Friday, March 3, 2017

Big, Fat Fail!

Last fall, I put forth a rather lofty goal for these past winter months.  But it was something I really, really wanted to do.

Starting in November, and perhaps deviating around the holidays, I set out to "work" one day and then take off one day, alternating days of the week.  I'd do my darndest to get everything that absolutely needed to be done to stay on top of things accomplished on the "work" days.  Then the next day would be mine to spend in my quilt room pursuing whatever my little heart desired.  (Let those creative juices flow!)

I managed to keep to this schedule for nearly a week the first part of November.  

Then . . . life presented itself (as we all know it regularly does) which made it impossible (or so it seemed to my bummed out, cranky self) for me to have my day "off" after a scheduled "work" day.  

Then . . . something happened again the next day which was okay because, after all, it was a "work" day so I just figured I had lost one of my "off" days.  

Then . . . yep, you guessed it, circumstances occurred on the next day which kept me out of my quilt room again.

And so it has gone for the whole blinkety-blank winter.

Here's a glimpse in my quilt room today.

Yes, I have something (unfinished) under the needle in my sewing machine.  Yes, there are at least three other projects spread out on the table I've been trying to work on.

By hook or by crook (actually mornings when I woke around 3:30 or 4 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep), I manged to get three coordinating runners to this point.  They still want to be quilted and have the binding put on.  (Which, I hope, will make them look significantly better.)

See that "clothesline" over my cutting table?  All those notes are reminders of what I was going to create on my "off" days this winter.

The little basket by the window blinds contains a pair of socks I've been working on at odd moments for-EVER.  The rug on the left is nearly finished (more pre-dawn hours having gone into it) but it's been "nearly finished" for . . . what?  A month now? 

Oh, well.  Maybe my proposed winter schedule was totally unrealistic.  I know it sure was a big, fat fail.  (Still sounds like it would have been great though.  Sigh.)


  1. Mam Pea, I think your table runners are beautiful & will be even more so, after quilting & bindings. Love all your wall hangings too! Sometimes life (& other projects) get in the way of our goals but maybe you'll have a few spring storms that will allow you to spend that precious time in your quilt room.

  2. I think the runners are pretty too. I know what you mean about life getting in the way. It sucks when you have what seems to be a realistic plan then poof! All up in smoke! I planned to sleep tonight, but alas it is 3:51am and my stupid monthly migraine has decided "nuh-uh, you are NOT sleeping"...this will eff up my weekend. I'm with you on the sighing. I hope you can spend a little time this weekend with your quilting.

    1. Rain - My husband just left for a couple hours of "guy time" with a friend and I'm agonizing over the decision of using the "free" time to either clean this grungy house (which I know will make me feel better) . . . or go play in my quilt room. Heeelllp!

    2. Rain - Okay, Mom!

      I just finished a quick sweep of the kitchen and living room (hardwood) floor. (WHERE does all the dirt come from??) If I get my rear in gear early tomorrow morning, I can clean before lunch which will be Stuffed Green Peppers from the freezer. Easy-peasy. What to make for dessert?

      P.S. How's the migraine?

    3. Easy Peasy is a great idea! :) I'm trying to make more freezer meals for when I just want to have a relaxed day. The migraine has moved from the right to the left side, which means it'll be gone by tomorrow sigh. Thanks for asking. Nothing helps! 3 Tylenols and 2 Advils are the most I can take at the same time and it eases a little. If I chew gum, it helps go figure!

  3. Gosh, by MY standards, you're doing WELL. It takes me YEARS to get something finished, and all the while I'm struggling with myself to keep from starting something else.

    I'm probably several years older than you, and I "run out of gas" pretty quickly. So my method is, do my work in the mornings while my energy level is best, then I do my "playing" while I'm resting from the working.

    Those are lovely pieces and your sewing room looks very well organized. Just do a little each day, no matter how little. It will add up. Good luck!

    1. Ilene Jones - My problem is stopping in the afternoon even if I have run out of steam!

      You're right, a little day (if possible) does get things done as witnessed by what I have gotten done this winter. :o)

  4. Your quilt rooms is amazing...I heart quilts :)

    And life never really goes according to plan, does it? :)

    1. OpEx - Quilting is my passion . . . and, well, gardening, too.

      Don't cha wonder sometimes why we even make plans??!

  5. Oh,that craft room looks so fun! I'm so jealous! Mine is the kitchen table, bedroom closet / part utility room, ha ha! I know what you mean about taking time off. My 4pm (time to do handiwork for selling) bombed out. The weather plays a part in my weekend work too. I hope you get a good long day off soon.

    1. Kristina - I'm very grateful for my quilt room. I, too, did everything on the kitchen table for many, many years prior to getting my own room.

      I have a lunch to serve tomorrow, but then I should be free for the whole afternoon. Keep your fingers crossed!

  6. Consider yourself in good company. The last week has been crazy busy and I totally missed free sew day at the quilt store because I had to put on my big girl panties and go to town instead. Did make it to fiber night still have photos on the camera of a week ago fiber night . That need to be posted on the blog which hasn't been posted on in over a week. So there you go like I said we're in good company.

    1. Goatldi - Yes, I know I'm not alone in my wanting more time for myself. And I don't even have an outside the home job or kids at home anymore. I don't want to sound like I'm whining and complaining, but then again, because of my phase of life and not so many demands, it makes me all the more frustrated that I can't seem to carve out more down time for myself! (Duh, do ya think it might have anything to do with the life we've chosen to live?) ;o}

  7. Bingo! And neither of us would trade it for anything. You rock lady

  8. I don't know if you can do this...but don't plan. (Another case of do as I say, not as I do...) I find that, when I can manage to not regulate my every fifteen minutes, I can dart into the living room and knit for a bit, in between the tedium of 'cleaning'. My only real problem is to decide on what I want to spend my precious bits of downtime. I have much too lofty goals.

    1. Susan - WHAT??! Don't plan? Wanna see my list for today? My list that I absolutely must get done? That I WILL get done? (Okay, so that's another big, fat lie.) I'm feeling pretty good right now. I woke and was in my quilt room at 4:30 this morning. 'Course, this no doubt means I'll collapse into a semi-comatose state at 4:30 this afternoon . . . but I had a great time this morning!
