Saturday, March 8, 2014

Winner of the Tulip Wall Hanging

Twenty of you threw your name in the hat bowl for the drawing for the quilted wall hanging I offered up for grabs earlier this week.

I wrote down numbers 1-20 on little pieces of paper, each number corresponding to your name as they appeared in the comment section of the post.

Put all of the pieces of paper in a little bowl, mixed them up, trotted up the stairs to my hubby's ivory tower office, asked him to stick his paw in the bowl, give the numbers another mix, and draw out one piece of paper.  (I made the little slips of paper with the numbers on them so darn small he had trouble picking out just one . . . my bad.)

But select one number he did and it was . . . 

Number 1!!!

Congratulations Nancy of Little Homestead in Boise!  I'll get the wall hanging packaged up and off to you this coming week.

Thanks to all of you who showed an interest in this giveaway.  There's another one coming up soon . . . do you remember the little kids' song, Let's Go Fly A Kite?  That's a big hint as to the theme of the one I'm giving away next.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


  1. Congrats Nancy!!! Mama Pea--you rock. Love, me

  2. Hurray, Nancy!!! Congratulations! This is so fun!

  3. Congratulations, Nancy! It's a beauty, and I have to admit to wanting it as well, but have to do some cleaning-out of my own.

  4. Yay! I love contests and I'm happy for Nancy!

  5. Thank you! It's nice after my eye surgery (cataract) yesterday for happy news!

  6. I just received it, how cute! I will hang it on my bulletin board in my library and email you a photo! I have my spring theme I just out up this week- perfect timing :)

    1. Little Homestead in Boise - Yay, glad to hear it arrived! I'd love to see a photo of it in your library!

  7. Please send me your email, I have pics!!! :)
