Monday, June 23, 2014

Sun, Cucumbers and Mug Rugs

Hooray, hooray, we had sun all day!  What a treat.  I had weeded the complete garden a few days ago before the heavy rains began (I was so proud of myself) but . . . you guessed it.  On a walk through the garden this afternoon, a whole bunch of the little green devils were poking up out of the soil.  Apparently the weeds are appreciating the sunlight, too.

Look, look!  I have cucumber plants that are almost 4" high!  I say this (tongue in cheek) only because SOME people I know (yes, Stephanie, I'm talking about you) are already EATING CUCUMBERS!

A friend was recently making some mug rugs to give as gifts.  I was thinking about hers when I took a good look at mine in my quilt room.  I have three; one by each sewing machine and one on the cutting table.  (I drink a lot.)  They were a'lookin' pretty shabby (wonder how many years old they actually are?)  so I decided I needed to make some replacements . . . shown above.

I had to make this one using the fabric from my recently completed summer top.  I still have enough of it that I see pot holders appearing shortly.

I'm very attached to this cheapo glass we have.  It says, "Beer Is My Life."  Yup, that's me alright.  Although a cold beer sure can be tasty in hot weather, if I drink a whole beer I'm down for the count.  (I'm really what we used to call a cheap date.)

That's all for today, folks.  (Is June over yet?)  Hope your week is starting out as a good one.


  1. Until you said "Beer", I thought the glass said "Beef is my life".....which I thought was a bit odd for a glass.
    I blame it on the blog-a-day. My brain is exhausted.

    1. Carolyn - I know. I think this is exhausting all of us. It's causing us to actually have to think creatively EVERY DAY. Too much. :o/

  2. Glad to hear you are finally getting some sunshine. Ya, that glass does not scream "Mama Pea" to me but if you love it you love it. There's no accounting for taste.
    And I'm shocked you want June to be over so quickly! I am not looking forward to July and August the "sweltering" months.

    1. Sparkless - 60% chance of rain tomorrow. But I'm choosing to ignore that.

      No, I really don't want June to be over. Time goes by waaaay too quickly to be wishing your life away. Forget I said that.

      Now I'm gonna go have a beer. Or two.

  3. Nothing from my garden to eat yet either. Lots of things growing and a few tomatoes...

    1. Nancy po - My two cherry tomato plants look like they on the way out. Even keeping them covered with hot caps (they're still that small) hasn't seemed to help. Oh, well . . .

  4. You weeded the entire garden?!?!?! I don't think I've done that ever. In my entire gardening career. But, I love the mug rugs!

    1. Leigh - You have to remember that my garden soil is really, truly dormant over our long winter months so even the weeds die out. So keeping the garden weeded during the growing season is so much easier than you have it. IF I stay on top of it, that is! Besides pulling weeds every time I see some in my every day work in the garden, I just have to make sure to go through it all thoroughly every couple of weeks and get out all the weeds that have gotten a good start on me. Plus (if it EVER warms up), I mulch A LOT which keeps the weeds from even starting. We struggle with the short, short growing season up here but do have some advantages! :o)

  5. Please tell me you didn't do the whole garden in one day...I don't think I could take it.

  6. Mama Pea - LOVE the mug rugs! What a terrific idea? Especially when my glass of iced coffee starts to sweat. Like me. You actually weeded your ENTIRE garden in ONE day? You are a marvel. I pale in comparison.

  7. Susan - 99% of my drinks are cold ones so even on a cool day, my liquid containers seem to sweat so these little coaster thingies are perfect for protecting surfaces.

    I know I'm weird, but I truly LIKE to weed. I'd rather do that than plant any day. So those rasty weeds hardly stand a chance in my garden. I am not a marvel though and you don't pale in comparison. I do believe you run circles around me on any given day.

  8. I love those mug rugs. I need some for the porch.

  9. Haha, Love Ya Mama Pea!!!! Those mug rugs are gorgeous :)
