Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Crikey, It Feels Like November

A good friend had to clear a plot of land for a house site and asked us if we wanted the trees he harvested.

What a good friend.  What a LOT of free wood.  To say we're appreciative is an understatement.

It rained hard again this morning, but stopped shortly before noon.  The sky was still gray and gloomy, but we took advantage of no rain falling and worked on wood.

Here I am in a knitted cap with my hoodie pulled up over it.  The temp was in the low 50s, but there was a stiff (damp) wind blowing that made it feel absolutely cold.  Felt more like November than June out there.  (Papa Pea loved it for his chainsawing work.)

Anybody have a pattern for knitted wool coats for vegetable plants in the garden?

Addendum:  We just had another load dropped off in the wood working area . . . the pile in the picture below just above the logs we've started to cut.

Delivered right to our yard at no charge.  Are we blessed or what?


  1. It's hot here! What a score on the wood, that's awesome!!!!!

    1. Kelly - I know, I do realize how strange our weather and temps must sound to most of the rest of the country. (At least our snow is gone now. :o} )

  2. It's nice here- 85 and breezy. I always wanted to live in the north woods, until climate change reared it's head. Too far north for me now...

    1. Nancy po - This has been an unusually cool (cold?) spring and start to summer for us. I'm thinking one of these days, it's going to stop raining, the sun will come out and we'll actually have enough warmth for the garden to grow. I hope. Maybe. Soon.

  3. Sure wish you could share that weather with us. High 90's to 100+. And summer has just started last Saturday.

    1. Tombstone Livestock - And, of course, the joke around here last Saturday was that if this is the start of summer, we might as well still be in winter!

  4. It's cool and rainy here but not cold thank goodness. I like the cool rainy days of summer better than the sweltering hot ones.
    That's a lot of logs! You two must be in great shape to be able to cut and pile all that wood on your own.

    1. Sparkless - We've both stayed physically active all our lives and feel that we want to stay that way so we keep doing what we love to do. Which is incorporating what I suppose some people would call hard, physical work into our daily lives.

  5. It's in the 70's here, but seems MUCH warmer--it's quite muggy and the mosquitoes are horrible.
    We've been pretty cool so far, so I can't complain, but oh my--I'm looking forward to fall.
    Yes--I said that.
    You know my thoughts on summer...............

    1. Sue - We haven't had enough heat here yet to be yearning for fall weather! But a couple of times each day hubby comments that this cool weather sure is nice for the wood working.

      Our mosquitoes are bad, too. I've killed three of them in the house tonight already. Thank heavens for that bug netting over our bed!

  6. PS--I forgot to say---GREAT SCORE on the wood. Congrats. You have great neighbors!

  7. That was wonderful to get that firewood, it will be ready to burn when it really gets cold!

    1. Sunnybrook Farm - It takes a lot of time and work to put up enough wood for heating during our long winters but we still feel better about doing it than paying out cash for heating fuel we would have to purchase no matter what the price.

  8. WOW that's alotta wood! Great score & great friends. I was outside pulling weeds before 8 am and had to come in to shower less than a half hour later. Kind'a wish I was up there with you sawing logs.

    1. Carolyn - Outside of the fact that our garden is doing diddly-squat, we aren't complaining about our weather. Both of us were raised in muggy Illinois and just can't tolerate the heat anymore. If I just had a huge hoop house over the whole field garden, even the food growing situation would be great! (I'm putting it on my Christmas list.) ;o}

  9. All I an say as an ex-Minnesotan is Uff da! JoAnn

  10. I mean can --my c key is sluggish: )

  11. Mama Pea,

    I would love to have temperatures in the 50's with a wind. I trade you :-)

    Fabulous score on wood. Your friends are amazing.....and they delivered.

    Don't work to hard and stay warm!!!!

    1. Sandy - That wonderful wood in the back yard is absolutely precious to us! The really nice thing about our wood working yesterday afternoon in the cool weather with that stiff wind blowing . . . no bugs!

  12. Wow! That is an amazing free (in cost only) stack of future firewood! Of course it is not 'free' as in free of work. I bet looking at your nice, full woodsheds gives you the same feeling that I have looking at my barn full 'o hay. With more achy parts on your end. Geez, I hope the temps become more temperate! Otherwise I will have to knit up some little tomato jackets and send them north...

    1. Susan - Yes, we are so, so grateful for the gift of the wood. Truth to tell, I don't "ache" as much from working up wood as I do from paying out money for L.P. gas to heat with!

  13. I saw your state on the weather channel today, too much flooding!

    1. Nancy po - It is BAD in the southern half of the state. We live way, way up north and although we've had our share of rain, we have no problems as the folks down south of us do.

  14. What an awesome gift! I know it's a lot of work, but you sure will appreciate it in the cold months.

