Friday, January 6, 2017

The Winter Shower Curtain Saga

Back in December of 2014 I decided I simply had to replace the quilted "winter" shower curtain I'd used for several years.  I've mentioned before that the one window in our small bathroom faces south, is at right angles to the shower stall, and because sunlight streams in this window, the shower curtain fades and doesn't look so purdy good after a few years.

So I dug into my stash of (mostly) blue fabrics and proceeded to make this "new" winter shower curtain.

Got it finished and put up in January of 2015.

Didn't like it.  At all.  Our toilet sits directly across from the front of the shower so I had plenty of time to scrutinize it and try to talk myself into liking it.

Never happened.  Matter of fact, in January of last year, 2016, I actually dug out the old faded blue and white curtain and used it instead of the "new" one.

Well, you can guess what was on my mind this past December.  Yep.  Another attempt at a winter shower curtain I was happy with.

I've had this book of quilt patterns by Evelyn Sloppy (I'm sorry, but that is such a bad name for an expert quilt maker!) for a while but never made anything from it.

The idea of the book is that you make one HUGE quilt block . . . and that's your quilt.   Sounded good to me.  Of course, the quilt pattern that I chose finished out at only 48" x 48".  I needed something 61" x 71" for my shower curtain.

After I constructed the big block, I added a border 6" wide of the dark blue fabric all around the perimeter.

Okay, so I then had the width of 60" (or close enough) that I wanted.

Then I played around with triangles and squares to find a pieced border to put on the top and bottom that would give me the 71" length.  (You have no idea how crazy I made myself auditioning different combinations before I settled on this one.)

I never put a "nice" backing on my shower curtains because . . . well, no one ever sees the back.  (The back faces in toward the shower and there is a plain white plastic curtain between that and the inside of the shower.  Or the person in the shower.)

This time I decided to use two good sized pieces of gray-ish fabrics I'd had forever and never used.

If you look closely, you can see where (about 3/4 of the way down the center star) I seamed the two different pieces together.  

The piecing of this quilt top went very fast (big pieces), but the quilting seemed to take for-evah.

This picture gives you a better view of the three fabrics I used.

Whew, so ends the saga of the winter shower curtain.  And ya know what?  I really, really like this one.


  1. Very pretty! Did you machine or hand quilt it?

    1. DFW - I machine quilted it, although I really feel that hand quilting is the only thing that qualifies as a true quilt! Like those wonderful ladies of days gone by did. By kerosene light at night, no less. I do hand quilt, but if a piece is going to be laundered a lot I always machine quilt it.

  2. Very pretty! And right on track for creativity. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    1. Thanks, Kim. I'm afraid you all get to be my show and tell audience, like it or lump it! ;o}

  3. Oh, that's just so beautiful.
    Must sneak up and STEAL IT!
    Ha. Just kidding.

    1. Sue - Baking a pie and watching for you . . . ;o}

    2. I don't think you're supposed to TRY and lure in a thief. But dang, you sure know how to do it!!!

  4. Mama Pea,

    You know what, I love this curtain!!! It looks amazing hanging in your bathroom.

    Lock your doors, Sue is sneaking around your back door......time to protect your curtain!!!

    Hugs, and love,

  5. I agree; the new one is much nicer to look at than the old one, which seems very busy. Must have a pleasant view while sitting on the pot! ;-)

    1. Michelle - Yep, I think you called it . . . the last one is too, too busy!

  6. Wow the new shower curtain is beautiful! We just use a colored plastic shower curtain or liner. My view from our toilet is the garbage can. Nothing I can do about that.

    1. Sparkless - You could drape a colorful quilt over the garbage can . . . well, maybe not. ;o)

  7. That is so pretty and such lovely work, far too good for a shower curtain.

    1. Dawn - You are very kind to say so. On the other hand, it probably gets more attention by people looking at it than one on the couch!

  8. Oh wow, such perfect quilting! I have tried to do perfect little squares and triangles to make a block, but I lack the patience to get all the seams perfectly aligned, so I tend to go for rough patchwork....just sewing random shapes and sizes of fabric which makes for a very homemade artisanal effect!

    1. Vera - Your "rough patchwork" is a much time-honored method called crazy quilting. (See, you knew what you were doing!)

  9. What a pretty shower curtain! Love your creativity and determination. It's truly stunning and I'm sure it will be enjoyed for years to come. Awesome quilting! Congrats on getting a move on your goals this year.
    Stay warm and comfy - Bobbie

    1. Bobbie - I had to push myself near the end there, but having proclaimed I was going to be "creative" this new year kept me going! Thanks for your kind words.

  10. Pretty, pretty... I love blue it's my favorite color. Beautiful as always!

  11. Lisa - Thank you, m'dear! I think blue is a color that appeals (for some reason) to many people. Maybe 'cause it's the color or the sky? Or water? Dunno.

  12. Wonderful, fabulous and marvelous! No worries about the piecing of the Star. Just lets out the "evil spirits". Now would you like my physical addy? lol

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Making your own shower curtain rather than buying a new one is a great idea, and I think you did a great job making your shower curtain. You were able to save money and try something new. What did you do with the fabric you used for the previous curtain? I love the blue and white pattern you chose for this curtain.
