed a few years ago. Not going to say that it took 15 years to complete though.....

    Love the homemade Advent calendars - that is very lovely!

  11. Nifty idea with the personalized Advent calendars.

    Love your x stitch ornaments. I haven’t done that craft in decades.

  12. That daughter of yours is one talented gal! Putting together an Advent calendar (especially such personalized ones!) takes so much time! I haven't cross-stitched for years! I'm sure I have all the paraphernalia in a box somewhere - along with needlepoint, felting, wood carving, linoleum block cutting...I think I may need a crafting intervention...

  13. Susan - No, no intervention needed. When you retire from your outside job, you'll have all the time in the world to do everything. Hahaheeheeheehohohohohahahaha!

    Yes, that child of mine is talented. I've always said she should have stuck to her major in college of Graphic Design instead of switching to Philosophy. :o\

  14. Oh, I love your ornaments and I really like that squiggly's more natural looking. You did a great job finishing them....that's the part I usually mess up.
    The advent calendars are does she do that? I have to think about that for awhile....what a wonderful gift!
